Hair Porosity: All About Hair Porosities Tested

Hair porosity is a very important term that is used to define how permeable your hair can absorb and hold moisture. Depending on how oily your hair is, it can be classified as having normal, low, or high porosity. If your hair has normal porosity, then it means that your hair can absorb and hold moisture just fine. If your hair has normal porosity, then you don’t really need to pay attention to the way you care for your hair because it’s not usually an issue.
However, if your hair porosity has increased, then there are probably a few things that you should consider changing in terms of your hair care routine. First of all, you need to know that when you get oil on your hair, then it becomes more difficult to manage because oil easily absorbs into the strands. Once the oil becomes too much, then it starts to build up, which will lead to your strands breaking off. When this happens, then it can be categorized as having weak or brittle hair. However, there are times that you will experience both kinds of it. The good news is that with a proper hair care routine, you can manage these types of thinning hair effectively.
One way to check for porosity is to perform a curl pattern check. This involves taking a section of your hair and pulling on it repeatedly. You should be able to see at least five sections where your strands are showing. If you can only see two sections, then this means your hair porosity needs some attention.
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There are a couple of other factors that determine your porosity too. The first one is the cuticle thickness. A very porous hair would have a very thin cuticle, while a cuticle that is too thick would mean that your strands are very brittle. However, there are some thin hair types that are slightly thicker than the rest. In these cases, their cuticle is still thin but not as thin as the rest. This is what you need to look for in a shampoo or conditioner.
Another factor that affects hair porosity is the amount of moisture it contains. A very coarse hair would have a lot of moisture, while very fine hair would not. This means that if you have a coarse hair porosity, then it would be easier to take care of since it takes less time and effort to keep it moisturized. However, if you have a highly porous hair porosity, then it will take you a lot of time and effort to keep it moisturized. Since the hair strands are very thin, then they do not easily absorb any moisturizer in the shampoo or conditioner you use.
There are many other factors that affect hair porosity, including the level of the cuticle. If the cuticle is thin, then this will reflect onto the strands and they will be more porous than those with a higher cuticle. However, this does not mean that you should never use a shampoo or conditioner with a high cuticle level. The important thing to keep in mind is to always use products that will leave your hair shiny and healthy. You should never opt for products that will leave your hair dry. One way to retain moisture is by using keratin-based shampoos or conditioners.
You also need to know about the various porosity types. There are four major hair porosity types that include strangled, diffuse, fine, and coarse hair porosity types. These categories are differentiated by the amount of sheen or shine that the hair has. The more sheen or shine that the hair has, the more porous it will generally be.
When you want to know if you have any of these types of porosity, one way to do this is to take a hair porosity test. Taking a hair porosity test is like taking a medical history test on your scalp. By taking a hair porosity test, you will be able to determine if there are any unusual bumps or indentations on your scalp. If there are any, you may want to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist who may be able to help you treat the problem so that your scalp can return to its natural healthy state.