7 Places We Forget to Clean

There are certain items in homes around the world that seem to consistently slip under the cleaning radar and forget to clean. Even if you set aside a whole day to put everything away, they still slip through the cracks without even being checked! You may have already taken care of this, but we still encourage you to take a look at our list in case you missed something…
1. Pillows
It is common practice (at least in the majority of households) to clean pillowcases. But one thing that people often forget is that the pillows themselves that hide inside also end up getting dirty! We change the pillowcases to get rid of deposits like dead skin and sweat, but this dirt always ends up getting through the protective fabric barrier… So pillows are often used for years without being replaced, so it’s a good idea to change them from time to time for reasons of hygiene but also for your neck!
Pro Tip: You can machine wash most pillows. Make sure that there are no contraindications on your label of yours before trying!
2. Bath flowers
Ladies and gentlemen, let us introduce you to one of the biggest robbers in your bathroom: the bath flower. Such a small part of your morning (or night, depending on when you shower!) routine that can turn out to be a lot dirtier than you think. Like sponges, which we have already denounced in this article, bath flowers are a perfect refuge for bacteria in which they like to reproduce. Just imagine: we use it in a humid environment, then we hang it in said environment, and we repeat this process every day… The fact that we never really give it a chance to dry completely before reusing obviously favors the multiplication of bacteria: rather ironic when you think that you use it to wash yourself!
So what is the solution? THE best way to keep your bath flower as clean as possible is to hang it somewhere where it can dry completely after each use. You can also soak it once a week in a little bleach diluted in water for 30 minutes, before taking it out and rinsing it thoroughly. The fact is that although you clean it often, you should ideally replace your bath flower every month.
Read: Upholstery Cleaning – Important Facts and Tips
3. Shower curtains
When you think of cleaning your shower, what immediately comes to mind are the walls and the joints, the shower head, the faucets… And often, the poor shower curtain comes last, or is completely ignored. . And even so, when by some miracle you think about it, it’s a nightmare to clean: there are two sides to wash, it keeps moving or even falling off the rod, and stubborn stains get there. are often already installed, requiring a lot of elbow grease to make them disappear…
If you have a plastic shower curtain, save yourself that headache by just using your washing machine! Toss it with a few old cloths and a cup of vinegar in the detergent compartment, and off you go for a 10-minute wash cycle. Once clean, lay it out somewhere to let it dry completely before reinstalling it in your bathroom! You will see: this technique works wonderfully, without damaging your machine.
4. Toothbrushes
Here we find one of the other small utensils that help us in our daily care routine, but do we take enough care of it? We use our toothbrushes every day (and if you don’t, brush up on your basics!), which constantly exposes them to leftover supper stuck between your incisors, and other unsavory bacteria. So let’s face it, if this last dirt were to end up on one of your clothes, it would be a direct trip to the washing machine… But for your toothbrush, you think that a simple light rinse is enough before to rest it quietly on the edge of the sink. Of course, bacteria in the bristles of the brush will happily stay there if you don’t clean it thoroughly!
You’ve probably heard it from your dentist, but let us remind you: change your toothbrush at least every 3 months! This is very important on the one hand to get rid forever of the bacteria that will have accumulated, and on the other hand to ensure that the cleaning is always effective since the bristles of the brush inevitably wear out over time. But in the meantime, you can refresh your brush from time to time with the following technique: soak the head in white vinegar for 30 minutes, and be sure to rinse it well before using it again. And if your brush is at the end of its life, keep it as a utensil for your future households.
5. Door handles
When you think about it, it makes perfect sense: you come home from work, having taken the train once you’ve left the gym, and now you want to go home and wash your hands. But… What separates you from your sink? Doors. The front door, that of your kitchen… And the point of contact between your little hands and these doors is always the same: the handle. And yes, doorknobs are used all the time, every day, and by everyone in the home, yet we rarely put them on our to-do list when cleaning. So low in the list, and yet they can be a real nest of bacteria!
For standard handles, we recommend washing them in hot water with a little washing-up liquid. And if you really want to make sure that any surviving bacteria are gone, add a little hand sanitizer after cleaning. And obviously don’t forget one of the most important handles: that of your fridge!
Warning: Before touching your door handles, check that they are not made of solid brass or copper. Since these two materials require special care not to damage them.
6. Switches:
Just like door handles, they are touched when waking up, returning from work, or even when going to the bathroom. They are rarely cleaned since they are located in an area that is rarely touched when cleaning. It is not common to think about cleaning your walls every time you clean. So next time, think about your switches! Try also: Lounge cleaning in Manly
Warning: When you clean a switch, we recommend that you use very little household alcohol on a cloth. But make sure that the latter does not get wet. The alcohol could run into the wall and cause electrical problems., or worse.
7. Remote controls
When was the last time you cleaned your remote? And no, we are not talking about a little tap on the back of the box to remove the remains of your meal tray from the day before. The whole family takes it in their hands at one time or another during the week… And we tend to forget that this everyday object is full of various and varied small interstices. In which bacteria have plenty of time to take up residence.
To clean your remote, start by removing the batteries from the back. We then suggest that you arm yourself with a clean cloth. Moisten it with a little rubbing alcohol, and go over and between the buttons carefully. If some areas are a little hard to reach. Use a cotton swab instead (or even a toothpick altogether for small, solid crumbs that are stuck in tightly.)