How To Maintain Your Boat

Just like other vehicles, boats require regular maintenance. It’s important to find a boat servicing company that you trust and who can take care of your boat when more serious issues arise. With correct care and preservation, you can prolong the life of your boat to last a longer time than expected whether you take it out to sea, rivers or lakes. Regular maintenance is required after every journey it takes. There are many regular tasks you can complete to get the most out of your vessel. Here are our tips on how to take care of your boat.
Clean The Exterior
Keeping the exterior of your boat clean is important for many reasons. Not only does keeping it clean help show off your boat to its best ability, but it also stops the spread of creepy crawling creatures making your boat their new home. You don’t want any of these unwanted visitors surprising your invited guests next time they come aboard. To prevent this from happening clean your boat after each time you use it. Another important reason for cleaning the exterior of your boat is to get rid of the salt from the sea as this will begin to erode the exterior over time if not rinsed off.
How To Store Your Boat
Storing your boat is extremely important when taking care of it. By leaving your boat unprotected you run the risk of unexpected weather conditions causing damage to it. One place of storing your boat is outside. This is a popular choice and requires a proper cover to ensure it’s protected from all the elements.
We recommend looking into a professional to shrink wrap your boat as this allows the boat to stay covered but still ventilated. If you’re unable to have someone do this for you, try covering the boat with a tarp over a sturdy structure and keeping the boat underneath. Another storage solution is to keep it indoors in a garage or a storage space. This is a great option as you can have confidence knowing your boat is protected from the sun and other harsh weather conditions. If you don’t have the space to store your boat or your boat is bigger, it may be more practical for you to check with the closest harbour, as most offer storage in the water. Checkout for the more services about the outboard motor service.
Boat Engine Maintenance
There are preventative steps you can take to ensure your engine lasts for a long time and preserve the value of the boat without taking it to a mechanic.
You can frequently check that you have enough fuel and that the vent is open, ensure that the engine mount screw clamps are firm, check the water intake isn’t polluted and see that the propeller is free of caught fish and unwanted oil builds up.
Make sure you flush the engine after each trip. Regardless if your boat is used in salt or freshwater, this needs to be done regularly. Flushing the engine will stop the salt and other unwanted deposits from damaging the engine and gets rid of sand, debris and muck. Many boats come with a built-in flushing system. Make sure you speak to a professional or refer to your boat manual to execute this procedure correctly.