Content on your website can be diamond cut but that is not enough to funnel down deals for you. You may jot down some jaw-dropping content on your site but that won’t assure conversions. Creating SEO-optimized landing pages does the job.
Hunting’s not finished yet, you might get the traffic but do you get the right targeted traffic? The organic(unpaid) traffic funneled down to deals comes from search engines.
Well-optimized landing pages enable you to convert the viewers that visit the website into leads. Because landing pages are means of generating leads, taking the time to create well-designed and optimized landing pages is the key.
Whether you’re optimizing a full web app or a single landing page, though, keep these steps in mind to help widen your reach and grow your audience.
What Is Landing Page Optimization?
The process of enhancing or improving SEO landing pages are designed specifically for search engines, with characteristics that appeal to the algorithms that determine whether or not a page is valuable to users.
Because most marketing efforts are brief, many people believe that landing page optimization is not a must. Most promotions are limited in duration and virtually always come to an end. However, there is one major flaw in that premise.
Many people prematurely abandon their efforts and mistakenly believe they are short-term while they are long-term.
In simple words, it is- how appealing your landing page is to the search engine algorithm.
How Important It Is To Optimize Landing Pages for SEO?
A landing page optimized for SEO(search engine optimization) will draw more traffic to it. Why?
The search engine on examining your pages ranks it higher in search results. This easy visibility of your page will fulfill the visitor’s needs. And these aids bring more conversions.
And once you are rated high in page quality rating, it brings in benefits of cheaper and more effective AdWords Campaigns.
When your landing page is optimized, it’ll help rank high and make sure to reach the audience. You will find more interested people on your page with the right SEO.
The more interested consumers come, the more are the chances of generating leads, higher conversion rates, and thus overall success.
TOP 8 Ways to Optimize landing pages for SEO
Consider Right Keywords
Make a list of the phrases used by searchers in relevance to your page. It can help you to show up to the users near their intentions. These keywords are very important for SEO.
This high-quality research takes more time and offers much traffic too.
Longer keywords are easier to rank than smaller ones and often produce higher ROI.
This consideration of keywords in the page title serves the best. Checking Google for related searches to your main keyword is a good option.
Keywords used by competitors are a bonus, find using free tools to analyze how your competitors rank for the keywords.
Fine-tuned URL for the Page
URL should have your main keyword. It is beneficial to use similar text in URL as well as meta title. Every detail matters in SEO, even the URL of your landing page does. It aids in the sharing of information about the content on the page.
The URL also reflects the site structure, revealing how a certain piece of content fits into the larger context. Make your URL as short as possible, with no more than 65 characters; preferably, it should be between 50 and 60 characters.
You can use slashes to divide concepts as a vertical pipe in a title can. And place the important words further to the left. Not only search engines but URLs inform the viewers too.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Cloudflare are some of the greatest domain name service (or DNS) providers for SEO-focused brands.
Structure of the Content of the Page
You can structure or design your landing page such that the web crawlers(bots) can analyze and consider your content on the page.
A high-quality keyword in the title is a must. Heading H1 should match your page title and other H2 and H3 headings should have secondary keywords around them.
A high-quality alt tag will provide enough details of the image and its context.
Here’s an example of a photo of a man driving a car: <img src=“man-driving-car.png” alt=“Man driving a car on an empty highway in the day.”/>
You need to add internal links using appropriately targeted anchor text. These settlements help the search engine to comprehend the context and the content of the page.
Speed Up Your Page
Search engine like Google confirms Page Speed as one of the important SEO factors. Google wants to have pages load in under half a second. If your site load in under 2.9 seconds, it’s faster than almost 50% of the web.
People often leave the link if it takes time to load. According to Kissmetrics, 47% of users want pages to load in under two seconds, and 40% will abandon them after three seconds.
You can use the official Google tool, Page Speed Insights, or tools like WebPage Test and GTmetrix to do the tests. In Google Analytics, you can also see how fast your website loads.
You can use smaller images that don’t compromise with quality or the speed of the page. A faster web host is a better idea to keep up the speed.
Build Effective Backlinks
Backlinks are the all-time hits because it says people have valued your authenticity by linking your page. High-quality backlinks from authoritative and respected websites will boost your landing page SEO.
Amplifying your content using social media is indeed a good strategy. Using link-building techniques to link to videos and other media that show up in reviews and testimonials can be fruitful.
Checking on the competitor’s backlinks and the sources can be helpful too. There are many tactics to use backlinks in a tremendous way to boost your liveliness on the web. And there are many ways to undergo competitor backlink analysis to enhance your landing page.
On your landing page, never add external links to direct competitors. After all, you don’t want to give the prospect the impression that he or she should look elsewhere instead of buying from you.
Being Careful of Boring Form Fields
Landing pages often have these typical form fields to fill up in exchange for further information, e-books, or event ticket. And as seen in the image if there are many answers expected of the visitor, it would leave him astray. So, it is better to use optional fields to benefit users rather than survey them.
A high bounce rate means that your visitors are frequently “bouncing” from your website, which might affect your search engine rating over time.
If your landing page requires to have such form fields, make sure it doesn’t ask much about the visitor. Optimize the content in a way a visitor doesn’t bounce back because it costs the ranking on search engines.
Shareable Landing Page
When you’ve used all the tactics for your landing page, it needs to be promoted through social media too. These days we see a hike in social media users and if thousands of people share about your business or landing page, it gives a sense to Google that you’re doing something right.
Furthermore, the links you and others share across social media platforms help to promote your brand. And everyone wants more organic traffic and better online visibility.
It all comes down to having great content, an impossible-to-refuse offer, and easy-to-use social media share buttons. It is unavoidable to experience great service and not be thankful for sharing it with others.
Result Analysis and Realignment
If you don’t track your progress, you risk your performance. Once you make efforts using SEO tools to optimize your landing page, the results need analysis. The important thing is to keep on track of our organic traffic and click-through rates.
Google Analytics and Google Search Console are the tools to track these metrics. There is no set formula for total success rather it depends on your content and the response of visitors.
And considering such requirements it is necessary to prepare your website for Google Core Web Vitals. Keeping such analysis in mind will improve the filter of traffic and chances of conversions.
Your target audience is all you want to reach up to and all your efforts in optimizing your webpage count in. SEO-optimized landing pages bring in the most leads and conversions. You have noticed the ways of building up your content that is SEO friendly. And mindfully working through tactics is the surety of success.
Following these landing page best practices will ensure that your content continues to rank well in search engines for months and years to come. According to your marketing strategy, SEO-friendly landing pages can help you create higher organic traffic, drive targeted leads, increase conversions, and boost ROI. As a reward, you’ll be able to turn each new landing page into a long-term asset. And it continues to drive leads even after your initial campaigns are done.