About 60 percent of the average civilian’s workday is spent on their feet — walking or standing. And that figure hardly represents those in physically strenuous jobs.
Perhaps you’re one of those in the latter category, and you need working boots to protect your feet throughout the day. If so, we’ve put together a quick list of the best brands to keep yourself safe in the proper footwear: cowboy boots, safety footwear, steel-toed boots, and everything in between.
1. Chuck’s Boots
Chuck’s Boots has a selection of stylish yet protective boots that keep wearers’ feet dry on the job. More importantly, though, their durable cowboy boots have steel toes to keep your feet safe.
The soles of the boots have great grip. They resist heat, chemicals, oil, and slipping, too. So, they’re not just protective on a worksite with potentially falling objects — they can protect you from dangerous substances and slick surfaces, too.
2. Timberland
You’ve seen people wear Timberlands in their day-to-day lives, but did you know that the brand makes work shoes, too? Their shoes have all of the must-haves for workers who want to stay upright, avoid slips, and keep their feet protected from falling objects. Think steel toes, sturdy soles, waterproofing, insulation, and more.
Even better, Timberland’s boots are stylish for work and play. So, if you go and grab a beer after work, you can keep your Timberlands on for all of that.
3. Carhartt
Carhartt doesn’t just make beanies — they have a great selection of sturdy working boots, too.
You’re going to find that many of the best work boots on our shopping guide will have the same features. But let’s take a look at one interesting advantage you’ll get from your Carhartts: some models can resist contact with an electrical shock of up to 18,000 volts. So, if your job may put you in contact with a live wire, then consider a boot like this.
4. Skechers
You probably never thought you’d be shopping online for work boots from Skechers, right? Turns out, the comfort shoe brand has a great selection of sturdy safety footwear, too.
Skechers has a wide range of work-appropriate shoes depending on the job you have. Your work boots from this brand will protect you from electrical shock and provide slip resistance. They have cooling insoles so your feet stay comfortable all day long.
If you don’t work on a construction site or somewhere similar, you might find a good work shoe via Skechers. They have lots of nonslip, comfortable footwear for nurses, hygienists, teachers, and more.
Find Your Working Boots for 2022
These are just four shoe brands that sell working boots. But each one has a wide selection of shoes, so they’re a great place to start your search for proper footwear to don on the job.
No matter which ones you choose, you can’t go wrong. You’ll be safer and more comfortable on the job — and nothing’s more important than that.
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