Everything one needs to know about incontinence

Incontinence is when a person loses control of their bladder, leading to involuntary leakage. One might face this issue because of many reasons. Spinal cord injury, childbirth, family history, old age are just some of them. Though there is a stigma surrounding any talk of incontinence, and people might find themself embarrassed to discuss it, there is no reason for any shame. It is just a medical condition that needs proper care and treatment like any other. There are medications available to help with the problem. Incontinence underwear for men and women are also available in many places to aid those with incontinence issues.
The best way to stop worrying about any issue is to learn about it and equip oneself with knowledge. So let’s look at a short overview of incontinence and the causes, types, and how to treat it.
Many things can cause incontinence. Sometimes incontinence is a temporary issue that goes away with time. Some might be one of the effects of a long term health condition. Identifying the cause will make it easier to treat. Sometimes excess caffeine, alcohol, and carbonated drinks can stimulate one’s bladder, causing incontinence. Even spicy and salty foods like chilli can cause issues. But they do not have any long term effects and are only temporary.
Sometimes infections like Urinary Tract Infections can also lead to incontinence. Health conditions like stroke, diabetes, and multiple sclerosis can affect bladder functions in some way and cause leakage. For women, pregnancy can cause incontinence because of the extra pressure on the bladder. But this is a short term issue and will resolve itself after delivery. Menopause can also result in leakage because of the hormonal changes the body goes through.
Injuries to the spinal cord or having a family history can also be a cause. Most commonly, people experience incontinence because of their age. Age is a factor since your muscles loosen up as you age, increasing the chance of leakage.
There are different types of incontinence, characterised by various symptoms. It is necessary to know what kind of incontinence one has to get treated accordingly.
Stress incontinence:
When leakage happens when one laughs, sneezes, runs, lifts heavy objects, it is stress incontinence. Weakness in pelvic floor muscles and pressure on the bladder causes this.
Urge incontinence:
A condition known as the Overactive Bladder is the reason for urge continence. People with this condition often feel the strong need to urinate, leading to involuntary leakage. This can occur many times a day.
Overflow incontinence:
When the bladder does not empty fully and results in leakage, it is overflow incontinence. Conditions like stroke, diabetes, and multiple sclerosis cause this issue.
Mixed incontinence:
Mixed incontinence is when a combination of one or more problems causes leakage. Usually, having stress and urge incontinence at the same time can lead to mixed incontinence.
Functional incontinence:
Functional incontinence is when a person has no medical or bladder problems, but leakage happens because of barriers like cognitive issues or lack of toilets.
When one starts experiencing incontinence issues, it’s best to consult a doctor. Depending on the cause and type, the doctor can devise a treatment plan accordingly. It could be anything from medications to changing one’s diet to doing pelvic floor muscle exercises.
Aside from treatments, the best way to cope with the issue is by using incontinence underwear. Incontinence underwear for men and women are available in many places, and they are the best way to deal with leakage issues when one is outside.
Remember, don’t be embarrassed and do not struggle alone. And don’t hesitate to visit the doctor.