The Latest SEO Marketing Strategy Tips That You Should Start Using Now
The Latest SEO Marketing Strategy Tips That You Should Start Using Now
There are 70% of small businesses in the United States that do not have an online SEO strategy. That means they are missing out on tons of business that could be coming their way.
Whether you’ve already started with your SEO marketing strategy or are just trying to improve yours, these SEO marketing tips will help you boost your traffic and business!
Niche Down
As a business, you probably have a relatively small niche for your target audience. For instance, if you are a lawn company, you are probably not offering web design services and vice versa.
This is niched down. However, you also want to make sure your website does the same. You need to focus on one specific topic to ensure you are targeting the right audience to click on your site, and hopefully, use your services.
Be Consistent
One of the most important tips for making killer content is being consistent with the content you are putting out there. While your content may be amazing, if you are putting out 5 blog posts one month and none the next, this can cause you to lose potential customers and even current ones.
You need to be consistent with the content you have to ensure you are following the SEO trends. To do this, you can try using a content calendar to keep you on track.
If you’ve been wondering “what is an SEO campaign,” it simply means having a plan to incorporate SEO into everything you do as a business, and consistency is part of that.
Utilize Social Media
Social media has billions of users, so if you are not using social media as part of your innovative marketing solutions, then you are not doing it right.
While you do not need to be on every single platform out there, you should pick 2-3 platforms to focus on to grow.
For instance, you could focus on Instagram and Facebook to post on, use ads, and grow your target audience and potential customer base.
As a small business owner, growing your social media is a great way to build your customer base.
Focus on Short-form Videos
Short-form videos are one of the biggest marketing trends that are happening right now. These videos typically last three to 60 seconds and can be used as a way to grab the attention of people watching them.
Once you have their attention, you can market your business through storytelling, evoking emotions, or simply keeping their attention on a really cool video that markets your business.
SEO Marketing Strategy Ideas for You
With these SEO marketing strategy ideas and tips, you will take your business from having no online customers or visitors to having more than you know what to do with.
If you enjoyed these innovative marketing solutions and tips, you should check out more articles on our site under the Technology section.