Cedar Shake Roof Installation: 4 Mistakes to Avoid
Cedar Shake Roof Installation: 4 Mistakes to Avoid
Looking to install a cedar shake roof at your home, but still not sure how to go about it? Think you can handle it on your own and don’t need the help of a professional contractor?
Think again! Because if you haven’t been involved in the installation of a cedar shake roof before, you may be prone to making common mistakes that can snowball once you’re a few steps in. Remember that a major roof repair can cost between $1,500 and $7,000.
Take our advice by learning the four mistakes to avoid in cedar shake roof installation. This way, you can create a seamless, beautiful cedar shake roof that adds decades of beauty to your home.
1. Choosing the Wrong Cedar Shake Product
Cedar shake roofs are a beautiful and durable choice for your home, but there are a few things to avoid if you want them to last. Make sure you choose the right cedar shake product. This is because not all cedar shakes are created equal.
Some cedar shakes are of lower quality and won’t last as long. Do your research and choose a high-quality product. If the shakes are too thin, they won’t provide enough protection from the elements and could start to rot.
2. Not Sealing the Shakes
Cedar shake roofs are susceptible to weathering and wear. If they’re not properly sealed, water will be able to get in and damage the wood.
In order to protect your roof, it is important to seal the shakes. This will prolong the life of your roof and keep it looking great for years to come.
Hiring a professional to get the job done will make sure that a mistake like this is avoided to prevent major damage to your roof later on. Check out Roofitforward.com; they can be the right roofing company for your needs. You may also ask about the cost to install a cedar shake roof for your home.
3. Not Installing a Proper Roofing Underlayment
One of the most important aspects of installation is the roofing underlayment. This underlayment serves as a barrier between the roofing materials and the decking, and it helps to protect against wind and water damage.
Without proper underlayment, the cedar shake roof is vulnerable to leaks and damage from severe weather. Proper installation of the underlayment is essential to the longevity of the cedar shake roof.
4. Failing to Install Drip Edge and Flashings Properly
A drip edge is a metal strip that is installed along the edges of the roof to help prevent water from seeping under the shingles and causing damage. Flashings are installed at the joints where the roof meets the wall or chimney to help prevent water from seeping through.
If either of these is not installed properly, it can lead to serious damage to the home.
Ensure Proper Cedar Shake Roof Installation to Avoid Problems Later On
Aside from the aesthetics that the cedar shake roof provides, it is the functionality that homeowners also love about it. Cedar has great insulation properties, and this is able to provide twice the insulation that asphalt shingles give. You can conserve heating and cooling energy, and this means that you can save on your bills.
When it comes to cedar shake roof installation, it is important to avoid several mistakes to ensure a long-lasting, weather-resistant roof. Properly installed cedar shingles and shakes can resist heavy rain, strong winds, snowstorms, hail, and other harsh weather conditions.
Make sure to check out our other articles where you can find tons of helpful information.