Are You Confused about Recycling? Here’s What You Need to Know

Recycling rates are at the highest level than ever but still these aren’t enough. But we cannot put this on the retailers, local councils or government entirely. When it comes to recycling, we all are responsible. And unfortunately, many of us don’t know how to manage our bins. Those of us who really want to play their part, consult waste management companies. Such people Google ‘Cheap Mini Skip Hire Near Me’ to keep the environment clean.
But even after hiring a skip hire, most people don’t know how to recycle their waste properly. They don’t know which material they should throw in the basket and which to a recycling bin. And when doubtful, people often put all the materials in general waste bins.
So, what causes this confusion about recycling? What else should you know about the recycling process? That’s what we are trying to discover in this article. Plus, you’ll get to know about some common waste that you must dispose of properly.
Reasons that Create Confusion
After confusion among people, there are two major factors that are affecting recycling.
Local Councils
Recent reports have revealed that the UK government is going to miss its 2020 recycling target. Surprisingly, the government is going to miss 50% of household waste. And one major reason behind it is the inconsistency among local councils. Most councils have their own recycling rules which are only complicating matters.
Waste Management Companies
Another big problem is that most waste management companies follow marginally different rules. This slight change of rules also creates confusion among homeowners. People don’t clearly know what they are allowed to put in the recycling bins. And when waste collectors inspect the recycling bin, they may not find it suitable for recycling.
What You Should Know About Recycling
Here is some basic information that as a citizen you must know about recycling. This information will help you dispose of your waste properly.
Plastic Bags
Though plastic bags are made of plastic, they are not recyclable. These can jam or damage the sorting equipment that companies use during recycling. You should reuse plastic bags for storing, collecting animal waste and lining bins.
Pizza Boxes
This may be surprising for many but pizza boxes aren’t recyclable. Used pizza boxes contain fatty oils that cannot be separated from the paper fibers. Thus, the oil that is present on the surfaces of pizza boxes makes them unusable.
Bottle Caps
Surprisingly, experts don’t advise people to throw bottle caps in the recycling bins. So you must put these caps in the regular bins. Though these are recyclable, bottle caps can harm recycling plant staff. That’s because when plastic bottles are crushed, their caps can become projectiles. We hope you’ll keep this point in mind for the greater good.
Foil isn’t plastic and most people throw it away in the regular bins. But it is recyclable and can be used again. However, you must clean it well and crushed it to make a ball. In case it is sticky or has food waste, don’t put it with the recyclable materials.
Paper Cups
People also get confused about paper cups whether these are recyclable. But you should always throw them in the recycling bin. Paper cups are completely recyclable and waste companies can make them useable again.