An All-Inclusive Guide to Male Pattern Baldness

Male Pattern Baldness is also known as Androgenetic Alopecia and is noted as one of the most frequent kinds of hair loss seen in men. If statistics are considered, more than fifty per cent of all men over fifty years of age are affected by the condition to some extent. However, the principal cause of this condition is genetics. So, if you have a family history of baldness, you are at a high risk of suffering from the same.
The Main Causes of Male Pattern Baldness
Over the years, research has shown that male sex hormones, also known as Androgens, form a vital part of Androgenetic alopecia. With people having this condition, the hair growth cycle starts to weaken and results in the shrinking of hair follicles, resulting in thin and short hair strands. As this process continues, there comes a time when the hair growth cycle (Anagen-Catagen-Telogen) is complete, and still, there is no new hair growth in its place.
As is typically seen, inherited male pattern baldness has no side-effects as such. However, when it comes to hair loss due to medical reasons such as cancer or thyroid, seeing a hair loss treatment doctor is always advised. As per the Norwood-Hamilton scale of hair loss, the patient is suffering from, the doctors perform a Trichoscopy Analysis and then determine the type of hair transplant surgery that will give the best results. The doctors also perform several blood tests to be sure that the results are reliable, and there are no disorders that might disturb the recovery time.
Who Suffers from Male Pattern Baldness?
Androgenetic alopecia, or genetic hair loss, can be seen in the teenage years but can also start showing symptoms in adulthood. As a patient, the best way to understand if you are suffering from male pattern baldness is to see if the hair loss is beginning at the temples or the crown of the head or not. You may either find a single bald spot on the head or have a hairline receding in an ‘M’ shape. In some cases, the hairline continues to recede till there is no hair left on the head.
What is the Best Way to Address Hair Loss?
If you are suffering from an overall thinning, undergoing a simple scalp micropigmentationprocedure can do the trick for you. But, if the hair loss is gradual but visible, you may want to opt for a hair transplant in India. As an invasive treatment, it is an outpatient procedure that delivers permanent results for the patient. This process works by removing healthy hair follicles from the areas on your head with active hair growth and transplanting them to the balding or thinning areas of the scalp. The results of this procedure are natural-looking and thus preferred by a lot of patients. Some of the most common techniques of hair transplant surgery are:
- FUT: Now known as the Linear Excision Method, this is a strip surgery technique where a strip of healthy follicle bearing scalp is taken from the back of the head and then slivered under a microscope to extract individual hair follicles into each strip. These individual strips are then implanted to the recipient site, following which new healthy hair grows at its normal rate.
- FUE: Also known as Follicular Unit Excision, this is a comparatively less invasive but more precise procedure where individual hair follicles are directly extracted from the healthy donor site using a low-RPM low-torque round punch excision device. These individual follicles are then inserted to the small incisions made on the recipient site for the best results.
Depending on the results of the Trichoscopy Analysis that determines the number of follicles on the scalp, the number of which that can be taken out, the density required for the best results, and the number of follicles required to reach the density, the doctors come up with a customized treatment plan. This plan might also include a combination of FUT+FUE surgery if they seem fit for the patient. Some of the other popular techniques of hair transplant surgery include:
- Body Hair Transplant: This process is chosen when the number of donor hair follicles on the head isn’t sufficient or the patient is bald.
- Platelet Rich Plasma: This is a growth factor holding solution extracted from the patient’s blood in which the healthy follicles are placed for some time before implantation to get stronger and thicker hair as it grows. This is typically used in combination with FUE or DHI.
- Direct Hair Transplant: In this procedure, which is an advancement to the FUE technique, the surgeon uses a pen-shaped tool that can directly make the incisions on the scalp and implant the follicles in its place at the same time.
- Long Hair Transplant: As a comparatively new technique used in hair transplant, this procedure is ideal for those who want a high volume of hair in no-time. Through this technique, long hair from the safe donor area extracted and then implanted to the balding site without cutting it short, leaving immediate results.
Apart from these, the No. 1 hair transplant clinic in India also offers repair hair transplant that reverses any botched-up hair transplant with repeat surgery. This is done to only those patients who have a previous bad experience with hair transplant from an inexperienced doctor and has an improper angular direction of the hair, low hairline, depleted donor site, an ugly FUT scar, or a low density.
Based in Agra, Saraswat Hospital has the highest hair transplant success rate in India.It is run by two of the most popular American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery (ABHRS) certified doctors, Dr Satya Kumar Saraswat and Dr Preeti Saraswat. With an exceptional knowledge on the subject to boast of and over seventeen years of experience in the field, the hospital is well-equipped with modern technology to provide the best results to every patient without any side-effects.
While there is no specific way that can prevent male pattern baldness, there are several techniques that can help you get a permanent solution out of it. So, what are you waiting for? Now that you are aware of all the things that go into a successful hair transplant surgery get in touch with a professional and book a consultation today to know more details. Dial +91-9690039999 / +91-9258386320 or send an email to