Easy and Flexible Air Conditioning Repairs

The Air conditioner is a vital element to adjust to your cooling needs in summers. You buy, Air conditioner and get it Installed to have a quick chilling atmosphere all around. Have you ever thought about which gas your Air Conditioner operates? The AC Gas is also known by the name Refrigerant. Yes, the Refrigerants in the modern era have well-distinguished life with and without an air conditioner. In this article, we will explore more about AC refrigerants and AC gas filling charges.
AC Gas or Refrigerants:
The AC Gas or Refrigerant is an element that is used in the Refrigerant cycle of the refrigerator or the heat pump of the Air Conditioner. The refrigerant is a type of fluid that makes cooling possible. In the overall process, the refrigerant passes over the liquid state to a gaseous state and back to the liquid state again for cooling or freezing.
Types of Gases or Refrigerants used in Air Conditioners
- Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC): Chlorofluorocarbon or Freon is one of the most common refrigerants or gases used in AC. The name freon is reflected as a brand name for the AC refrigerant “R-12”
- Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs): Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) do not weaken the ozone layer. Next, the most common Hydrofluorocarbon used in AC is R-410A. It is highly used in the latest ACs. The R-410A is highly efficient in transferring heat and assists the AC unit to work less to generate enough cooling. Hence, some more HFCs options are R-32 in AC & R-134A in the refrigerator
- Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs): Next, the Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) were introduced and replaced by the CFCs in the 1990s & 2000s. Therefore, the most common type of HCFC is R-22 that comprises chlorine. This gas type leads to the reduction of the ozone layer
- Hydrocarbons (HC): Currently, the 2 most common types of Hydrocarbons: ” R-290″ & “R-600A”. Also, these refrigerants are known by their chemical names. The R-290 is known as ” Propane” and “R-600A” is known as “Iso-Butane”. These refrigerants do not cause ozone depletion or any global warming. Thus, they are thoroughly free of halogen. Hydrocarbon is one of the greenest refrigerants in the market and is highly energy-efficient. On the other hand, due to hydrocarbon properties, it can also be highly Inflammable.
AC Gas Filling Charges
- Gas Filling of Split AC of 1.0 ton costs 1500-1700
- Gas Filling of Split AC of 1.5 ton costs 1800-1999.
Gas Filling charges as per the type
- Gas Filling charges for R22 Gas: Rs 800
- Gas Filling charges for R32 Gas: Rs 900
- Gas Filling charges for R410 Gas: Rs 900
- Gas Filling charges for R290 Gas: Rs. 1000 per kg
AC Repair Charges
- AC inspection charges: 200
- AC Repair: 200-500
- Dismantle of Split AC: 750
- Dismantle of Window AC: 400
- Window AC Service: 400
- Window AC installation: 500
- Window AC uninstallation: 400
- Minor AC Repair and Inspection: 249.
How to fill Gas in AC?
Preparation process
- Checking the AC: You need to clean the AC filters and make sure the condenser coil is also working. Also, clean the air handler blower fan
- Check the leakage or any fault in connections: Also, check if your AC had no leakages and is free of any faults in connection and insulation points
- Note the type of refrigerant: It is very essential to note the type of refrigerant used in your AC. This is vital to be determined to keep your Air Conditioner working for long.
Steps to Fill the AC Gas
- At first, on the AC you need to fix the suction line and the discharge line. You will find these behind the window AC. Next, in split AC you will find the suction line just above the discharge line and is cool enough to touch, and the discharge line is calm to touch
- Now, unscrew the bolt of the low side or the suction line. The screw of the suction line acts as a valve and avoids the refrigerant to flow inwards and outwards till it is packed. Therefore, it is essential to loosen the screw to fill the gas in AC
- Discard the bolt on the left side and attach the blue hose of your Air Conditioner. Next, remove all the air thoroughly from the AC system to remove the moisture and avoid damages
- Make sure the AC Valves are closed. Now connect the yellow hose with the refrigerant tank. Now, loosen the yellow hose before you open the tank knob. Further, reduce the cylinder knob for about a second and close it to discard all the air from the pipe, and compress the yellow hose
- Furthermore, open the lower side knob for 3-4 seconds and close it. Now, generate your AC and stop till the compressor kicks
- Once the compressor starts operating, open the lower side valve. Now, leave the valve open for about 4 seconds and then close it for just 2 seconds. The gas in AC will be filled in small amounts to avoid any damage to the compressor
- Once you reach the pressure of 60-70 PSI close the refrigerant tank knob, valve, and unscrew the blue hose of the suction line & unscrew the yellow house from the refrigerant tank