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what are different diseases of alcohol?
Immune system disorders
Excessive alcohol consumption weakens the immune system and makes. the body susceptible to infections of all kinds. The alcohol drops the number of white blood cells, and with it the strength of the body police.
After a nice evening with several drinks, the immune system affects for at least 24 hours. and the organism is particularly susceptible to pathogens during this time. and not only for older alcohol consumers’ diseases.
Young people have shown to suffer from a weaker hangover than older people. But this should not lead to the fallacy that one is immune to the harmful effects of alcohol at a young age. One study found that even in young and healthy adults. the immune system impairs excessive alcohol consumption.
Brain damage and risk of addiction from alcohol
It has long known that alcohol damages the brain, reduces its capacities. and pulls all the strings in the upper room so that the alcohol consumer looks into the glass more and more often.
The latter happens via the change in neurotransmitter levels in the brain. Neurotransmitters are messenger substances that send messages to nerve cells. In this way, among other things, our current mood arises. Neurotransmitters decide whether we are in a good mood, even euphoric. but also depressed or depressed.
For example, alcohol increases dopamine levels. When dopamine levels are high, you feel very good. Dopamine is also known as the neurotransmitter of the so-called reward system. It is always poured out when we have been successful. e.g. B. when we won a competition, passed an exam, or pulled our dream partner ashore.
what happened when drinking alcohol
But, drinking alcohol is not exactly something very promising. But the alcohol pretends to be it – and every time it is drunk. the alcohol consumer feels rewarded as if he has done something extraordinary. This feeling is so good that you want to feel it again and again. So people drink again and again with diseases.
Alcohol also promotes the release of endorphins. These are messenger substances that make you feel blissful and downright euphoric.
Other messenger substances calm you down. and make you more resistant to stress when exposed to alcohol. So alcohol has a lot of tricks up its sleeve to lure people into the addiction trap.
And if you have before thought that alcohol is only in the blood for two to three hours. and so cannot be that harmful, you are mistaken.
quantity of alcohol:
For example, if you drink 4 pints (1 pint = 0.5 liters of beer) and 4 schnapps (2 cl) by 11 p.m. you’re a hard-drinking man. (with a bodyweight of 80 kilograms) at 1.4 per mille and won’t be back until 9 a.m. sober next morning. Under no circumstances should you sit behind the wheel before 7 a.m., as more than 0.3 per mille. may still be in your blood at this point.
With a woman, but things would be very different. For example, if she weighs 65 kilograms. she would be on an empty stomach by 7 a.m., but only if she satisfied with half of the above-mentioned amount of alcohol. If she drinks the same amount of alcohol as the 80-kilo man. she would not be sober until the next day at 5.30 p.m. She could get behind the wheel at the earliest (0.29 per thousand) at 3 p.m.
During all these hours, the neurotoxin alcohol circulates in the body, poisons it. and leads to sometimes irreversible changes in the brain. especially in people who are younger than 25 years old. Their brains are still developing. In this state, it is even more susceptible to the harmful effects of alcohol.
Malnutrition and nutritional deficiencies
Anyone who drinks alcohol also runs the risk of suffering. from vital substance and nutrient deficiencies. Apart from the fact that many alcohol consumers are not exactly interested. in a healthy diet and for this reason alone is not supplied with nutrients and vital substances. the harmful alcohol makes this situation even worse.
As explained under 4, alcohol worsens the condition of the digestive system. inhibits digestion, and thus use of food. Fewer and fewer nutrients and vital substances can absorb. and the deficiencies become more and more serious.
Anemia often occurs because alcohol impairs. the formation of red blood cells and, in extreme cases. leads to blood loss as a result of internal bleeding in the digestive system diseases.
The poor supply of nutrients from excessive alcohol consumption. also affects the nutrients that contribute to bone health. This is why osteoporosis is more common among alcohol consumers.
Especially if you start drinking alcohol at a young age. this increases the risk of developing osteoporosis in later years. Alcohol is so harmful here that it disturbs. the balance between calcium, vitamin D production, and cortisone level. This weakens the bone structure and leads to a decrease in bone density.
Cardiovascular diseases
Those who suffer from high blood pressure are often told by their doctor: No alcohol! Because alcohol increases blood pressure. It stimulates the release of a hormone, which in turn leads to a narrowing of the blood vessels. Alcohol can also weaken and overuse the heart muscle. One then speaks of cardiomyopathy. Also, cardiac arrhythmias, heart attacks, and sudden cardiac death. may result from the harmful effects of alcohol diseases.
Strokes are always the sudden result of binge drinking. as blood pressure fluctuates and blood clots increase while the body is recovering. This deadly combination increases the risk of stroke.
Alcohol changes personality
So, like any drug, alcohol is destructive. But, alcohol drinkers generally not only harm themselves. but also cause great harm to other people (spouses, children). It doesn’t have to be beatings or other physical violence. which makes the agony all the more subtle and noticeable to outsiders’ diseases.
The neurotoxin alcohol changes the perception, personality. and behavior of the alcohol consumption in such a way – even if the drinking is e.g. B. “only” takes place once a week or a month. During the period of drinking. (and in the hours afterward) the alcohol consumption is no longer responsible. he is no help to his family, loses his reliability, and often torments his relatives. with behavior like psycho-terrorism.
psychological disorder
For example, he says things that he will feel sorry for later. or that he himself does not feel as serious, but that humiliate or injure the other. His looks also change and can appear strange, threatening, or distant. All this unsettles and scares relatives, especially children. and can contribute to massive psychological disorders in them.
it assumes that every seventh child confronts. with excessive alcohol consumption in the family. And for each of these children, the risk of becoming. an alcoholic themselves increases sixfold diseases.
Children are the victims when parents drink
If a parent drinks again and again and changes in a few. hours of drinking (become quiet, becomes irritable. becomes happy, becomes loud, becomes mean or unfair, becomes argumentative, destroys things, etc.). the person loses the trust of their children – and the children lose much. needed sense of security and love in their own home.
Such a condition can lead to different developments in children or teenagers. depending on personality and age. One of them becomes aggressive or hyperactive. the other withdraws into his snail shell. The next one also seeks his salvation in alcohol or other drugs and the next but one wants to. compensate for the problem by self. sacrificing caring for the younger siblings, doing the housework, and cooking. often under 10 years of age.
But, a chronic state of stress can develop, a permanent internal alert due to the lack. of opportunities to retreat in your own home and the lack of reliability of those. people on whom you depend as a child diseases.
The child listens to every sound, is afraid that it will start again. The child feels so helpless, so lost, so lonely … even if the dreaded evenings where people drink only take place a few times a month. Nobody knows when the next time will be.
And because it is not every day, because everything seems to be so normal again the next day. the child tries to forget and hope that it was the last time. But it wasn’t the last time.