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Hajj and Umrah guide by Almuslim Travel

Concerned about the growing interest of Muslims in acquiring the best tools for training and acquiring knowledge, i-guides is glad to provide Hajj-Handbook®, a tiny all-in-one guide to Hajj and Umrah that is complete and synthetic. For the first time, this great pillar of Islam is finally simplified and laid out before your eyes in the light of the four Hanafite, Hanbalite, Malikite and Shafi’ite legal schools.

It will know how to be an ideal complement to any book dealing with Hajj and Umrah and will provide a quick and colorful vision for a better understanding of this rite. Easy to understand, we have privileged sketches and diagrams on the front and minimize the use of text while the back is a complete and precise summary of the different stages of Hajj or Umrah, day after day.

It suffices to refer to the columns “Ihrâm”, “Umrah” and that of the farewell “Wada” on the back.

almuslim travel hajj and umrah services

Accurate and reliable,it will serve as a practical and comprehensive memo as well as a learning or teaching tool in which you will find:

All the stages of Hajj and Umrah

All aspects of the Hajj and Umrah are visually shown, with invocations specified, utilising images, drawings, and mini-maps.  to be done at each stage and the elements not to be missed (conditions, pillars , obligations).
The phonetization and translation of these invocations are taken from the sunnah. In the Arabic version, these translations have given way to other invocations from the Quran which will be very useful for Tawaf, Sa’y, ‘Arafat, and Muzdalifah.

Acts prohibited and permitted during the state of sacredness in the form of pictograms as well as reparations in the event of fault or breach.

A Hajj calendar to ensure the validity dates of the stages of the pilgrimage.

A calendar for each of the three modes of hajj: Ifrad, Tamattu ’and Qiran, detailing for each the pilgrim’s states of sacralization (total, partial or desacralization).

The Haram map, including the mosques of Al Haram, Khaif, Machar al Haram and Namirah. There are also the pedestrian routes, the new metro connecting the Jamarat to ‘Arafat and the distances between the sacred places, as well as the indication of the mountains of Al-Nour and Al Thawr.

The maps of Mina, Muzdalifah and Arafat.

Because making the big or the small pilgrimage to Mecca does not constitute a trip like any other, we hope in sha Allah that this guide will be useful to Muslims in order to easily understand this rite and to complete this pillar of Islam as well as possible. . And because knowing the obligatory rites of Islam is a duty, we hope that this guide will be the best complement to the books on Hajj and Umrah.

Umrah and its Virtues:

whereas religiously it refers to the act of visiting Kaa’ba and performing Tawaf, then Sa’i seven times between Safa and Marwa.Except for the days of Hajj, Umrah is regarded as a small pilgrimage that can be conducted at any time of the year.

Umrah is undertaken more than once, depending on the health and financial circumstances of the person. There are several hadiths about the virtues of Umrah.

According to Abu Hurairah’s report, the Prophet (peace be upon him) remarked, “Umrah’s actions atone for the sins committed between it and the ones before it..””And the reward for Hajj Mabrur (pilgrimage accepted by Allah) is nothing but Paradise. ”

Pillars and Steps of Umrah:

If you are looking for Umrah packages 2022 Almuslim Travel offers the carefully designed and Umrah Packages 2022 for the pilgrims departing from the United Kingdom. Being a trusted travel agency with over 40 years of experience, Almuslim Travel proudly commits to providing an exceptional and enriching traveling experience for the most spiritual enchantment “Hajj” & “Umrah“. Almuslim Travels pride thier selves in offering cost-effective accommodation in close proximity from Harams in Makkah and from Masjid-e- Nabvi in Madinah depending upon your choices of budgets and needs. Being a trusted and reliable source of Ramadan Umrah Packages, Almuslim Travels takes the responsibility of all the arrangements and administrative tasks on our shoulders without any hesitation. You can now visit the holiest places in the world’s beautiful cities “Makkah” & “Madinah” with utmost peace of mind.

Every Muslim who wishes to complete Umrah correctly must adhere to three fundamental pillars:

  • Ihram
  • Tawaf
  • Sa’i

The Muslim enters a state of Ihram – a holy state that a Muslim must be in to perform Hajj or Umrah – upon reaching one of the Miqats (pilgrimage boundaries) identified by the Prophet (peace be upon him) for all pilgrims:


It is mainly for those who live in Madinah and for those who approach Makkah from the direction of Madinah.
Juhfah: This miqat is for the people who come from the direction of the Levant countries, Egypt, Sudan, Morocco and other places en route.

Qarn ul-Manazil:

Also known as Miqat Al-Sail Al-Kabir, serves pilgrims coming from the Najd region, the GCC countries and other places en route.

Yala mlam:

Yalamlam Mountain inspired the name of this miqat, which serves pilgrims travelling from Yemen.
Dhat-i ‘Irq: This mīqāt serves pilgrims coming from the direction of Iraq and other places en route.
Women may wear regular plain clothing.

He then speaks the niyyah (intention) to enter Ihram in his heart, and utters the phrase, “Labbayk allahumma Umrah,” followed by the Talbiyah of the Prophet (peace be upon him): “Labbayka Allahumma Labbayk. Labbayk The Sharika Laka Labbayk. Inna l-Ḥamda, Wa n-Niʻmata, Laka wal Mulk, La Sharika Lak. ” (Translated as: “Here I am at Thy service O Lord, here I am. Here I am at Thy service and Thou hast no partners. Thine alone is All Praise and All Bounty, and Thine alone is The Sovereignty. Thou hast no partners . ”) He keeps repeating it until he reaches the Kaa’ba, wherein he approaches the Black Stone and kisses it, or points at it and uttering takbir (Allahu Akbar) if unable to reach it.

Following that, the Mu’tamer begins his Tawaf,

i.e. circling the Kaa’ba seven times, while touching the Black Stone and kissing it every time he passes it, or else pointing at it as indicated above. After completing the Tawaf, the Mu’tamer shall pray two rak’aas behind the Kaa’ba or any other place in the mosque, reciting after Surat Al-Fatihah Surat Al-Kafirun in the first rak’aa and Surat Al-Ikhlas in the second rak’aa.

After completing the Tawaf, the Mu’tamer will begin his Sa’i between Safa and Marwa, i.e. walking rapidly between the two points. Beginning with Safa, the Mu’tamer utters, “Indeed, as-Safa and al-Marwah are among the symbols of Allah.” (2: 185) and whichever prayers he prefers, before walking rapidly towards Marwa and repeating what he did at Safa.

Upon completing the Sa’i, the man shaves his hair or shortens it, while the woman gathers her hair and cuts an equal amount or less.

Once the Mu’tamer performs all these steps, he has successfully completed his Umrah – Allah willing – and is entitled to anything that was forbidden to him in the state of Ihram.

Sunnat of Umrah:

The Mu’tamer can perform a number of sunnats (plural of sunnah, which means the traditional practices of Islam) during his Umrah, which include the following:

  • Ghusl (full body purification).
  • Using perfume (before Ihram).
  • Wearing white Ihram clothes.
  • Talbiyah and reciting from the Quran during Ihram.
  • Going into the state of Ihram after a prayer of two rak’aa.
  • Walking at a quicker pace in the first three laps.
  • Kissing Al-Rukn Al-Yamani (the southwestern corner or rukn of the Ka’bah).
  • Kissing the Black Stone or pointing to it with the right hand.
  • Making du’aa at both Safa and Marwa.

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