9 Healthy Habits In Reducing Stress – Crowd Writer UK

Around 33% of people feel they are stressed at some point in life. patients generally ignore the disease, despite its prevalence and persistence.
Stress hurdles in your efficiency to perform well and to live a happy, peaceful life. Due to which, you may often feel tired or get sick, that can create continuous disruption in your mental peace.
Therefore, the core contributors are; the hectic work routine and the number of responsibilities on individuals. However, there are a number of habits that can reduce stress if adopted in daily life routine. Let’s discuss some of them.
Habits for Stress Reduction
The majorities of youngsters are feeling stress and are even unaware of the concept of mental peace.
As a result, significant impacts are created on the tolerance level and productivity of a whole generation. Additionally, the busy schedules and complex lifestyle pattern is the most common reason for this. Let me elaborate on some habits that can reduce stress.
Reduce Caffeine Intake
Caffeine is a stimulator present in tea, coffee, and green teas. It is a natural stimulator that creates a jittery effect on the mind, making it hyperactive.
Due to its effect’s similarity with fear, it creates a significant impact on the body and increases stress. As a result, stress can be intensified leading towards panic attacks.
The optimum caffeine level for a single day is 400mg, and each cup of coffee contains 94.8 mg of caffeine. In this case, not more than 4 cups of coffee a day.
If you are addicted to coffee, try using green tea instead of coffee, it has lower caffeine.
Quit Alcohol
Higher alcohol consumption changes the brain’s chemistry. As a result, brain releases a higher level of cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone, causing hormonal imbalance in the body.
This can lead to multiple physical diseases and mood swings. Particularly, the approaches for quitting alcohol are;
- Put in written near your drinking station.
- Drink slowly and in small patches.
- Don’t store alcohol in the house.
- Schedule a busy routine.
Increase Physical Activity
Physical exercise is the paramount way to reduce stress. It is important to realize that regular exercise can reduce the level of the stress hormone, adrenaline and cortisol in the body.
Explicitly, it stimulates the production of endorphins that function as the natural pain killer in the body.
Thereupon, it is recommended to do 150 minutes of moderate exercise every day. Therefore, it is unnecessary to hit the gym; you can jog in the park or do aerobics and yoga at home.
The main point is to do physical activity. For this reason, you can start with 15 minutes and gradually increase the exercise time.
Spend Time with Friends and Family
The support of your loved ones can encourage you to fight stress. In brief, many studies suggested that social support can increase the willingness to survive by 50%.
Positive and supportive friends can give you a feeling of self-worth and belonging. Hence, these feelings are supportive in dealing with stress in tough times.
The natural stress-relieving hormone oxytocin is released, when a woman spends time with family and children. It is Important to realize that this natural stimulation of oxytocin in the body is known as ‘tend and befriend’.
If you can’t hang out regularly, then have a telephonic conversation with your friend or mother. This will also support in reducing stress instantly.
Avoid Procrastination
We all have heard the famous saying, “Tomorrow Never Comes” I believe this saying is completely right.
Around 50% of students are victimized by extreme procrastination that is problematic for them and leads to stress. Hence, the habit of procrastination can be significantly stressful at every level of life.
The core strategies to avoid procrastination are;
- Forget what was in the past and focus on the present.
- Write down the task and create a timeline to complete it.
- Ask someone to check on your timelines and reward yourself for every achievement.
- Eat an elephant beetle first; do those tasks first which you find unattractive and difficult.
Habits for Mental Peace Achievement
The uncontrolled thinking and brain functionality is the cause of mental disability among people. Notably, the brain works involuntary, but thought and feelings don’t.
You can control what is being generated in your mind. Let’s see some of the habits to achieve mental peace.
Practice Mindfulness
Practicing mindfulness does not mean to sit and repeat self-actualizing mantras. Rather it is a habit to adopt in daily life.
It enables you to focus on the present rather than being stuck in the past and worrying about the future. Henceforth, indulging in too much planning and daydreaming can result in stress.
The easy way to practice mindfulness is to start focusing on your breath whenever you have distracting thoughts. With focus, create guided imagery that you’re a successful and happy person designated in the desired position. This will support you in distracting negative thoughts and focusing on the work.
Raise your Hope
The first thing to learn is the difference between hope and expectation. In simple words, do not count on any of your dreams.
In this way, it will remain a hope. See the following habits to increase your hope;
- Look for the positive aspects in every element. Believe that everything happens for good.
- There is always a way out of the problem; try to find that way.
- Frame your failures as feedback.
- Create an If-then scenario in every situation.
Make a Diary
Maintaining a diary can support you in achieving mental peace. Around 21% of people across the globe maintain a diary for their mental peace.
Adopt an expressive writing technique; it will support you in writing more. As instructed by Master Thesis, do not worry about the sentence structure, grammar or handwriting. All you have to focus is on writing like you are conversing with an individual.
Apply ‘No Worries’ Formulae
Apply a no worry formulae is not getting tense about every small incident in our life. Mark Manson adequately explains the formulae in his book, he wrote;
“You and everyone you know are going to be dead soon. And in the short amount of time between here and there, you have a limited amount of f**** to give”.
Don’t get upset about everything; save your worries as a precious resource for specific events, like you save the write my essay services for complex tasks.
Wrapping it up
The rapidly shifting of global dynamics and technological intervention has created a significant impact on human life.
The majority of people are getting stressed and victimized by mental disorders due to this complex lifestyle. Though there are treatments for every disease, prevention is better than cure.
Therefore, it is suggested to adopt healthy habits that will reduce these disease’s potential and negative impacts on your health.
I believe medication is not the way to treat every disease; you can go for natural remedies. The first thing to remember is that; best way to reduce stress is to maintain a patterned lifestyle. I hope the habits that I have mentioned above will be adequate in eliminating stress from your life.
Author’s Bio
Melissa Calvert is currently working as a devoted Lifestyle Counselor at Crowd Writer UK. She is a dedicated writer and passionate counselor. She has worked in several welfare programs to support people suffering from mental disorders.