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6 Office Supply Shopping Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

6 Office Supply Shopping Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Although the last few years have made a dent in office supply sales, they’re expected to make a comeback as people return to their offices. If you need to restock your supply or make purchases for a new location, how can you make sure you get what you need?

You might feel overwhelmed by all of the choices out there. Or worse, start racking up bills for things you think you can’t operate without and then never use.

Whether you’re restocking your office or you’re one of the millions of small businesses that open every year, we want to help you avoid office supply shopping mistakes. Here are six mistakes you don’t want to make and what to do instead.

1. Bargain Hunting

You know that saying “you get what you pay for”? There’s nothing wrong with bargain hunting but if you go too cheap, you might regret it.

Working with a limited office supply budget is a challenge. Buy the best quality items you can afford so that you’re not constantly replacing them when they go bad.

2. Not Listening to Employees

You want to buy one thing but your workers say there’s something else that they need more urgently. Listen to your employees’ needs to make every dollar count and keep your productivity up.

3. Not Researching Your Vendors

Finding the right office supplies vendor takes time at the start but can save you money in the long run. To make the best choice, you need to determine what you order regularly, what your office is, and how well your chosen vendor can deliver for you.

If you need something beyond regular pen and paper, like chipboard or a special function piece of office equipment, can your vendor deliver on a tight schedule? Do a little homework to find a great vendor for your company and you will have peace of mind.

4. Letting Supplies Run Out

Imagine your workers need to finish a big project. They go to the supply closet for that one crucial item they need and — it’s not there!

Don’t just order supplies and think your work is done. Keep your office well-stocked by monitoring it and making sure nothing runs out.

5. Form over Function

We can’t resist an aesthetically pleasing item. It brightens up the office and can do double duty as decoration.

However, sometimes the best looking things don’t function like they ought to. Don’t choose form over function when buying supplies.

6. Not Saving for Emergencies

We all know how important it is to have a rainy day fund. The same goes for office supplies.

You never know when you’ll need a specialty item or a large amount of something at the last minute. Keep some wiggle room in your budget to cover these unexpected expenses.

Avoid Office Supply Shopping Mistakes

Keep your office running smoothly and your productivity high by avoiding these six office supply shopping mistakes. These tips can push your business to the next level and help you succeed.

Looking for more ways to upgrade your office? Check out our other business articles for inspiration.

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