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Amazon BSR: Meaning, Benefits

“How can I find profitable niches on Amazon KDP using BSR?”

Hi everyone, it’s Nico!

In this article preceded by its video, I will give you the essentials to understand the BSR on Amazon KDP and allow you to efficiently find profitable niches. This is the first step to be successful in Low Content on Amazon KDP.

To quickly get to the heart of the matter, here is the definition: The Best-Seller Rank (or BSR) on Amazon is the highest-ranking rank in terms of sales. The BSR is a crucial indicator because it allows you to quickly identify the notebooks that are selling, and especially to estimate their frequency of purchases. Thus, the Best Seller Rank allows you to identify products with high potential by putting it in perspective with other indicators such as the level of competition.

I invite you to carefully keep this article in your favourites because it is crucial for your success and the implementation of a winning strategy on Amazon KDP.

How do you spot products that regularly sell on Amazon KDP using BSR?

It is quickly identifiable! The BSR (on Amazon) can be found in a product sheet, below the description, in terms of the number of pages and other characteristics. But you can display it directly at the bottom of a product preview to save time with the free AMZ Seller Browser extension.

Here, you see next to the # a small number (484,435) which is, therefore, the Best Seller Rank of this Low Content notebook, in the Books category.

But ultimately, what does that mean?


Definitiona product on Amazon has a BSR in each of the categories in which it is present. The SSB of a product in a category indicates its ranking in sales of that category.

So, if you are number 1 in the category of books then you are the best selling book among all books. In other words, you are the world best seller!

There are several categories, therefore several BSRs.

The BSR is therefore specific to a category and indicates the ranking of sales in that category. 

The larger a category, the more difficult it is to own a small SSB, as you find yourself competing with many other products.

For example, it is less difficult to be ranked in the top 10 in the Books -> Sports -> Cricket category, than in the Books -> Sports -> Bodybuilding category.

(I have nothing against cricket, but you will recognize that the theme of bodybuilding is more popular and therefore more competitive)

Your BSR influences your SEO. Thus, the more you sell, the more your BSR decreases, and the more it decreases, the more your product is highlighted by amazon and will sell more. It is a virtuous circle.

Learn More: Keyword on Amazon


And yes, bad or good news, you can move up the rankings very quickly, and the Best-Seller Rank will be updated approximately every hour by Amazon based on the sales you make.

It is possible to be ranked 4500 at 2:00 p.m., and 15000 at 9:00 p.m. It just means that between 2:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m., your book didn’t sell, so it went down. in ranking.

Very easy to understand when you put yourself in the seller’s shoes! 

When you are a salesperson, you show products that appeal to you, not our “babes” …

Amazon uses the BSR to promote its products, and this constant evolution of the BSR allows a rotation and a permanent renewal of the highlighted products.

This, for the sole purpose of testing, optimizing and selling more. Amazon is looking for one and only one thing: to sell more!

And for that, the real-time analysis of the performance of each product is fundamental: it is one of the functions of the BSR.

The algorithm is not wrong.

Sale -> Boost -> Visibility -> More sales

No sales -> penalty -> less visibility -> gradual elimination of the product


And yes!

If the Best-Seller Rank is calculated every hour, there’s no point wasting your time and energy refreshing your google page …

Analyze your results over several days, see several weeks and you can then measure the success of your product.

Easy to understand,

If you look at your product’s BSR and it just sold 5 minutes ago, you might be disappointed next. In the first hour, you will have an SSB which is very low, but it will increase dramatically during the second hour, and thereafter.

So do not quantify your actions in the short term but rather in the medium to long term.

I receive the following question almost daily:

“I have a BSR of 5000, does that mean I sold a lot and I’m a best seller?”

Calamos! It just means you just sold a few hours ago. You need to have the necessary perspective to analyze your SSB over several days. Better a constant BSR of 5000, than a peak at 1000 followed by a long descent into hell in the rankings.

Learn more: Amazon account specialist

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