DeskFlex Meeting Booking System
How To Plan and Set One-On-One Meetings with Your Subordinates

Office supervisors and team managers have a significant role in motivating employees to increase their work productivity. Team meetings help improve collaboration, but one-on-one meetings can boost the professionalism of each team member.
One on one meeting is the right opportunity for team leaders and office managers to become mentors, coaches, and peers too. It encourages performance checks, direct report conversations, and assessing team goals, professional development, engagement, and more. Use a reliable meeting booking system to avoid other teams from conquering your space for the meeting date.
Why Should Office Managers Consider One-on-One Meetings?
Meetings of all kinds may sometimes feel time-consuming, but the return on investment is often tremendous. With regular conversations and mentoring, managers can develop trust both with individuals and with team members. As a result, confidence in the workplace strengthens teams, creates a collaborative work environment for teams to perform safely.
By listening actively to their team member, an effective team leader can provide guidance and feedback along the way, applying and practicing a coaching mentality. Better coaches and managers can support employees and propel them to excellence and improve overall team success.
What Topics to Consider When Setting One-on-One Team Member Meetings?
Preparation can go a long way. As a manager, you can pick the topic to discuss with your subordinate that genuinely fits the current status of his/her performance. You can select a suitable spot in the office through the Exchange meeting room display and book your Meeting Reservation right there.
Here are some of the topics you need to consider when setting meetings with team members:
*Work Habits
- What distracts you the most?
- What adjustments can we make so you can improve your workday?
- Which is your peak time of day when you are most productive?
- Are you encountering any challenges, and if so, what are they?
*Team Collaboration
- Do you feel comfortable giving positive or negative criticism to others?
- Can you suggest ways to improve the way we work together?
- Who motivates you? Why?
- Would you like to receive more comments from other colleagues?
*Proactive Participation
- Do you have any worries when it comes to your role or career opportunities?
- What are the things you least prefer doing and why?
- What keeps you dedicated and inspired at work?
*Short-Term and Long-Term Performance Goals
- Are you facing any bottlenecks? What might help remove them?
- How are you progressing on your goals? Do you need any help?
- Can you share your longer-term goals?
- Which part of your job do you feel is the most relevant to your long-term goals?
*Professional development goals and plan
- How do you like to learn?
- What are some experiences and skills you would like to gain?
- Can you share what you love most about your job and what are the things you dislike?
- Are there projects you have enjoyed working on recently, and why?
- Would you benefit from more coaching?
*Manager improvement
- Do you understand the team vision and goals?
- I clearly convey our company’s vision and mission to you?
- Do you feel empowered in your tasks?
- You feel your career is advancing?
- Do you find my communication straightforward and easy to understand, or is there something I can improve?
- How can I improve my support in doing your work performances?
A little preparation for your team meetings can go a long way. Plan ahead of time with these topics to consider. Make sure you book a meeting room with a Meeting Room Display Screen to let others know there is a mentoring happening at that moment. No matter your Human Resource maturity level, taking time out each month or weekly to check on your employees can significantly increase your employees’ morale, enable them to be more engaged in the job, and improve their performances.