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Your New Restaurant: How to Choose Bar Furniture the Right Way

Your New Restaurant: How to Choose Bar Furniture the Right Way

Are you the proud owner of a new restaurant and bar?

Good news: Restaurants with bars have a much higher success rate than those without!

Of course, before your first customers arrive, you need to ready the space. Should you play it safe and stick with traditional bar furniture, or should you do something unique and eclectic?

Much depends on the type of vibe you hope to have in your establishment. Still, there are certain things to keep in mind as you search for the best furniture for bars. Read on for our expert tips.

Consider the Available Space

Before you start picking out handmade barstools, it’s time to crunch some numbers. Start by measuring the length and width of the room at its widest and narrowest points. That way, you can work out the maximum amount of floor space you have to work with.

You’ll also want to measure the roof height and ensure there’s enough overhead clearance all the way around your bar. Remember, bar stools are usually taller than other types of seats.

Also, take note of any spots where the floor or ceiling is uneven. Make sure the doorways are wide enough to accommodate any bar furniture you’re thinking of ordering!

Choose the Best Bar Furniture

Now that you have the numbers worked out, it’s time to start shopping. To set yourself apart from other bars in town, consider handmade bar furniture.

For example, installing a live edge bar and tables in your establishment will give customers a unique experience (and something to talk about). Bonus: They’re also eco-friendly, which can be a big selling point to your customer base.

Whether you go for something ultra-modern (or ultra-traditional), remember that the best bar stools are heavy and sturdy. Hopefully, your bar will get a lot of business, so you need furniture that will hold up to the traffic.

Choose furnishings that are made of real wood or heavy, solid metal. Leather upholstery, vinyl, and wooden seats will hold up well under frequent use, and they’re also easy to clean. Swivel stools are a great choice for most bars, as they encourage active conversation.

Don’t Forget Health & Safety Concerns

Finally, there are practical considerations you need to keep in mind to ensure your bar is safe (and up to local code).

Your staff and your customers should be able to move freely around the bar and in and out of the kitchen without potential trip hazards. Leave plenty of open space around fire exits.

Also, avoid placing any bar furniture in a position that could create an obstacle to escape during an emergency.

Find the Best Furniture for Bars

Whether you’re going for a traditional or eclectic style (or somewhere in between), you want your guests to love spending time at your bar. Use the tips above to find attractive, comfortable bar furniture that will keep them coming back for more!

Now that you’ve found the best bar countertops and stools, what’s next? Keep browsing our site for more helpful articles like this one.

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