Customized Oil Change Stickers – A Great Way to Market Your Business

Customized oil change stickers are a great way to promote a business or give customers something extra to brag about. Just imagine, if you are the owner of a local garage-mall type of establishment, then you can display customized oil change stickers in your windows, on the dashboard of your car, or even hang them from your rearview mirror. What better way to advertise than by actually having something that says “I’m a licensed mechanic” right there in plain view?
It doesn’t matter what kind of business you have for oil change stickers. A car wash, an auto body shop, or an oil change business are all viable businesses. These businesses all require people to do their job, and they need to be reminded of this every day. So why not use stickers to help these businesses get the word out.
There are lots of different kinds of ways to customize your message. Some of the most popular include: changing colors, creating unique images, and printing out special texts. Think about how you want to say it and then do it. What will most likely come up as a way to say it? If you don’t have the answer right away, just ask people in your area or online for inspiration.
Oil change stickers are great for a car wash because there’s no way to confuse customers with a manual detailing service. Customers won’t have any problems finding out who is on staff. The back of the car will have the phone number, and a custom sticker that says just that will make it easy for them to identify who they are talking to. This could save money, as well. Instead of dealing with a large group of employees, you’ll only have one person who needs to handle the details.
Another example is an oil change business. You could create a window decal or custom bumper sticker that says, “Moped Maintenance Only.” This would be helpful to customers who have questions. It tells them what kind of tools and equipment you use, as well as the best place to go for maintenance services. You can also add a phone number and address to the design that will make it easy for anyone who wants to give you a call.
There are other ways to improve your advertising, too. Instead of printing your business name and logo on a big sign, consider putting it on a new oil tanker. The same design would work if you put it on an old oil drum or on the side of a pump that can be seen by anyone driving by. Just be sure that your design is clean, simple, and reflective of what your business offers.
You’ll find many companies that offer customized oil change coupons. If you put a coupon on the windshield of a customer’s car, she might drive by and pick it up. She might then use it at her own garage, or go get it and bring it with her to use at her place of work. She might even bring it with her when she goes to the grocery store and might tell her friends and family about her great new deal. You can be sure that if she doesn’t use it at her place of business, it won’t be on her windshield any longer.
There are other ways to improve your advertising, too. Instead of printing your business name and logo on a big sign, consider putting it on a new oil tanker. The same design would work if you put it on an old oil drum or on the side of a pump that can be seen by anyone driving by. Just be sure that your design is clean, simple, and reflective of what your business offers.
Customized oil change stickers are a great way to get your message out. No matter what you’re advertising, you can be sure that using these stickers will reach a lot more people than just your customers. Consider adding a sticker to your vehicle or to the bumper of someone’s car. Then, ask your customers to pass them around and show them where they’ve been. No one will be able to resist handing them out, and soon, you’ll find that your stickers are everywhere!