Skin Problems That May Arise While Using Poor Quality Hand Sanitizers And How To Avoid Them
Alcohol Based Hand Sanitizer

Hand sanitizers are meant to keep your hands free from germs causing life-threatening diseases. They are simple aqueous solution mainly containing alcohol as a major disinfectant. Some alcohol based hand sanitizers contain moisturizers to counter the dehydrating agent. Together, they destroy most of the unwanted pathogens and also moisturizes your skin.
Today, the world is amid one of the deadliest pandemics in human history, and the vaccine is yet to be invented. To stop the spread of the disease, major health advisories like who and the CDC recommends the use of an alcohol-based hand sanitisers frequently.
However, alcohol, the major disinfectant in a hand rub is highly volatile and thus is a strong dehydrating agent. Most of the manufacturers use moisturizers such as aloe vera gel to counter the dehydrating effects of alcohol. On one hand, alcohol kills bacteria and viruses including the Coronavirus that might be present on your skin. On another, moisturizers soothe and nourish your skin to keep it in good shape.
The sudden rise of the COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to the use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers and many small and big players have come into the market. Without prior experience, they started manufacturing products with questionable effectiveness and adverse side effects on your skin.

Let’s look at the skin complexities that may ache you while using poor quality hand sanitizer out in the market –
- Your skin may become dry, rough, and cracky each time you use a hand rub. You’d feel itchiness and pain when the cracks become more intense.
If such problems occur, you need to change your brand and/or seek products with a quality moisturizer. Plus, consider washing hands with soap and water while you can.
- People with sensitive skin might also experience redness, paleness, and swelling. It such conditions, it’d be really painful for you, and the risk of Eczema increases.
If you face these problems, stop using the product and seek advice from a dermatologist.
- Whether you use common IPA hand sanitizer or ethanol-based hand sanitizer, thickener, softener, fragrances used may make your skin feel uncomfortable.
So, look for a product that is simpler, skin-friendly, and effective. The fewer chemicals go onto the making of your hand rub, the better for your skin.
- While being in a community setting, your hands get in contact with harmful chemicals, pesticides, and other substances. Alcohol in hand sanitizer may react with them leaving the impact on your skin.
In such situations, the best option is to wash your hands with antibacterial soap and water. Thereafter, you might rub few drops of hand rub on your palms and fingers for added precaution.
The major purpose of an alcohol based hand sanitizer is to protect you from deadly diseases like COVID-19 without affecting your skin. While the hand sanitizer is likely to become an integral part of your daily life, you should consider choosing the product manufactured with prior experience in the skincare industry.