Your Future Starts Now: Top Careers for Women Switching Jobs
Your Future Starts Now: Top Careers for Women Switching Jobs

Did you know that, according to a survey by InHerSight, 73% of women are looking to change careers? That’s 2/3rds of the female workforce that wishes to change industries entirely, not just their jobs.
Are you part of this statistic? Then you will want to read the article below on the best careers for women who are looking to make a change. It might require you to get a degree or a certification, but these high-paying careers for women are worth the additional effort.
This is one of the best jobs for women out there because it allows you to take control over your future, finances, and time. If you wish to have children in the future or are looking for more work-life balance, then being your own boss is the way to do it.
If you already have a product that you have been selling on Etsy or on your own website as a side business, then why not move into it full-time, and ditch your 9-5?
Women have a tendency to put their knowledge and talents down. Maybe you are doing this to yourself as well. If you look carefully at your skills and abilities, you might realize that you know more than you realize.
Why not become a coach or consultant and share your expertise with those who need it? You can do this job on a contract or freelance basis and set your own hours, working from home or from a nice coworking space.
This is another on the list of top careers for women. The possibilities are limitless when you are an influencer.
If you like the idea of sharing your ideas in a public manner and building your followership, then why not become an influencer? It might take time to build your audience, but it’s well worth it in the end.
Also, there are so many different things you could be an influencer on, like fitness, healthy recipes, motherhood, investing, and more.
Online Teacher
As more of the world moves online, many women are becoming teachers, both offline and online. If you would like to teach a language, or a course on something specific, there are many platforms out there for you to share on, like Udemy or Skillshare. Or you could build your customized website and get your name out that way.
To learn more about high-paying jobs for women, check out Ms Career Girl.
So Many Careers for Women to Choose From
With all these great options for careers for women available, you might end up with analysis paralysis. But don’t delay too long before deciding on your chosen career option and going for it.
You can always change your career later, if you feel like it doesn’t fit you well. You have that option.
Keep browsing through our website and other related articles to keep learning about top careers for women.