Book Cover Design- Paperback, Softcover, Spiral Binding And Hardcover
Details about Book Cover Design

You have finished writing your book, it is illustrated, you have had your own book edited and now you want to publish it? We now offer you an inexpensive service for all types of binding and book cover design formats:
- Cover design for spiral bound books
- Design paperback book covers
- Design softcover book cover and spine
- Cover image and cover design for hardcover books
On this page you will also find valuable information about the publication of your first book. We not only deal with questions such as: “What needs to be on a book cover?” or “What font do I use for my book cover?” We also take a look at the possibilities of self-publication.
Have a book cover designed and tips before publishing your book
Once the writer or you wrote the complete book, read it through more than once before moving on to the book cover design. Many authors see the cover design as the last step before they apply for an ISBN number and their own book is finally ready for publication. By reading the book, you have written yourself several times, you can correct the spelling mistakes. Even if there are inconsistencies in the logic of the individual chapters, you can correct at the ending cover easily. A publishing professional can also help you find a suitable layout for your book. Do the individual chapters have a heading? Ensure that you have done the book pagination. Would you like to divide a large-format book into columns so that the reader does not tire as quickly while reading?
Have the book illustrated: Is it possible to have a different style of drawing on the book cover?
Especially children who are lazy to read and more and more young people are enthusiastic about reading comics. Of course, your book does not have to become a complete graphic novel. However, if your work aims at a young target group, you can use plenty of illustrations to break up the text and give young readers more reading pleasure. If you have written a comic book, the drawing style on the book cover should ideally be identical. This ensures a better recognition value and can make a significant contribution to your book selling better and being recommended to others.
However, designing books yourself can be an enormous investment of time. It is common for an author or an authors’ association to team up with an illustrator to have the book designed graphically. Besides, hiring a full-service ghostwriting company or eBook writing company also takes care of book cover design, author website and book publishing.
Well-written content can offer your readers a nice conclusion if you briefly introduce both the author and the respective illustrator personally on the last page of the book. Find a nice, passport-size photograph and think of a few lines from your bio that you’d like to share with your readers. However, keep in mind that a well-written book will sell for many years. So choose your personal information wisely and tailor it to your audience. Write for students mention your own professional history. Have you written a children’s book? In this case, go into more detail about your own family constellation. Are you writing on a topic? In this case, you describe how your expertise in this area came about.
Design the book cover yourself with Adobe Illustrator / Adobe InDesign
A good book cover invites you to pick the book up and pick it up. An exciting reading sample on the spine of the book increases the initial interest in your book to such an extent. Some people first read the author’s biography, on the last page of the book or on the book cover.
If you would like to add vector graphics to your book cover yourself, you can download Adobe Illustrator for free here. Adobe Illustrator creates photo-realistic vector graphics that you can losslessly enlarge to any size. To design your book cover, you can create and format vector graphics and other image material yourself in a layout program with the appropriate dimensions. Here, too, there is a free full version of Adobe for free download: Adobe InDesign CS2. Although these free full versions of the popular professional applications from Adobe are available in the now very outdated CS2 version. The sophisticated software from Adobe still offers all sorts of advantages in 2003 (original price Adobe Master Collection with all Adobe applications in the 5-digit range!). other free photo editors. Meanwhile, Adobe programs like:
- Photoshop
- Illustrator
- InDesign
- Dreamweaver
- Soundbooth (now: Adobe Audition)
- Premiere
- After Effects
You can only use these software with paid subscription version, but Adobe still offers a variety of discounts for students and trainees, and advertising agencies who book the complete package from Adobe still receive a cheaper rate than a single.
Use free Adobe software to design your own book cover
It is not easy for laypeople to find their way around the complex tools and possible uses of the professional tools. For example, when I (quote Ariane Kohl) first opened the Adobe Photoshop program many years ago to remove red-eye from a photo, I immediately closed the Adobe software again because I couldn’t look through the jungle of different tools have. Only through my training as a digital media designer, which was completed in 2010, did I learn to use the complex Adobe software in such a way that respectable results can be produced in a short time.
“Today I give Adobe Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator seminars,” says Ariane Kohl, “at schools, adult education centers and universities. It is a pleasure to witness how quickly the students understand complex work requirements and how easy it is for them to succeed in the design, conception and planning of the layout”. Ariane Kohl remembers her own training in the graphics field with a smile: “At first, Adobe InDesign completely overwhelmed me, Quark Xpress was a much more user-friendly alternative at the time, albeit with a reduced range of functions.
Work with Adobe Photoshop + Adobe InDesign
Later my work was done in Adobe Photoshop + Adobe InDesign but in the Back then, Quark Xpress was a much more user-friendly alternative, albeit with a reduced range of functions. Today I mainly use (free) Adobe software, the range of functions is enormous, even compared to current, free versions for commercial use.”
For the design of book covers, however, applications from Adobe are not exclusively used in Prime GhostWriting! The results in the book cover design speak for themselves, for private use all creative people are warmly recommended to download the free full version from Adobe! Anyone who would like to work professionally with Adobe products in the company over a longer period of time can subscribe to a commercially freely usable version in 2020. An Adobe ID is mandatory for this.
If you don’t want to spend many hours learning how to use Adobe applications through expensive tutorials on the Internet or a time-consuming course at the adult education center (VHS), you can simply commission the design of your own book cover at Prime GhostWriting at a reasonable flat rate! On request, you can receive license-free and commercially fully usable graphics for your book cover or simply provide the corresponding image material. Would you like a special font on your book cover? Have you already received reviews from well-known American daily newspapers? We, at Prime GhostWriting, are happy to take care of all special orders so that your first book can become a new bestseller!
Book cover design tips
In any case, the image on the cover of your book should match the content. You can buy matching photographs, and license-free graphics to create a book cover. If you are planning to publish several volumes of your work, you should make sure that the very first book cover will be available later in a uniform manner. With a paperback book, you should definitely not save on the book cover! Even with homework for school or university, a good title page is the first thing the reader sees of your work. As is well known, there is no second chance to make a first impression: a successful book cover can have a significant impact on your sales figures!
If you want to design your book yourself, make sure you use legible fonts! These should not cover any graphics if possible. If this is unavoidable, you can use clever text effects to ensure that white writing is readable on a light background! Find out more about the specifics of typography, how individual fonts work and what type of fonts harmoniously combined with one another on the website for teacher training. With the short tests, available for download free of charge, the effect of the typeface becomes even clearer!
Publishing your own book: publisher or self-publishing?
At the moment it is not yet possible to have self-written books published in the Prime GhostWriting. If you want to save yourself the tedious and tedious search for a suitable publisher, you can first put your book on the market on your own.
Attention authors!
You can register yourself as a freelancer with the American tax authorities as long as you do not publish any works yourself! If you want to publish your own book yourself, you have to convert the company form into a trade. As you know, freelancers have certain tax advantages and simplified bookkeeping. It is best to find out early on what will change for you in individual cases when you publish your first book! The tax adviser can also provide helpful tips.
An easy way to self-publish your book is to sign up for a book-on-demand service. These platforms then offer their own book on specific order, so it is not necessary to have an entire edition printed in advance. If the self-written book sells well and is even available on the bestseller lists on the Internet, the major publishers usually take notice of the author on their own and actively seek contact.
The list of all the pros and cons of working with a publisher is long. Ultimately, every author has to decide for himself how freely he wants to work in the creation of a book, how much effort should it need for the book cover design and finally publishing the self-written book. In any case, it is necessary to apply for a unique ISBN number to sell the book.
Apply for an ISBN number
Applying for an ISBN number is very easy and can be done online in just a few minutes. Incidentally, every good e-book should also have its own ISBN number! Many companies have e-books written, which Internet users can usually download free of charge if they leave their contact details for it. These ebooks are less about real guides and more about a way of online marketing to collect personal data and then to be able to legally advertise.
An ISBN number is not mandatory, which means: You can also publish your own book without an ISBN number! However, if you want a large readership, an ISBN number is extremely useful and sensible. Not only in the USA, but also in other countries, your work will be available. In addition, bookstores and retailers can more easily stock your book if it can be found using a valid ISBN number.
What does an ISBN number say?
The international standard book number (ISBN) contains the following information:
- Title of the book
- Author or association of authors
- Digital book or printed
- Edition
- Format
- Publisher
The publisher from whom you received the free ISBN number always requires under the editor (publisher). This is specially in the case of free ISBN numbers. Even if you later work with another publisher, set up a publishing house yourself. Later, you can publish your books or want to publish books under your own name. You can no longer have a free ISBN number subsequently adjusted if you do it yourself! Every natural person, independent of a publisher, can obtain their own ISBN number from the ISBN agency.
What does a good book cover look like?
Of course, with a graphic novel or comic, general style of the drawings should reflect on the book cover. Otherwise you are very free in the design of the book cover. It is best to use your own photographs that match the content of the book. In the case of a cookbook, the book cover can adorn a beautifully lit dish. While in the case of other non-fiction books, topic-related photographs are very suitable. You can also have food, animals or people photographed for your book cover. It is best to contact a local photographer. Especially in the field of food photography, there are various tricks in lighting. Food such as fruit and vegetables, drinks, or ready-made meals looks particularly fresh and delicious.
You can also use royalty-free graphics from the Internet for your book cover. In this case, however, make sure that the image material works commercially without restrictions. If you particularly like an image, you can also purchase a corresponding license for commercial use. This should be valid indefinitely. And, also entitle you to use the image in different media as often as you like. For example, you have purchased licensed artwork for commercial use just for printing. It can be difficult to advertise your book on popular portals.
Design the book cover yourself or have it designed by a professional
If you are familiar with a graphics editing program, you can best design your own book cover yourself. It can be an advantage if the graphics program can be operated over several levels. Texts can then be easily placed over images and edited individually. In addition, different representations can be tried out without having to delete the design again.
However, you should rather save the time required to design a book cover. If you shy away from familiarizing yourself with the complex tools and applications of a professional image processing program, you can contact Prime GhostWriting and simply order a book cover at a reasonable price.
In any case, the book cover design and spine should have a professional look and with high-resolution printing! After all, the cover is the figurehead of your book and responsible for the first impression. As is well known, there is no second chance for the first impression. Many people need to know how attractive the cover is in a bookstore. Or, when buying books on the Internet. You can try to tailor the design of your book cover to your desired target group. This is not easy and requires a lot of work in the background. Analyze which people could be interested in your book. Try to address them illustrated content, writing and through the design of the book cover.