6 Hilarious Pranks and Gags to Pull On Friends and Family
Pranking people for fun doesn’t have to be just for April’s Fools! You can still prank your closest circle of family and friends and have a good laugh about it.
When planning a prank, keep in mind the type of humor your family and friends respond to. Choose the right prank for the right person for it to work. The most important thing to remember is to keep everyone participating safe and unharmed.
Here are 6 simple and hilarious pranks and gags you can pull on your family and friends for a little harmless fun.
- Put Tons of Balloons Everywhere
Balloons are one of the most affordable gag gifts, especially when you want to prank someone for their birthday. Put balloons in their bedroom so when they open the door, they’ll be both surprised and shocked by the prank.
- Make a Fake Cake
If you want simple yet funny pranks, grab a kitchen sponge and cover it in icing to make it look like a piece of cake. Add sprinkles and whipped cream and serve it to an unsuspecting guest. You’ll both laugh from the heart when they realize they’re biting into a piece of fake cake.
- Send Someone Glitter In The Mail
If a friend or family member recently graduated from college, send them a fake college degree in an envelope full of glitter. When they open the envelope, the glitter will ‘explode’ everywhere. This is one of the best fail-proof prank ideas that’ll probably annoy the recipient but also make them laugh.
- Shampoo Bottle Prank
One of the simplest prank encounters is the shampoo bottle prank, where you place a piece of foil under the bottle cap and screw the cap back on. When someone takes a shower and tries to use the shampoo, no product will come out. It’s a fun little way to prank someone and give them a good laugh.
- Insects Prank
Bugs and insects are creepy little critters but they make for the best gag ideas. For your insect prank to work, you should pull it on someone who’s so scared of bugs it’s guaranteed they’ll react dramatically. For example, if someone is scared of spiders, place a few plastic spiders in their drawers, fridge, or computer.
Make sure the person is okay after the prank because some people have a real phobia of insects which can cause panic attacks.
- Drink Trick Prank
For this prank, you’ll need some orange juice, milk, and some food coloring. Add a little food coloring mix to the milk carton or juice bottle. When someone reaches for milk or juice, they’ll discover a fun – and funny – surprise in their glass. Use food-grade coloring to make sure the drink is safe to consume.
Try These Hilarious Pranks and Gags on Your Unsuspecting Family and Friends
Whether you’re a born prankster or want to have some harmless fun from time to time, these fun pranks will give you and your friends a great laugh. As long as no one gets hurt, pranks are a great way to make the people around you smile.
Want more ideas for pranks and gags? Head over to the blog to discover more articles on this topic and stay tuned to discover more posts on having fun with your family and friends.