‘10’ Brilliant Tips to Design an Artful Mezzanine Platform!

Need some extra storage space for organizing everything in a systematic way? Then the erection of “Mezzanine Platform” is the right solution! But, what exactly is Mezzanine?
Simply put, a mezzanine is an “intermediate” floor or space created between two main floors or the floor and ceiling of a building. It is particularly designed to provide a double amount of storage space. Erecting a racking platform will help in maximizing unused vertical space and providing additional space above and below.
Mezzanines are manufactured from detailed illustrations and steel. These free-standing and durable structures are an excellent choice for industrial spaces, including manufacturing, warehouses, distribution centres, and many other types of facilities. Typically, a racking platform is an economical and flexible solution whether a business owner wants to use it as an office or a gallery for displaying artwork and collections.
However, when it comes to designing an artful platform, there are a lot of factors that need to be taken into consideration. So, let’s have a look at those!
Table of Content
Why To Install Mezzanine Platform?
How to Design a Mezzanine Platform
- Plan Everything In Advance
- Examine the Availability of Space
- Know About the Function of Mezzanine You Want
- Choose a Sturdy Mezzanine
- Avoid Making Your Mezzanine Too High
- Determine the Spaces Above and Below
- Add Easy Accessible Stairs
- Don’t Ignore Heating and Air Circulation Issues
- Must-Have Proper Lighting
- Place Comfortable Furniture
Wrapping Up!
Why To Install Mezzanine Platform?
This versatile platform provides additional, convenient storage space from a bedroom to an impressive art gallery. With the erection of a Pallet Racking or other type, a company can easily operate all the functions in a more cost-effective and systematic way. The platform doesn’t only provide storage solutions but also doubles up the vertical space of the office for employees. Hence, this further increases the overall efficiency and performance of the company.
These versatile and artistic spaces lit up and ventilated home correctly. Additionally, it also extends the visual reach, creating inviting social spaces.
With this platform, small rooms can be adorned that solve the issues of space. It concludes that this decorative platform will provide the storage space for your second bedroom, a home office, or a library. Moreover, it can be calculated as a solution for double-high social areas, so it can benefit the people with an expressive view of the surroundings.
How to Design a Mezzanine Platform
Plan Everything In Advance
Before installing a mezzanine in a building or home, it’s recommended to plan everything in advance. Determine the size of the space where you want to design a floor, its type, plus structure. At the same time, you have to measure that your choosing racking platform design isn’t eating up a lot of space. Otherwise, a smaller and congested home will take place in exchange for an open and versatile space. So, think twice before accommodating your home with an intermediate floor!
Examine the Availability of Space
Accommodating your home with a wide mezzanine requires the right space, so you can take the benefit of it. That’s why it’s necessary to determine the dimensions of the intermediate floor before installation. If your home hasn’t enough space to accommodate an attic, then avoid installing one. Usually, the overall function of the mezzanine depends on the amount of space. But, if you still want to install one and have a small area, then fix a small one and use it for a library or small working area only.
Know About the Function of Mezzanine You Want
Determining the type of intermediate floor like pallet racking and its function is an essential step when it comes to design a mezzanine platform. You can use this as bedroom space, work area, or library. But, ensure that the amount of space for the racking platform is suitable and functioning properly. If the area is small, then do not insist on your choices. In this case, it’s recommended to move to other functions.
Choose a Sturdy Mezzanine
Along with the beauty and elegance, the strength of the intermediate floor also matters. That’s why, while designing one, make sure that your mezzanine is sturdy and strong. So, it can tolerate the load. For designing the floor, you can use light metal, wood, concrete, and mild steel. Transparent materials like translucent glass, metal mesh grids and wooden grills also play a big role in creating a floor.
Avoid Making Your Mezzanine Too High
Avoid making your floor too high! If you design a spacious mezzanine in your home space, it would cost you much. On the other hand, if your designing intermediate floor isn’t higher, it would be counted as a safer and more reliable one. Therefore, the maximum height of the floor must be 2.7 to 3.0 meters. This way, you will be guaranteed that your intermediate floor will be strong and stable.
Determine the Spaces Above and Below
While designing a floor, determine the space from both above and below side. Make sure that there is enough space above it so you can stand up straight. It doesn’t matter – what size your mezzanine is carrying? But, space should be enough for moving around the area. The flooring must be functional. Additionally, there should be enough area to walk under the floor. In case, if space below is small, it could be used as a storage area.
Add Easy Accessible Stairs
While designing a floor, the stairs must be easily accessible. In addition, make sure that the stairs are safe. You can add some artistic design to your stairs. But, ensure that it doesn’t consume too much space. Some people give preference to spiral stairs for saving space.
Don’t Ignore Heating and Air Circulation Issues
While designing a mezzanine, don’t forget to consider two major things – heating and air circulation. AT the high temperature, your floor might become so hot. It is better to place an insulator so that it won’t absorb heat. Keeping your room or area open can also help in air circulation.
Must-Have Proper Lighting
Give preferences to those lights that are right for your mezzanines capacity. Keep in mind that you can switch off/on the lights from both in the intermediate floor area and from below. Performing this can allow you to control the lighting function even when you aren’t on the floor.
Place Comfortable Furniture
Make sure your choosing and placing furniture on the intermediate floor or pallet shelving canberra racking is functioning properly and is comfortable enough. Identify – is your installed mezzanine is capable enough in handling the weight of the furniture. That’s why, it’s advised to place the lighter furniture so that you don’t face issues while placing it and your floor can certainly carry its weight.
Wrapping Up!
So, before reaching the point of designing a mezzanine, ensure that your room has enough space to accommodate it. It means that there is enough space below and above the floor. If not, you can take advice from professional contractors while installing one.