Common Issues That Cause Divorce
Over the past 75 years, there has been a significant cultural shift and people have redefined the meaning of marriage. This shifting of beliefs has helped in normalizing and eliminating the stigma related to “divorce”. Today, marriage no longer remains as the idea of a lifelong commitment with your significant other. The major emphasis is now evolved towards individual fulfillment and satisfaction.
Places across the globe have transitioned from a place where the idea of divorce was unheard and the top priority of the people was to build a successful marriage. Today, the divorce rates have been increasing. Divorce has become an ever-constant reality in today’s world, despite the increased prevalence of marital education, family therapists, marriage counseling, etc.
Knoxville divorce attorney has listed a few common problems below that may cause divorce –
Physical or emotional abuse –
Emotional or physical abuse is a sad reality that still exists for some couples. According to the family law attorney, such issues contribute to 23.5% of divorces. Typically, the abuser is not to be blamed or labeled as a “bad person”. In this case, deep emotional issues are the ones that should be blamed. No matter what the reason is, no one should tolerate physical or emotional abuse. Removing yourself from that abusive relationship safe and sound is what is important.
Not mentally prepared for marriage –
Almost 75% of all couples of all ages have blamed “not being mentally prepared for marriage” as a reason for the demise of their relationship. Knoxville divorce lawyers have noticed that the divorce rates are highest among couples in their 20s. The most common reason for the increase in divorce rates is the lack of preparation. Generally, almost half of the divorce cases have occurred in the first ten years of the marriage, especially between their 4th or 8th anniversary.
Lack of equality –
This reason has been around quite a lot in recent times. When one partner feels that they are taking up more responsibility than the other in the marriage, it alters their view of the other person and leads to resentment. This resentment snowballs to become the leading cause of divorce. Therefore, every couple must negotiate on their unique set of challenges and find a middle ground on living together as two equal partners who enjoy a joyful, harmonious, and respectful relationship.
Lack of intimacy –
When you no longer feel connected to your partner, it will quickly ruin your marriage. This is because it leaves the couples feeling as if they are living with a stranger or more like roommates and not spouses. This issue can arise due to a lack of emotional or physical intimacy. It is not always about sex. If you constantly give your spouse a cold shoulder, it will gradually become a ground for divorce over time.
Couples sometimes struggle with different sexual appetites and drives. This can plague the couple as they have a hard time meeting their needs. Plus, as and when they grow older, their sexual needs can change, causing a feeling of confusion and rejection. The number one cause of divorce in recent times is ignoring your partner’s sexual needs. Making the relationship special and intimate is both the partners’ responsibility. Enjoying physical intimacy, practicing acts of kindness, appreciating one another can help in sweetening your relationship.
Impractical expectations –
It is easy to enter into a marriage with lofty expectations. However, it is very wrong to expect your spouse and the union to live up to your image of what it should be. These expectations tend to put a lot of strain on your spouse. If they are left unfulfilled, it leaves you with a feeling of letting down and your spouse up for failure. Unrealistic expectations can become one of the reasons for divorce.
Family –
Interfering in-laws, siblings, children, and step-children can sometimes make your marriage stressful. When you are coping with such family issues, you need to step as gently as possible. Of course, your spouse comes above all. But, you should know when to draw the line and bite your tongue.
Constant bickering –
The constant bickering between the spouses related to chores or kids eventually kills the relationships. Couples having repeated arguments over and over again do so because they feel that they are not appreciated enough or being heard. They find it hard to see each other’s points of view. This leads to a lot of arguments that do not have any resolution. Attorneys in Knoxville, TN denote 57.7% of divorce records of couples due to this issue.
Lack of communication cause divorce –
The crucial part of marriage is communication. Not being able to communicate effectively leads to resentment and frustration for both partners. This thereby impacts all the aspects of their marriage.
Good communication is known to be the foundation of all marriages. When two people decide to share their lives with one another, they must be able to talk freely about their needs and try to meet the needs of their partners.
Constant yelling at your spouse, not talking to one another enough, or making comments to express yourself is quite unhealthy methods of communication that should be ditched in the marriage. When couples stop talking to one another, they tend to feel isolated and lonely. Eventually, they stop caring altogether. Poor communication contributes to 65% of divorces.
Practicing mindful communication with your significant other is very important.
Infidelity or extramarital affair –
When one person goes out of the relationship to get the needs met, be it sexual or physical, this surely dooms the relationship. After that, it is very difficult to get their trust back once the partner feels betrayed. Extramarital affairs are responsible for the breakdown of almost 20 to 40% of relationships. This is another common cause of divorce. The reasons for people cheating are not as cut or dry as our anger might lead us to believe. The common reasons for cheating are anger and resentment along with the differences in the sexual appetite and absence of emotional intimacy.
Infidelity begins as an innocent friendship that proceeds to become a physical affair. Infidelity has been noted to become a primary reason for divorce. It also is one of the legal reasons for divorce apart from living apart for more than a year and subjecting the partner to cruelty.
Financial troubles –
There is a famous saying that “money makes people funny”, it is true though! If couples are not on the same page on how the finances will be handled, it may lead to a lot of problems. Everything right from the spending habits to the financial goals can often create a power struggle and strain the marriage to its breaking point. The differences in how much money each partner brings into the marriage also lead to power plays amongst the couple.
The bottom line –
Marriage is never easy. Couples with the best of intentions sometimes are unable to overcome their challenges and often end up in the courtroom. That is why it is important to address your issues in your relationship beforehand. However, if things have reached beyond fixing and parting ways is the only solution left, it is important to choose the best divorce attorney who can ensure that the process is done smoothly.
It is important that you try your best and change the things that are in your control. But, if you have to take the big step, you can get in touch with Attorneys in Knoxville, TN who will make sure that your process is done peacefully and with no conflicts.