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A Guide To Picking Your ‘first-ever’ Tobacco Pipe

Smoking tobacco is nothing but a recreational way of spending some past time but smoking tobacco from a tobacco pipe is nothing but a sign of luxury. Starting from Conan Doyle’s fictional character Sherlock to the German composer Beethoven, many have brought tobacco pipe usage back into the game with nothing but panache.

So why not buy the tobacco pipe online? There are numerous categories of pipes found online, but you have to know which one would suit your need the most to spare yourself from the dilemma. In this article, we will share with you the guide to purchasing your first-ever tobacco pipe.

The guide to purchasing tobacco pipe online:

From long to short, from curved to straight, there are several different variations of tobacco pipes with characteristics and specifications that add to the aesthetics, pleasure, and effectiveness.

You have to make the right choice before purchasing the right pipe. But before, you must know the basics of the pipes that make them valuable.

● Very long tobacco pipes:

Known as ‘the reading pipe,’ the length of these pipes is around 270mm, making it tough for people to carry them around. This type of pipe is suitable for private usage as they keep your hands occupied.

Apart from the fact that it needs support from your hand to hold it down, the advantage of using this pipe lies in the long featurette. The length of the stem cools the smoke as the flavor of the tobacco gets richer. Order it only if you are looking for relaxation.

● Long tobacco pipes:

A having a curbed and long pipe structure, the length of the pip is 170mm. Unlike the very lengthy pipes, these are easy to support with one’s mouth only. Mainly preferred by women, these are appreciated mostly because they can produce soft, sweet smoke.

● Bent tobacco pipes:

Heavier than other types of tobacco pipes, as up to 70-80 grams of weight rests In the upper side of the pipe. However, the shape of the tobacco pipe makes it aesthetically pleasing.

● Straight smoking pipes:

This kind of pipe is best suited for beginners. Having no more than 80grams of weight, one has to support the pipe quite often with hands to keep smoking.

● Short smoking pipe:

Aesthetically pleasing and shorter in size compared to other types of tobacco pipes online. One has to know how to control the tobacco’s temperature, thus, not suitable for beginners. The knowledge and experience will be needed to maneuver the pipe.

● Filtered or unfiltered pipe:

Almost 80% of the tobacco pipes provide two options to the buyers. One is a 9 mm filter, or rather known as a metal filter wielded via an adaptor or an unfiltered one. The former will saturate the nicotine from the smoke by softening it and also soften it. Meanwhile, the latter, the unfiltered one, will not. We suggest you change the filter in between uses.


Now that you know the variations of the lines and it’s usages, we suggest that you select the right tobacco pipe online according to what suits you the best.

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