10 Things to do Before Turning on Your Furnace for the Winter Season
10 Things to do Before Turning on Your Furnace for the Winter Season

The furnace is an important part of any home, and it is vital that it is properly prepared for the winter season. Proper furnace preparation can make a big difference in how warm your home is during the cold months.
10 Things To Do Before Turning On Your Furnace For the Winter Season
A furnace is a device used to heat up the air, which is then used to create thermal energy. This thermal energy can be used to provide warmth and comfort, or it can be turned into mechanical work by a machine. Furnaces are important because they help us survive in cold climates, and they play an important role in the manufacturing process. But before you turn on your furnace, here are some important things to do:
1. Check Your Furnace’s Air Filter
If your furnace is over 10 years old and you are noticing decreased efficiency, it may be time to replace the air filter. A dirty or clogged air filter can cause decreased furnace efficiency, so it is important to check it regularly.
The best way to check if your air filter needs to be replaced is to remove the cover and look for dust, pet hair, or lint build-up on the fan or pleats. If the filter needs to be replaced, you can purchase a new one from your local hardware store.
2. Make Sure Your Furnace is Properly Fueled and Lit
It’s important to make sure your furnace is properly fueled and lit before you turn it on. The more fuel your furnace has, the faster it will heat up your home. A poorly-fueled or unlit furnace can cause a lot of problems, including poor air quality and a higher energy bill. If a gas furnace repair is necessary, don’t hesitate to call a professional.
3. Clear Any Debris From Around Exhaust Fan and Chimney
If you have a gas furnace, be sure to clear any debris from around the exhaust fan and chimney before preparing your furnace for winter. This will help prevent blockages from forming during the coldest months.
4. Check Your Furnace’s Thermostat Setting
Furnace preparation is important before turning on your furnace. When it comes to your furnace, you want to make sure that the thermostat is set at the correct temperature. This will ensure that your home is properly heated.
The thermostat setting should be at 60 degrees Fahrenheit for most furnaces, which is the default setting. If your furnace does not have a thermostat, check the manual or call a technician to change it to 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
5. Close Any Vents Leading Into The Room Where Your Furnace Is Located.
When you’re ready to start your furnace, make sure all the vents leading into the room are closed and any lights are turned off. You don’t want any stray sparks or flames hitting the furnace!
Turning off the lights in the room will also help reduce energy costs by limiting light infiltration into the room where the furnace is located.
6. Try Starting Your Furnace 10 Minutes After Turning Off All Lights
Before starting your furnace, wait at least 10 minutes after turning off all lights. This will give the house time to cool down sufficiently so that the furnace can properly start. If you try to start the furnace while it is still warm, you may end up with a fire.
7. Test The Carbon Monoxide Detector in Your Furnace (if any)
If your furnace has a carbon monoxide detector, it is important to test it regularly to make sure it is working properly. A functioning carbon monoxide detector can help you identify potential problems early on, preventing them from becoming worse later on. It will sound an alarm if levels of the gas reach unsafe levels. Be sure to keep your furnace serviced and in good working order by keeping your carbon monoxide detector tested and functioning properly.
8. Make Sure Your Furnace’s Gauges Stay Within Manufacturer Guidelines
A furnace is a vital part of your home’s heating system and should be maintained regularly in order to prevent breakdowns or malfunctions. While many aspects of furnace maintenance are self-explanatory, it is important to keep an eye on your furnace’s gauges and make sure that they stay within manufacturer guidelines. This will ensure that your home stays warm during cold weather and that you don’t have to worry about any safety hazards associated with malfunctioning equipment.
9. Test Your Furnace’s Heat Output
Testing a furnace before a cold front hit is important to ensure proper airflow and heat distribution. By testing the furnace ahead of time, you can avoid any potential problems during the cold weather. You can also schedule some time to clean the furnace filter if it becomes clogged.
To test your furnace’s heat output, use a thermometer to measure the temperature inside the room where the furnace is located. Be sure to take into account any wind conditions outside the room. An overly hot or cold room can indicate a problem with your furnace. If you notice a discrepancy between what your thermometer tells you and what your thermostat says, it may be time to have your furnace serviced.
10. Ensure Your Furnace Is Inspected Annually
A furnace is a major appliance that requires regular inspection to ensure proper operation. A qualified technician should inspect your furnace every year to ensure that it is in proper working order and that any necessary repairs have been made. If you notice any problems with your furnace, be sure to call HVAC contractors in Marietta GA as soon as possible so that the issue can be resolved before it becomes more serious.
Maintaining your furnace in proper working order is an important part of keeping your home warm during cold weather. By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your furnace operates safely and efficiently.