The 5 Different Types of Autism That Doctors Can Diagnose
The 5 Different Types of Autism That Doctors Can Diagnose

Did you know that 1 out of 54 children has an autism spectrum disorder? It is essential to detect autism as early as possible. The earlier autism is diagnosed, the earlier your child can begin receiving treatment.
Autism isn’t one-size-fits-all. There are five different varieties of autism, each affecting a child in their own way. But knowing all five allows parents and doctors to be more thorough when diagnosing.
Read below to learn more about the different types of autism, how autism is diagnosed, and how autism is treated.
What Causes Autism and How Is It Diagnosed
While the cause of autism is unknown, there are several risk factors that have been identified. This includes advanced parental age at the time of conception, maternal obesity, diabetes or immune system disorders, and extreme prematurity or very low birth weight.
There are also environmental factors. These include exposure to toxins during pregnancy. Examples of toxins are lead and mercury.
Another factor is having a pregnant mother who is over the age of 35, and being born male. Autism is a complex disorder, and more research is needed to understand all of the factors that may contribute to it.
Autism is typically diagnosed by a team of specialists. They observe the child’s behavior and development and administer developmental and autism-specific tests.
Different Types of Autism
There are five different types of autism that doctors can diagnose. Each of the following types of autism has different symptoms and causes:
1. Asperger’s Syndrome
Asperger’s syndrome is a form of autism that is most commonly known for difficulties in social interaction and repetitive habits. People with Asperger’s syndrome often have obsessive interests. They may also appear “quirky” or “eccentric.”
People with Asperger’s syndrome typically have normal intelligence. They also often excel in academic and creative pursuits. It is classified as high-functioning autism, exhibiting more severe social and communicative challenges.
People with this autism often have difficulty understanding and responding to nonverbal cues. These nonverbal cues are facial expressions and body language.
2. Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified
Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) is a type of autism characterized by social and communication impairment. These are less severe than autistic disorder but more severe than Asperger syndrome.
PDD-NOS is a diagnosis given to individuals who meet some but not all, of the criteria for autism. People with PDD-NOS may have milder delays in development. They may or may not have repetitive behaviors and interests.
3. Rett Syndrome
Rett syndrome is a rare form of autism that is characterized by cognitive impairments. They also exhibit social deficits and motor abnormalities. Rett syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects girls almost exclusively.
4. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
Childhood disintegrative disorder (CDD) is a rare form of autism. It is characterized by a delay in the development of social and communication skills, followed by a sudden loss of these skills.
Childhood disintegrative disorder is a severe form of autism. It is characterized by a regression in skills after 2-4 years of development.
5. Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Autistic spectrum disorder is the most severe form of autism. It is characterized by impaired social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviors.
The symptoms and behaviors associated with other diagnoses vary. But all fall under the broader diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder (ASD).
Comparatively to people without autistic spectrum disorder, people living with autism have a much greater prevalence of comorbid mental and physical health issues.
Treatment for Autism and What the Future Holds
Early diagnosis and intervention are important for treating autism. It is also important in promoting individualized learning and growth.
There is no cure for autism. However, there are many different types of treatment and therapies that can help people with autism manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.
Autism treatments and therapies are there to help people with autism improve communication, social interaction, and repetitive behaviors. The future for people with autism is full of promise.
There is no cure for autism. However, there are many different types of treatment and therapies, such as Texas speech and aba therapy, that can help people with autism manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.
With early intervention, individualized support, and continued research, we can help people with autism reach their full potential.
If you think your child may have autism, it is important to seek out help from a qualified professional like Kids on the Move to make sure they are properly treated.
The Range of Severity in Autism
The range of severity of autism can vary significantly from one individual to the next. Some people with autism are severely incapacitated. They cannot speak or care for themselves.
Meanwhile, others may have only mild symptoms and be able to live relatively normal lives. The type of autism someone has can affect their level of functioning. Some people with autism may be able to function quite well during certain times or activities.
However, they can have a “meltdown” due to various stimuli or anxiety. The level of support and services an individual with autism requires is also highly variable and depends on their specific needs.
Impairments Associated With Autism
Each type of autism has different impairments associated with it. People with social impairments may have difficulty making eye contact. It is also difficult for them to interact with others, and pick up on social cues.
Those with communication difficulties may have trouble understanding spoken language, using spoken language, or both. Repetitive behaviors are often characterized by obsessive interests and rigid routines.
Sensitivities can include sensitivities to sound, touch, taste, smell, and light. Intellectual disabilities range from mild to severe. It can impact a person’s ability to learn, reason, and function in daily life.
While each type of autism is unique, all types of autism share certain core symptoms. The most common symptoms are difficulty with social interaction and communication.
Recognize the Types of Autism for Early Detection
Early detection of autism is crucial in order to provide the best possible care and treatment for affected individuals. If you think you or your child may have autism, be sure to see a doctor for a diagnosis.
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