The labor market paradox – to gain experience, you need to get a job.
It takes experience to find a place. This is the situation in which university graduates, young specialists and people who decide to change their profession find themselves. We will tell you how to find your first job in a new professional field! There is an opinion among the people that an employer definitely needs an ambitious employee up to 35 years old. But with at least 15 years of experience in a similar position. This is often true: in the realities of our life. The company is trying to find an employee who is ready to do “everything and cheaply”.
There is a full-scale war in the spirit of Game of Thrones for good jobs with decent salaries, and people without experience often cannot even get paid internships. Work experience is one of the most important points on a job seeker’s resume for many employers. Everyone has come across this vicious circle: to get a good job in your specialty. You need work experience, and to get this experience, you need to get a job. But there is no need to despair in this situation and give up on the job of your dreams.
Remote work means a way of interacting with the employer. Then the employee and the employer are at a distance from each other, and the results of work are transmitted over the Internet. For example, a copywriter can send texts for a site over the network. A programmer can send a program code, and a designer can send a site layout. You can work from home, cafe or any other place where there is Internet access.
Most of us will have to work remotely in the coming weeks.
Organizing the team’s work in new conditions and creating a working atmosphere at home seems like an easy task only at first glance. But when you approach it, there are so many nuances that one can lose heart. To prevent this from happening, we will collect materials to help you and your colleagues prepare. Calm and patience, we will succeed.
For a lot of employees, remote work provides more flexibility (it allows them to devote more time to family and / or personal development, there is no need to move from work to home or to another location and vice versa), leaves fewer distractions (no one is talking on the phone nearby, no one has conversations that interfere with focus on the task) and makes commuting to work shorter (or even eliminates commuting). For companies, a teleworking culture makes hiring easier, reduces office costs, and naturally attracts workers with self-motivation and self-discipline.
There is a category of people who work more productively in the office because there is a certain (often imaginary) “supervision”. Those. it is simply easier for a person to force himself to work in an office, because he has a whip in the form of an illusion that someone is constantly looking at his monitor. Of course, this is far from the case. Often, many do not care what you do at all, the main thing is that the work is done efficiently and on time.
I believe that the problem of productivity when working from home is a problem of an individual person and not a whole approach. After all, if it is difficult for a person to force himself to work without a “whip”, then he needs to look for a problem. Search and work to eliminate it.
Despite its advantages, working remotely has significant disadvantages.
Between loneliness and isolation, ambiguous organizational goals, unclear boundaries between work and life, and complex coordination, remote work creates a set of problems.
However, none of these problems are insurmountable. By analyzing the disadvantages of remote work, we can thoughtfully structure our working day in order to mitigate or even eliminate these disadvantages.
Frequently, working on a free schedule becomes work with irregular working hours, including work on holidays or weekends. However, if you immediately organize the workflow correctly, this problem is solved.
Of course, everyone will determine for himself, and the question itself is incorrect. You can love working remotely and happily stay at home to work sometimes. I consider my experience of remote work to be good and I am glad that I have it.
Much depends on the employer, but often it all boils down to a simple principle: the company needs an experienced employee whom they want to buy cheaper. You, in turn, want to sell yourself at a higher price, but you cannot because of lack of experience.
If work from home is the only source of income and such a prospect is visible over the next few years, or even throughout your life. First of all, you need a comfortable workplace. Investing in a computer, a comfortable chair and even a separate office is a great and right decision. Of course, stable, high-speed Internet is very important. It would seem that I am talking about elementary things, but there are stories when it is systematically difficult to conduct online meetings with an employee, due to constant disconnections at the other end. Ensuring a reliable connection should be the employee’s interest first and foremost.
Remote work is the future and, in part, the present.
By transferring employees to a remote mode of work, employers save on office costs and can hire specialists from other cities and even countries, and this way of earning money is more convenient and comfortable for employees. Indeed, in large cities, it often takes an employee two to three hours to get to the office. At remote work, there is no such problem – you can work from home, and you do not need to travel anywhere. As more companies adopt tools to provide better synchronous collaboration and asynchronous task management, the journey to remote work will continue to scale.
For this transition to be successful, both for the company and for individuals. Specific steps must be taken to address the gaps associated with telecommuting. At the end of the day, you can overcome these shortcomings by structuring your days wisely to draw clear lines between work and life. Encourage your mind to focus on work. Carve out social time according to your schedule in order to find harmony and happiness.
Start working as early as possible. As practice shows, the overwhelming majority of students start working even before graduation. Most often this is, of course, a part-time job. Also, it often happens that in the last year students already have a full-fledged job. And then, having received the long-awaited diploma, these people often remain at their place of work. But if not, then when looking for another job, they already have some experience.
Most likely, such an employee has great potential for development even in a new professional field.
Therefore, it is important to present your growth within the company on your resume. Roles have to be recorded in a separate section: they can be listed under the responsibilities and results. It is not necessary to compose a detailed story. It is better to do it in the format of short abstracts – resume.
Nowadays there are thousands of opportunities to be heard – use this to develop in a professional environment. Good luck!