Employee anniversary cards

It is extremely essential that we create a healthy working environment for all our employees. When people decide to contribute the maximum part of their lives to a particular company they have a lot of expectations. Everyone expects to be appreciated and valued for all those long hours they spend for the betterment of a company. Events like employee anniversary cards create a greater charm and significance for the members of a company because it marks the day when they have completed years of commitment to a particular firm. It does not just describe loyalty but also sincerity for each other.
Let us take a step ahead and make work anniversaries an important event in our life by being more active and surprising the receiver with simple and sweet gestures. For this, we have brought to you employee anniversary cards. They are designed with utmost love and care and some very pretty graphics. Our collection of some very wonderful employee anniversary cards is the perfect present that you can gift your colleagues without much tension or hassle.
Not just this we also have some new ideas that would add charm to your celebration. Try and organise a small party for the receiver to show that you care for them and their efforts. Try to think of a thoughtful present besides employee anniversary cards that can be perfect for the receiver’s desk or working space so that whenever they see it, they are reminded that there are people who care for them and will always remain friendly. Perhaps a small mug stating best employee ever or maybe some humorous taglines that could be some of your inside jokes is also a good way to go ahead.
The office place is not always supposed to be formal, it is your second home and it should feel like it. It should feel like you belong there and have the freedom to carry on with your ideas. Each place has a particular significance and employees work hard to earn that place.
If you are about to start your employee anniversary card make sure you are ready with what you have to write on the card since it creates a lot of impacts and shows your impression. Fill it up with lovely and congratulatory messages without even putting a hint of negativity.
Just in case you are confused about what to write, we have made arrangements for you with our sample messages. Choose the best ones and fill the receiver with a heartwarming feeling.
- Your dedication to your job is something we can only aspire to – aspire not to replicate that.
- If there were an award for the worker of the year – you’d win it! Congratulations and best wishes on your anniversary.
- It’s just a job. Grass grows, birds fly, and waves pound the sand. I beat people up. ~ Muhammad Ali
- Seeing as it’s your anniversary today how about going a little easy on us? Congratulations!
- You can be a real taskmaster but we’re all really happy for you. Congratulations
- You won’t believe it, but I remembered that today is your anniversary.
- Your dedication and enthusiasm are inspiring.
- Congratulations on your commitment during the last 5 years.
- “Happy anniversary! Where would we be without your work ethic and winning attitude? I’m thankful I don’t have to answer that question. Thank you, thank you, for making this place everything it is.”
- “It’s a rare honour and a privilege to work with someone who not only shines during the high moments but who also finds ways to uplift and inspire through the challenges and setbacks.”
- Congratulations on your work anniversary! It seems like you joined yesterday, and now it’s been a year. I hope to continue working with you for many years to come. I wish you the best of luck!
- Pretty sure our company’s future is brighter because it has you in it. Congratulations on completing one year here successfully. Happy 1st work anniversary to you.
- Sending you the heartiest congratulations on completing a year of success and achieving goals in this organization. Happiest 1st work anniversary.
- Today marks the end of your first year at this company, but we hope to keep you around for a long time. Congratulations! You are an excellent employee.
- Happy first work anniversary to the most passionate and dedicated individual I’ve ever met. This company is delighted to have you. Have a fantastic work anniversary!
- We are blesse to get your support on this journey. Words would fall short of your appreciation. Happy anniversary.
- Our place was incomplete without your contributions. As you celebrate your anniversary today, we all just want to thank you for all those late nights and early mornings.
- Wow, it seems like ages have passed but you never leave. Happy 10 years anniversary to the oldest and most experienced person in this company.
Happy anniversary
Happy work anniversary cards are a new addition to our already wonderful collection of Free Group card designed to fulfil all your personal and professional requirements. We have come up with cards that connect you to your dear ones without the limitations of time or distance. Our one such famous category is anniversary cards for office professionals.
So the next time someone among your colleagues or your employees completes their another year of cooperation with your company, make sure you celebrate it in style and give them a reason to believe in the hospitality of your company.
When people decide to join a particular place, they do expect a few things in return. Love, respect, care and value are the common aspects everyone wants. We assure you that our Happy work anniversary cards would spread the charm as you send it to the receiver filled with lots of sweet blessings and lovely messages reminding them that their contribution is always respected and is a great asset to the company.
Make you are working environment a better place for everyone by connecting with people during their special events and building strong relationships.
Here are some sample messages that you can easily include in your happy work anniversary cards.
- Happy work anniversary to a co-worker who has many talents, including the spooky ability to sense when there are jalebis in the break room.
- Congrats on surviving another year at your job. Lesser mortals would have gone insane by now.
- It’s your Work Anniversary! Now, get back to work! Only kidding, Happy Anniversary, and here’s hoping for many more.
- I think everyone would say that you are a gift to this company. Your dedication and contributions would be hard to replace. Please don’t regift yourself somewhere else.
- Filled with a positive vibe, confidence, honesty, and fearlessness we couldn’t have found anyone better than you for our team. Happy Work Anniversary!
- From all of us… happy anniversary! Thank you for your hard work, your generosity, and your contagious enthusiasm.
- Work anniversary is considered a great milestone in almost all cultures in the professional environment. People take pride when they complete a year with any particular firm. With the growing craze of this event, we have brought something very special for you, Work anniversary ecards that can be used for all your official purposes and even by the remote teams. So the next time anyone of your employee is celebrating their anniversary surprise them with a sweet present that can be preserved forever as a reservoir of memories. Whether you are close to the colleague or just met them, make sure you try your best to build better relations and this task can be done by wishing them for this achievement with work anniversary ecards.
An ecard is incomplete without messages of anniversary and so here we have collected some exceptional messages that you can enter into your work anniversary ecards.
- Today marks the day you joined the company– and that is worth celebrating!
- Happy work anniversary. We are so glad you chose to join us and that you choose to stay with us.
- We would miss you if you were to leave. However, you are still here, so instead, we will say– happy work anniversary!
- Here’s to another year of having you here!
- Happy work anniversary! It has been one heck of a journey so far, and I cannot wait to see where the work world takes you next!
- Happy work anniversary to the most gracious team player I know!
- We were so happy to welcome you to the team this year, and are so excited to see what you will do in the years to come!
- Has it been a year already? Time flies when you are having fun with teammates!
- Today marks your one year work anniversary, but it feels like you have been here forever. We are so happy to have you as part of our team!
- You should be proud of what you have accomplished this past year– we sure are!
- One year down, countless more to go.
- Thanks for giving us these past twelve months, and giving your all during that time!
- One year ago today was your first day. The moment you sat down at your desk, everything changed! So grateful to have you as part of the team.
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