Kitchen Remodel: Tips on How to Survive a Kitchen Remodel

“The more you know, the more you can create. There’s no end to imagination in the kitchen. ” – Julia Child.
Considering your kitchen is responsible for a wide range of critical daily chores, it must be both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Whether you’re cooking, cleaning, dining, or entertaining, the kitchen should be a place you like spending time in, and thoughtful kitchen design may help you achieve that.
A kitchen makeover may be a lengthy process that requires careful planning. Unfortunately, you or your contractor will not be able to just tear down the cabinets, rebuild the countertops, or change the flooring. At the very least, that isn’t the most time-and-money-effective way to go about it. Once your contractor has given you a “start” or “demo” date, it is critical that you prepare your kitchen for construction.
There are several tasks that must be completed in advance of your kitchen’s spectacular remodel. First, you’ll need to pack and store your present kitchen so that the renovation can begin. Second, you must set up a makeshift kitchen. Third, you have to decide on all the furniture, flooring, fittings & fixtures, etc.
Do you want to start planning your kitchen remodel but don’t know where to begin? Take a look at our list of tips below:
Tips on How to Pack Up & Move Your Present Kitchen
Grab your cardboard boxes, tapes, and garbage bags; it’s time to pack your kitchen.
1- The first step is to clean up the kitchen floor and counters. Put everything in one area for the time being, and we’ll go back and arrange everything later. If you have something out that belongs in a cabinet, simply return it to the cabinet. We’ll empty those as well later.
2- This stage is especially crucial if you intend to paint something new. Regardless, a lot of dust and grime may build up on your paintings and decorations, so it’s important to remove them to keep them safe.
3- The easiest method to store utensils is to place them all in a cutlery organiser and cover them in plastic wrap. But be extra cautious with the knife. To avoid harm, they should be placed in a separate container.
4- You don’t want to go in and out of your kitchen a lot if you’re redesigning it. You will be if you are using your regular ceramic & stainless steel dishware. Instead, buy disposable plastic forks, bowls, plates, and other items you’ll need, and store your dishes for the time being.
5- Make sure that you keep the frequently used items readily available. That could be your coffee maker, juicer, toaster oven, etc., whatever you find yourself using daily, move it into a corner of your room. You won’t need to box these up since they’ll be used often.
6- If you’re replacing cabinets, you’ll have a lot more to unload. Begin with the dry goods: spices, canned fruits and vegetables, soups, and so on. Find a location for your food and store it all in that place.
7- Now for the more delicate items: dishes. Find a location for your dishware and empty it all into boxes, just as you did with the food. Place newspaper between the plates to protect them from breaking or scratching each other. Place as few dishes as possible in one box to make it easier to pick up and transfer.
8- Take everything else you have left in your cabinets out as well. If you discover anything you don’t use very often, put it in a box.
9- If you haven’t already, put all of your boxes in a storage place where you can quickly retrieve them when the new kitchen is finished.
Tips on How to Set Up a Temporary Kitchen
You’ll need a place to wash and dry dishes, as well as prepare some meals while your kitchen is being renovated. So a temporary kitchen will be your escape.
1- Place your old refrigerator or tiny mini-fridge in a suitable location near a water source. Add a microwave table and a trash can beneath the table.
2- Stock up on non-perishable foods like soups, sauces, and cereal.
3- Paper towels, rubbish bags, dishcloths, dishwashing detergent, paper cups and napkins, paper plates, and cutlery should all be kept on hand.
4- Don’t forget your coffee pods (or coffee grounds, filters), coffee mugs, sugar, cream, spatula, cooking spoons, tongs, oven mitts, and so on.
5- Microwaves, toasters, toaster ovens, hot plates, crock pots, and tiny electric grills will be quite useful in making home-cooked meals.
6- Keep in mind that the location where you put up your temporary kitchen may not be able to handle numerous appliances running at the same time, much alone other electrical equipment often used in that space. To avoid tripping the circuit breakers, you should only have one device plugged in at a time.
Tips on Preparing for Your Kitchen Renovation
Maybe you want a new space that emits rustic charm or a style that shouts modern elegance. In any event, starting a renovation project isn’t as straightforward as picking out a new kitchen and hiring a construction crew.
1- Before you begin a kitchen remodel, speak with the contractor or the person in charge of the project. Consult with them to determine a precise schedule for when the refurbishment will take place. In order to be proactive about the remodelling and prepare ahead, request dates and times.
2- An important first step is to examine the layout of your present kitchen and determine if it is the most cost-effective use of space and best meets your needs. If the answer to such inquiries is “yes,” the renovation will be straightforward. If the response is “no,” the remodelling will most likely be more extensive. Depending on your style and concept, you must fully redesign your kitchen.
3- Another critical step is to ensure that you have a budget in place before calling the contractor. Determine how much you can spend and stick as close to that amount as possible. Without a budget, it is all too simple to overspend by a substantial amount.
4- If you want new appliances, such as a stove or refrigerator, make sure your kitchen has enough room to accommodate them. That is why, before making any purchase selections, you should take measurements of the whole kitchen space. Measure the size of your space for tile flooring, the style of faucet you want for your washbasin, and the type of countertop you want in your kitchen. You can find all these at AGL Tile, so check it out once.
5- While you may have your perfect aesthetic in mind, it is important to examine if your ideal design is truly functional and makes the best use of space. If the answer is no, it may be time to reconsider your design strategy. After all, while kitchens should be visually appealing, compromising functionality for design is never a smart idea.
6- If you’re having trouble imagining your ideal kitchen, enlisting the help of a reputable designer is a guaranteed answer. This method will be pricey, but it will be well worth it if your ideal kitchen makeover comes true. Designers, according to HGTV, are especially beneficial when it comes to lighting design.
7- Get a bulletin board for your home before you begin your kitchen makeover. Use this board to keep track of the remodel’s progress. Take photographs as often as possible and create a checklist on which you may cross off each stage when it is finished. These tips will help to alleviate your frustration. They’ll also show you how far your kitchen has progressed and how close you are to achieving your desired kitchen.
Preparing your kitchen for a renovation should not be a difficult process. If you take a few days to prepare your area, you will discover that the organisation will make the redesign go more smoothly. Using the ideas above should help relieve some of the stress associated with planning for and living through your kitchen renovation.