We know, it’s disgusting and disturbing talking about this topic, but it’s also necessary to talk about pet’s urine and kid’s urine smell in the carpets. Because it’s something that may disturb your indoor’s living environment if you are not treating and considering this issue. For this, you should know about the needs and requirements for carpet cleaning in Melbourne to get rid of urine smell.
Moreover, you don’t need to hire professionals to perform these activities. Because you can also do it yourself by choosing the right technique or remedy for your carpets. Even though you are providing the training to your younger’s one or a pet how to pee or poop, but still, they may cause trouble for your carpets most of the time. At that moment, you don’t need to be panic and worried. Because you can easily tackle or get out your carpets from this situation.
Moreover, to treat the smell and stains on the carpets because of pets’ and kids’ urine, you can also use natural ingredients instead of buying a lot of expensive products or solutions. Because if you are using these products without knowing the specifications then these products may damage the surface of the carpets. In this case, you may need to replace the carpets to maintain the look and appearance of your home. Therefore, we are providing a few guidelines. So, you can clean the stains and get rid of bad odors due to urine easily and effortlessly.
Clean Or Move Out All The Supplies From The Carpets:
Cleaning is essential to remove stains, spots and maintain the carpets. Moreover, you also need to clean the carpets in the case of urine’s smell and stains on it. Because without appropriate cleaning and treatment, it’s impossible to get rid of bad smells and odors from the carpets.
Therefore, before starting the cleaning process, you should treat the urine’s stained area firstly. Because the removal of stains is important to eliminate the bad smell. But if you are thinking about treating or cleaning the carpet without removing the stains then you are just wasting your time and potential. That’s why treat the urine stains before treating the smell.
For this, empty the complete surface of the carpets by moving out all the things including furniture and rugs from the carpets. So, you can treat the carpet completely.
Baking Soda to Treat Urine On The Carpets:
After moving out all the supplies from the carpets, sprinkle baking soda all over the carpets to reduce the moisture level as well as minimize the stain marks on the carpets. Try to leave the soda to sit on the carpet t least for 3 hours. Moreover, if the stains are fresh and wet then you can also leave it overnight. Next morning use a soft brush to scrub the complete surface of the carpet if required and remove or clean out soda and other residues from the carpets with the help of a vacuum cleaner.
It will help to remove stains as well as leave a refreshing smell in the carpets. Even professional carpet steam cleaners prefer to use baking soda to refresh and restore the shine of carpets. So, you can rely on these natural ingredients even to treat wet urine’s stains and smell.
Use Vinegar For Harder And Stubborn Marks:
No doubt, baking soda is a good and incredible option to treat wet stains of urine and smell. But in the case of older and stubborn stains, you can also use vinegar as well as baking soda. To use it on the carpets, leave the baking soda on the carpets overnight and spray the complete surface with the help of vinegar. It will help to stick out the stubborn and harder stains easily. Moreover, you can also do the scrubbing of the carpet with the help of a brush after spraying the solution if necessary.
Otherwise, let the solution react with baking soda for a few minutes to remove stains. Later on, wipe it out with the help of water. If the stains are still present on the surface of the carpets then you can also go for professional carpet steam cleaning services to treat these stains and bad smells effectively.
Don’t Put The Rug On The Carpet Again:
Although you have done with cleaning and stain treatment, you shouldn’t put the rugs back on the surface of carpets but after cleaning. Because the urine might be also interacted with the rug even without your notice or leaving a bad smell. For this, it’s better to clean the rugs firstly before putting them again on the cleaned carpets.
It’s necessary to eliminate the bad smell from the carpets. Moreover, you should put the rugs back on the carpets after drying or cleaning appropriately. Because wet carpets may also leave a bad smell and odour in the environment again. At the end of carpet cleaning for stains and bad smell, you can also use a good quality deodorant and sanitizer to make the environment refreshing and free from all kinds of infected bacteria.