Fruits for Diabetics: 9 Best fruits for someone with diabetes
Keeping track of daily sugar intake is suitable for everyone, but it is essential for people with diabetes! People with diabetes are always recommended to cut-off on sugar and eat a healthy and balanced diet. People with diabetes often believe that eating fruits can also raise their blood sugar levels, but it is ultimately a myth! Fruits are a great source of various nutrients and are a very healthy way to satisfy your hunger pangs. However, most of the fruits contain high amounts of sugar, but some are not harmful to diabetics because they have low sugar content. The glycemic index of any food item determines if it is suitable for diabetes or not! For example, if a food has a low GI value, it does not raise the body’s blood glucose levels!
So, if you have diabetes and have a sweet tooth then, do not worry; you will not miss out on fruits, at least! Yes, that is right! Here, in this article, we have created a list of the nine best low-sugar fruits which can satisfy your sugar desires without really increasing your blood glucose levels. Read on to find them out! Let us start.
Enjoy this vitamin C decadent, juicy treat without any worries, as it will not hike your blood sugar levels! On average, a medium-sized orange has only 70 calories and just 12 grams of sugar! It also contains potassium and folate, which helps in normalizing blood pressure. The GI and GL of orange is as follows.
GI: 55
GL: 22
Grapefruit is another citrus fruit on the list which helps to maintain blood sugar. A medium-sized grapefruit contains only 9 grams of sugar. So, have it for breakfast or as a snack, but make sure you eat it in moderation. The GI and GL of grapefruit is as follows.
GI: 59
GL: 11
With a surprisingly low amount of sugar, this fruit is the best for satisfying your sweet tooth! One cup of raspberries contains only 5 grams of sugar and loads of fibers; yes, that’s true! So, this berry will give you feel full for long hours and will not even increase your glucose levels! The GI and GL of raspberries is as follows.
GI: 25
GL: 3
These fuzzy green fruits are rich in vitamin C and have a meager amount of sugar. With just 6 grams of sugar per fruit, this fruit indeed deserves a place in your daily diet! The GI and GL of kiwi is as follows.
GI: 58
GL: 7
Avocados are naturally low in sugar, with just 1 gram of sugar per fruit; avocados are very healthy for people with diabetes. They also lower the level of bad cholesterols in the body that helps in protecting the heart. The GI and GL of avocados is as follows.
GI: 15
GL: 1
Of course, they are lovely in taste, but you will be surprised to know that they are not at all a sugary fruit! A medium-sized peach contains only 13 grams of sugar, so reach for a juicy peach whenever you crave sugar! The GI and GL of peaches is as follows.
GI: 28
Gl: 3
Yes, that’s right! These delicious purple treats are great for everyone, including those who have diabetes! With only 7 grams of sugar per fruit, this sweet treat can be enjoyed at any time of the day! The GI and GL of plums is as follows.
GI: 24
GL: 2
Apple juice is full of sugars, we agree, but if you change the way you consume it and have it as whole fruit, you will only get 19 grams of sugar. So yes! It is said that An apple a day can keep the doctors away! The GI and GL of apples is as follows.
GI: 36
GL: 6
The favorite summer fruit of almost everyone, watermelon, is very hydrating in nature and has only 10 grams of sugar per cup. As a reward, you also get a portion of iron if you eat this delicious fruit! The GI and GL of watermelons is as follows.
GI: 72
Gl: 2
These are some fruits that can satisfy your sugar desires without really increasing your blood glucose levels. However, it is advisable to contact Diabetologist first, and if you are living in Jodhpur, then Preksha Hospital is the best Diabetologist in Jodhpur. Also, Preksha Hospital is the Best endocrinologist in Jodhpur, so that you can trust them blindly and can take treatment from them. Always consultant a Diabetologist first and then take any decision as health is the priority. Stay Healthy Eat Healthy Live Healthy!!