Have you ever wondered why overseas students chose the Glasgow City United Kingdom for their studies even though there are many other reputable countries to pick from? Is education the only reason for this? Well, somehow it can be said that most students choose the UK because they just want to graduate from UK universities, but many students choose the UK because of its lifestyle, way of living, etc.
Here the question is, why the UK? Many countries provide a very good lifestyle, study, etc. that’s true, some many cities and countries provide all the comfort like the UK, but the UK is a most affordable country for every student. Although many cities are most expensive, many cities are very good and affordable for the students such as Glasgow. Choosing Glasgow for international students is a very good idea. Here are the reasons why?
Why Glasgow is the better option for international students
Here are the reasons that define Glasgow city as the better option for international students…
Renowned institutes
It is a well-known research Centre all around the world. Glasgow University is one of them, and it provides a high-quality education. A student who has graduated from the University of Glasgow will be well-known not just in the United Kingdom, but also around the world.
It is a place where students feel at home
Glasgow is a well-known city that is placed among the top 50 cities in the world. It has 185,000 students from 140 different nations and is noted for being kind and hospitable. As a result, it is also regarded as a multicultural city where international students will not feel alienated in their new surroundings.
Sometimes, international students feel exhausted just because of the new environment, and multiple assignments, but it can easily be resolved by finding any British assignment help service. It will help students to reduce their pressure and students won’t have to feel exhausted.
Incredible views
This is one of the main reasons students should choose Glasgow. Everyone knows Scotland is famous because of its nature, sceneries, etc. and Glasgow is the backbone of Scotland’s beautiful nature.
In a student’s life, physical activity is much more important than mental activities. It helps students to be active so that they can study with the present mind. This is the reason; most of the institutes focus on physical activities or sports. Football is one of the most famous in Glasgow with the city boasting Scotland’s largest football stadia and three professional football clubs.
Friendliest city
In 2016, Glasgow was named as the friendliest city even though it is also ranked in the world’s top 40 best cities for students. The reason behind this rank is that it does not provide support to the students having students from all nationalities. It provides huge events, a friendly environment for all nationalities.
Much affordable
Although Scotland is a very expensive country, some cities are much more affordable and everyone can easily afford to live there. Glasgow is one of those cities that are much more affordable. Its costs of living range between 700- 1100 GBP/month. However, this city can also be expensive; it totally depends upon your way of living.
Although Scotland is a very expensive country, some cities are much more affordable and everyone can easily afford to live there. Glasgow is one of those cities that are much more affordable. Its costs of living range between 700- 1100 GBP/month. However, this city can also be expensive; it totally depends upon your way of living.
Although Scotland is a very expensive country, some cities are much more affordable and everyone can easily afford to live there. Glasgow is one of those cities that are much more affordable. Its costs of living range between 700- 1100 GBP/month. However, this city can also be expensive; it totally depends upon your way of livin
Although Scotland is a very expensive country, some cities are much more affordable and everyone can easily afford to live there. Glasgow is one of those cities that are much more affordable. Its costs of living range between 700- 1100 GBP/month. However, this city can also be expensive; it totally depends upon your way of living.
Although Scotland is a very expensive country, some cities are much more affordable and everyone can easily afford to live there. Glasgow is one of those cities that are much more affordable. Its costs of living range between 700- 1100 GBP/month. However, this city can also be expensive; it totally depends upon your way of livin
Finding help is much easier
Students’ lives are full of worries because they get dozens of assignments in a week. Therefore, it makes them totally frustrated, and to reduce this frustration they look for a service that can complete their assignments. Basically, it is much easier to find any assignment writing service in Glasgow as compared to other cities because Glasgow is full of experts and professionals that provide such services even at an affordable price.
Amazing In art, culture, and history
Glasgow is a really stunning city. Mitchell Library, one of Europe’s largest, crowns the city’s variety of cultural landmarks and gorgeous architecture. Glasgow is also home to Scottish Opera, Scottish Ballet, Scottish national theater, and Royal Scottish National Orchestra, so whatever your cultural interests are; you will find them in Glasgow.
It’s also home to some excellent institutions, including the Kelvin grove art gallery and museum and the gallery of modern art.
Huge scholarships are available
Most of the students even choose different countries or cities because they will get huge opportunities to get a scholarship that will totally reduce their cost of living. Sometimes it could be free.
Therefore, choosing Glasgow is one of the best options that provide over 15 international leadership scholarships (ER, 2022) even Scottish universities provide huge scholarships to which every student can apply. However, it is much more beneficial for international students because there are many scholarships available for international students as compared to national students.
Above are the reasons that show how Glasgow is better for international students. However, there are also some consequences that should also be kept in mind while choosing Glasgow. Some of them are…
Things to keep in mind while choosing for Glasgow city
These things should be kept in mind while choosing Glasgow for studying…
Don’t choose if you are not much friendly
As discussed above Glasgow is one of the finest and friendliest cities even though it has been titled in 2014. This is the reason, most students even wish to study there, but some students are not very friendly. Therefore, this city could be crucial for those who are not very friendly and don’t want to live in such a space.
Little bit expensive
As discussed above, Glasgow is an expensive city to study. Although that’s true, it depends upon the way of living, but the average people show concern over the affordability.
Final words
The UK is considered as the central hub of the education system where students will get quality education no matter which department they are choosing, they will always get the extraordinary information that will make their future secure. There are cities like Glasgow that focus mainly on international students and provide them with different kinds of opportunities. Further, you will know in this article what type of opportunities and why it is good or bad for international students.
ER, 2022. Top 10 Law Universities in the UK for Scholarship. Easy research. Available at: https://eazyresearch.com/blog/top-10-law-universities-in-uk-for-scholarship/ [Accessed March 7, 2022].