Oral surgery makes up approximately 14.8% of the $109.28 billion dental services market. They may seem like a last-ditch emergency method, but they’re a common way to combat many oral health issues.
There are several reasons you may walk into the dentist’s office and get referred to a surgeon. You may have a missing or impacted tooth or a jaw condition like TMJ.
Different types of dental surgery exist to fix these problems, including implants, sedation dentistry, and jaw surgery. Read on to learn about their pros and cons so you know what to expect.
Pros and Cons of Dental Implants
178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth. Extraction is a specific type of oral surgery that removes dead or impacted teeth. Dental implants are a method used to replace them when they come out.
They let you replace several teeth at once. This can save you time, but you still may require several appointments for surgery, healing, and restoration.
They have a high success rate and can last for decades. A few of them may wear out and need to be replaced, especially if they’re made with delicate materials such as porcelain.
They are more cost-effective than other methods of tooth replacement because of their durability. You won’t need to waste time and money replacing them, but they do require a high upfront investment.
Pros and Cons of Sedation Dentistry
Sedation dentistry refers to any method of oral care that uses medication or anesthesia to relax the patient before the procedure begins. It can be inhaled, given orally, or administered through an IV.
The sedation reduces pain and anxiety and reduces the time of the procedure. The only major problem is the risk of complications from the anesthesia. The sedation itself can also leave you with a higher bill.
Pros and Cons of Corrective Jaw Surgery
Corrective jaw surgery changes the size and shape of your jawbone to help your teeth align themself correctly. It’s quick, reduces strain on your teeth, and helps you have a cleaner bite that looks better and aids in digestion.
Jaw surgery can have side effects such as numbness, hearing loss, and pain. It requires extensive aftercare and a specialized diet for 4-8 weeks. It’s also one of the more expensive types of oral surgery.
Knowing the type of dental surgery you need is the first step. The next is deciding where to get it. Go to orangecitysurgicalsolutions.com to find the right surgeon for you. They offer extractions, implants, grafting, and other procedures.
More Dental Surgery Information
Dental surgery is one of the most common types of dental services in the world. There are several types, and they all have pros and cons that can help you decide if you need them.
Implants are an effective but time-consuming way to replace lost teeth. Sedation dentistry is risky but helps procedures go smoothly. Corrective jaw surgery gives you a clean bite but has a fairly difficult recovery period.
Read the rest of our content for more dental health tips.