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Diabetes News: Are You at Risk?

In the United States, over 10.5 percent of the population has diabetes. Unfortunately, many individuals with diabetes go undiagnosed because they don’t know they are at risk. As a result, their condition goes untreated and may even deteriorate.

Thus, it’s crucial to understand the causes and symptoms of diabetes so you can detect it early! This post will do just that and explain the basics of treating diabetes. So, keep reading for more diabetes news!

Causes of Diabetes

There are two different common types of diabetes, and each has a unique cause. So, let’s take a look at what they are!

Type 1 Diabetes

This diabetes is an autoimmune disease, which means that your immune system begins to attack certain cells.

In the case of type 2 diabetes, the immune system attacks and eliminates cells in the pancreas that are responsible for insulin production. Although doctors are unsure of the cause, it may be genetic or the result of a virus.

Type 2 Diabetes

The most common type of diabetes results from lifestyle and genetic factors. So, if someone in your family has diabetes, you should be sure to get checked frequently and watch for symptoms of the disease.

Of course, being overweight or obese is a major risk factor for type diabetes. Thus, one of the best things you can do to prevent it is to stay active and maintain a healthy diet.

Symptoms of Diabetes

Just as the causes of diabetes vary according to the type, so do the symptoms. Here’s what to look out for if you suspect you could have type 1 diabetes:

  • Increased thirst or appetite
  • Frequent urination
  • Rapid weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Changes in mood
  • Blurred vision

Type 2 can cause all of the diabetes symptoms above, including a few other health problems. For example, it may take your body longer to heal if you get cut. And you may get reoccurring infections.


With type 1 diabetes, your doctor will have you take insulin to replace the hormone your body cannot make. Some types of insulin act quicker or stay in your system longer than others, so your doctor will prescribe one that fits your body’s needs.

As the major cause of type 2 diabetes is obesity, diet and exercise are vital for treatment. This means in serious cases doctors may prescribe bariatric or weight loss surgery Newcastle, to help assist in healthy weight loss. But, if these changes aren’t enough to control your condition, you will likely need medication, such as Janumet XR. And, depending on the severity, your doctor may also prescribe insulin.

Stay Up to Date on Diabetes News

After reading this post, you are more familiar with the symptoms and causes of diabetes, which will help you monitor your health more closely.

So, if you suspect you may be at risk for this widespread disease, talk to your doctor! They can help you manage your health with one of the diabetes treatments discussed in this article.

Would you like more tips for a healthy lifestyle? If so, check out more of our content related to health and wellness that can help you learn diabetes news!

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