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Snow Shoveling Safety Tips

Snow Shoveling Safety Tips

Are you looking to improve your snow removal skills? Not all snow is alike, some can be slippery when wet. Salt degrades asphalt and concrete. Ice has hidden sharp edges that can slice a shovel.

Break the ice with the edge of a shovel, not the corner. Turning over a heavy pile of snow can twist a back or strain a leg. And the list goes on for what you need to look out for.

Snow shoveling is more than a chore for winters in the Northeast. It is potentially dangerous indoor/outdoor work. Reduce the injury risk by following a few key safety tips.

Wear Protective Snow Gear

When shoveling snow, it is important to wear protective gear to avoid injury. This includes gloves to protect your hands from the cold and wet, a hat or scarf to keep your head and neck warm, and boots to keep your feet dry and warm.

Also, be sure to dress in layers so that you can remove clothing if you become too warm. Finally, be sure to stretch before shoveling to avoid muscle strain.

First Stretch Out

Snow shoveling can be tough on your body and lead to injury if you’re not careful. First, stretch out your muscles before heading out to shovel. A good warm-up will help prevent injury. Next, use a lightweight shovel and take frequent breaks to avoid overexertion.

Getting your body warm up before going out avoids the dangers of shoveling snow. However, If you are in doubt that you might not able to perform it properly, try contacting residential snow removal experts to prevent the risks of shoveling snow.

Take It Slow

If you must shovel snow, take it slow. Pushing or lifting heavy snow can lead to back injury or a heart attack. Warm up your muscles beforehand with some light stretching exercises. Start shoveling gradually, and take frequent breaks to avoid overexertion.

Drink plenty of fluids, and dress in layers to stay warm. If you experience chest pain, shortness of breath, or irregular heartbeats, stop shoveling and seek medical attention immediately.

Use Good Form

When shoveling snow, it is important to use good form to avoid injury. Start by warming up with some light stretching. When shoveling, keep your feet shoulder-width apart and your back straight.

Bend at your knees, not your waist, and lift with your legs. Avoid twisting your body. Push the snow instead of lifting it, and take breaks often. Drinking plenty of fluids will help prevent dehydration.

Shovel Fresh Snow

Snow shoveling is a tedious and time-consuming task, but it’s a necessary one if you want to keep your property safe and accessible during the winter. While it may seem like a simple task, there are a few safety concerns to keep in mind when shoveling snow.

First and foremost, always shovel fresh snow. Wet, compacted snow is much heavier and more difficult to shovel, and can put unnecessary strain on your body.

Learn Snow Shoveling The Right way

If you plan on spending any time outside in the snow this winter, be sure to follow these safety tips while snow shoveling. First, only shovel fresh snow that has not been packed down by people or vehicles. Next, use a lightweight shovel to avoid putting too much strain on your body.

Then, take breaks often to rest your muscles and avoid overexertion. Stay hydrated and dress warmly to avoid getting cold. By following these tips, you can enjoy your time in the snow while staying safe.

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