What is the syllabus for the PPSC AE exam What is the marking scheme for the PPSC AE exam?

You know what, your prep for the exam must be strong enough to manage all the sections and be required to be clear with all the concepts as well as practice regularly. You are going to come across objective-type questions in your PPSC Sub Divisional Engineer written exam. For the same to do well at and clear, read this post till the end and you would get a detailed idea of the PPSC exam and everything you should know as a layperson.
Remember, before you go for any type of exam, make sure that you know the test well and understand the syllabus, the procedure, and everything. Of course, prep comes next to all this. You should keep in mind that the selection procedure for the PPSC Sub Divisional Engineer is formed up of 2 stages which are:
- Written Exam
- Interview
Yes, this is the standard procedure for everyone to go through for the test. You cannot make the most of your performance if you do not understand these two stages well. Once you are done with your written test, only then you can step into the interview segment.
- PPSC AE Syllabus of the Subject will have 100 questions and there would be a total of 250 marks.
- Mental Ability/ Logical Reasoning/ General Knowledge and Current Affairs Will have twenty questions and fifty marks in total.
As a whole, there would be a total of 120 questions and three hundred marks.
- The written exam is made up of 120 questions.
- Every single right answer is awarded two point five marks each.
- There will be no negative marking for that of the PPSC Sub Divisional Engineer exam.
- You should know that the PPSC Sub Divisional Engineer exam is going to be set in Hindi as well as English languages.
The written examination is then followed by that of the interview round. And of course, the final merit list gets prepared based on the overall written exam and interview round.
The interview
You should know that the Interview Round is going to consist of 40 marks. In this stage, various questions will be asked to the aspirant by the Interview Board to detect whether he/she is apt for the position or really not.
Quick tips
If you are going to prepare for this test, do not worry. If you have the dedication and passion, you will make it. Just keep a few important things in mind to prepare and you would not be disappointed. Keep on reading below:
- Make sure that you do not miss out on a proper understanding of all the areas of the paper.
- Go through the syllabus even before you start your prep.
- Make sure that you have set a proper timetable for yourself with the guidance of BYJU’s Exam Prep experts. You should have a proper timetable to ensure that you give much time to the proper areas of every segment. Once you read all the areas properly and you give time to all the segments, you would be sure that you preprepared systematically.
- Follow the best PPSC AE books to boost your preparation in the right direction.
- You must take up papers from the past. Of course, you should check out the previous year’s papers and ensure that you solve them properly. Of course, once you solve the previous questions, you get to know much about what you should be more inclined towards. When you prepare to keep in mind the questions that have been set in the past, you can have a rich idea about what you may expect in the future.
To sum up, since you have a bleak idea about everything, you should start your prep with a bang.