How To Prepare Your Home Before Packers and Movers Coming
Best Packers and Movers in India for Safe Relocation

When you are moving into a new home and everything else such as you got the keys. Your pre-settlement inspection is done. The next step is to confirm your move-in date and book a reliable moving company in Mumbai.
You can make moving process easy and less time consuming for yourself and movers by just keeping few important points in mind.
There are few important points mentioned below that you should do with your new home before the movers arrive-
Schedule cleaning:
Even if your new home is brand new or not, it is always a good idea to clean your new home before the furniture and all other items arrive. So, plan for cleaning in advance. Always try to clean one room at a time. You can also hire a cleaning company. it is all up to you.
Always start cleaning from top in each room and then work your way down. In the kitchen, do the fridge first. Once the fridge is cleaned do the rest of the kitchen. Clean the bathrooms and toilets thoroughly, by using disinfectants and antibacterial sprays.
The next step in the cleaning is clean the ceiling, light switches, windows etc. Finish cleaning with floors. Wooden and tile floors can be easily cleaned with vacuum followed by mop. For the carpet clean steam cleaner is the best if you have one. You can hire professionals or rental from hardware store to clean the carpet.
Fix any urgent repair
Before you move in a new house schedule home improvement. Identify what needs attention into your new home. Repair any damage or health and safety issues related to the new home. Damage could include a hole in the wall, broken window locks or something which is not working properly.
It will be better if you finish the urgent repairs before moving into your new home. This will help to save your time.
Reserve parking
If there is less space in your home for moving truck to park or moving boxes to sit, it will be helpful to find and reserve a parking space with orange cones. You can also chat with your neighbours in advance to use their driveways or parking space.
Always try to find a parking space as close as you can otherwise you will likely pay a lot more for your movers.
Check your utilities
Hopefully you took care of arranging for your utilities to be ready before moving, now make sure that everything is ready to go and functioning properly. Remember to verify that your electricity, gas internet, water heating and cooling units and phones are good to go before the movers arrive.
Make sure that your new home is set up for garbage pick up as well, otherwise you can call your local waste management facility.
Reach your new home before the movers
The last and the most important thing that you must keep in mind that always reach home before the movers. Because your movers don’t know exactly where to place your beds or which kid’s toys box go where so you must be there to answer all those questions.
If you are there before the movers, you can remove any obstacles such as vehicles in the way etc. So always be prepared and arrive at your new home before the movers.
In conclusion:
It is most important to keep these basic points in mind when you are moving into a new home to make your moving process organised and successful. You can save yours and house movers time by following these above-mentioned tips.
On behalf of the furniture movers Auckland team we hope you and your loved ones are keeping safe and obeying the alert level 4 rules set out by the Indian government. It is now looking more encouraging with the latest number of cases we are seeing here in India. If it keeps on going as it is then we are hoping we will be back to normal, but keeping in mind that we will only move down in the alert levels and abide by the rules set in that level of alert.
Especially not houses and that will still be a long way away as we face this epidemic.
Let’s look at it positively and take the time to catch up with our friends and family all over the world through online services available and social media now days can bring you even closer. Check up on your elders and ensure your family is doing well. In India we are very fortunate to have such a committed government to look after all of us. A clean house is always so welcoming, it can change the way we live and help bring a smile to our faces. Open up the windows and let the fresh air breeze through, wind up your blinds and let the sun bring the natural light inside.
Now let’s look at things you can do around the house while under lock down.
Cleaning – It is perfect time for each one of us to do our cleaning around the house. You now may have all the time in the world to focus on your house and make it look spotless. You might have also thought of re-arranging your cupboard and get out the unwanted clothing. Best and Reliable moving companies for safe and professional packers and movers service providers in Mumbai for PAN India relocation services.
The garden is one area where we always say that we do not have enough time for it. No excuses now! Put on your gumboots, gloves, masks and get ready to get dirty. Well dirty for only a little while as you spark up the garden and then sit back and enjoy it. It is best to use this time wisely and keep busy! Sitting home all day can be very unhealthy, physically or mentally.
Touch ups – The little things you may have noticed over the times you have come home from work can now be fixed. You may not have the tools to fix everything. But you could always get a few things done with the current tool set at home. It could be as simple as tightening up the screws on the bed, touch up of paint on walls if available, replacing light bulbs, fixing the oven, etc.
Furniture movers Mumbai
Team at The Moving Squad hopes that this epidemic is over soon and we can all get on with our normal day to day lives. Keep up the positivity and enjoy the time at home while you can. Stay safe and ensure safety of others as well.
Vijay Packers and Logistics is an organization engaged widely in the middle of the young yet keen organization that fulfils the packing and moving in and out requirements of their trusted customers. It helps citizens in relocate their stuff being under appropriate supervision of skilled and expert managements that try hard hard to offer the clients with better services. Vijay Packers and Logistics satisfy the needs of transport and logistics services for the further requirement of the clients. VPL have strong branch network in all over India.
Stay home – Wash your hands often – wear a mask when going out – Avoid sharing – cover your coughs and sneezes.