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Health and Medical

What Are the Different Types of Fevers

Getting sick is part and parcel of participating in daily life. For example, the average person will typically come down with two to three colds in any given year. You feel miserable for a while and then you recover.

In many cases, you won’t even get a fever with a cold. Not every illness plays so nice. Some of them will give you a fever.

Yet, not all fevers are the same. There are actually different types of fever that you can get depending on what you have. Keep reading to learn more about types of fevers.


A continuous fever is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a fever that spikes and holds over the course of one or more days. Of course, there are also gradations of fevers as well.

For example, there are low-grade, moderate, and high-grade fevers. High-grade fevers are ones that reach 104 degrees Fahrenheit. You should plan on going to a doctor or medical facility, such as theurgentcare.com, if you have a fever that reaches 104 or higher.

Fevers that crack 104 can prove dangerous.


Remittent fevers are a little different. It’s a fever that lasts at least a day, but the fever isn’t stable. Your temperature may fluctuate four over five degrees over the course of the day.


Intermittent fevers are similar to remittent fevers in that your overall temperature will fluctuate over the course of the day. The difference is that you’ll only experience fever-level temperatures some of the time. The rest of the time, your temperature will read as normal.


Some people experience chronic fevers. These are fevers that recur over the course of months or even years. They last a few days and subside.

Causes of a Fever

There are many things that will cause a fever. One of the most common reasons is that you catch a viral, bacterial, or fungal infection. You can overheat from exertion, which is something like a self-inflicted fever.

Some medications will cause a fever when the prescription is new. Food poison can also lead to a fever.

Fever Treatment

Fever treatments vary depending on the cause. In many cases, hydration and rest are the primary treatments. Some bacterial-driven fevers respond to antibiotics as they kill the bacteria.

Some over-the-counter pain relievers can help reduce fever.

For serious or ongoing fevers, you should visit your doctor. They can typically determine the cause of the fever and decide on the best method for treating it.

Types of Fever and You

For all of the types of fever out there, odds are good that you won’t deal with most of them. In general, people deal with low-grade or moderate continuous fevers or intermittent fevers. These are generally a reaction to some kind of infection.

While a doctor should make the final assessment, many fevers respond to basic hydration and rest. In some cases, medication may make sense.

Looking for more health and wellness information? Check out some of the other posts over in our Health section.

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