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Thanks to the online tool D&D Unearthed Arcana, which allows you to study characters wiki for the dungeons and dragons role-playing games, sure now knows which are the most popular combinations of races and character classes among players. Thanks to Big Data, find out if your character is rare or completely banal.
Dungeons and Dragons are the most popular role-playing franchise in the world. Launched in 1974, this license has grown year by year to become one of the most complete heroic fantasy universes ever created. A huge world, hundreds of stories, a bestiary gathering dozens of monsters, these are in a few words what D&D offers. One of the franchise’s most impressive points, however, is the number of character classes and races it offers.
Dungeons & Dragons are certainly the most popular role-playing game for the public, under the acronym D&D. The first edition was in the form of three A5 format booklets in a white box. They were supplemented by four additional booklets which added various concepts to lead to the form which we know it today (Greyhawk, Blackmoor, Eldritch Wizardry and Gods, Demigods & Heroes).
The second edition, in 1979, included a simple booklet with blue cover supposed to serve as a starting point to then move on to the “Advanced” AD&D version. Subsequently, the split between D&D and AD&D was confirmed with the release of the Basic / Expert / etc series. The range of rules has five levels:
Basic, expert, companion, master, and immortals.
Each set covers a series of levels (1-3 for the Basic Set, 4-14 for the Expert then successively 15-25, 26-36 and beyond for the Immortals box which offers no more and no less than bringing the PCs to the rank of deities. In the 1990s, the rules were brought together in a single volume, the D&D Rules Cyclopedia.
This system followed over the years an evolution that did not ultimately change much to the rules if we except those of D&D Immortals. Speaking of which, the game uses almost the whole panoply of dice (d4, d6, d10, d12, d20, d100), only the d30 seems to have been spared. The set of rules, due to its history (D&D has inherited a lot from board games) is essentially focused on the combat side of the game, although subsequently, several modifications have allowed simulating other skills of the characters. The classes (clerics, warriors, magician, thief, little people, elf, dwarf) and the levels (from 1 to 36) of the characters are at the heart of this game system. A legacy of wargame, the allocation of experience points is theoretically based on the monsters defeated and the treasures amassed, although the last scenarios encourage the distribution of experience depending on the success of the scenario. The whole D&D system is made to simulate the progression of adventurers from the status of beginners to that of mythical heroes, see more.
Dungeons and Dragons
D&D unearthed arcana tool uncovers the most common character combinations Indeed, at the beginning of each adventure, the player must study his character. He must first choose his race, but also his class, which could be defined as his profession. There are very common races in heroic fantasy, such as dwarfs or elves, but also much more atypical creatures like the bird men Aarakocra. Similarly, in addition to the very common classes like the warrior or the archer, rarer classes like the enchanter, the druid or the summoner are available. It is also possible to combine several classes, which considerably increases the number of possibilities.
In August 2017, Dungeons and Dragons editor Wizards of the Coast launched an online tool called D&D Beyond. This tool aims to simplify the creation of a new character. Since its launch, players have created hundreds of thousands of characters on the site. In this context, the developer of the site, Curse, is able to estimate which are the most popular combinations of races and classes and has just released this data.
Dungeons and Dragons:
the human warrior is the most popular character
Looking at this table, we find that most players choose a realistic character, or are inspired by the great classics of fantastic literature such as Tolkien’s work. By far, the most popular race is by far that of humans. These statistics seem to reflect a lack of imagination on the part of a majority of players, but this choice is also explained by the mechanics of the game. Indeed, each race benefits from a racial bonus. However, humans receive an additional point in each characteristic, which makes it the most balanced race, regardless of the class chosen. Another very popular combination is that of the ranger wood elves. When created, the Woodland Elf receives an additional point in dexterity and has an innate talent for mastering the longbow.
These two peculiarities predispose him to the ranger class. Similarly, the hobbit is both agile and naturally gifted for stealth, which explains a large number of robber hobbits. However, the presence of these archetypes in works like The Lord of the Rings obviously contributes to their popularity. Some common combinations are more surprising. For example, there are a large number of Drakeid Paladins. After humans, this breed is the one with the most paladins. Likewise, aarakocra players mostly choose the class of monk, master of martial arts. With only 60 representatives, the Aasimar rangers are, on the contrary, the rarest combination. Thanks to Big Data, you now know which race/class combinations to choose if you want to distinguish yourself by an original character.