Flu Signs and Symptoms To Look For

Have you been feeling nervous about whether that cough and sniffle is a sign of the flu or whether it’s simply a symptom of a less serious illness? Although there may be some overlap with symptoms of other diseases, knowing the most common flu signs and symptoms to look for can help you pinpoint the cause of your sickness and take appropriate measures to start recovering. From having a high fever to experiencing an unpleasant runny nose or sore throat and more, there are several classic hallmarks that may indicate you’ve come down with the flu. The next time you find yourself under the weather, do a self-check by searching for these common Cold and flu signs and symptoms.
Feeling Feverish
As you start shopping for flu medication and cold and flu prevention supplements, it’s important to stop and run a self-diagnosis to see whether you may have the flu. There are several risk factors that can increase your odds of contracting the flu. For instance, you may be at higher risk if:
- You are currently in the midst of flu season, which typically runs from December to February, but may start as soon as October or November
- You are a pregnant or nursing woman, or are planning to become pregnant soon
- You are below the age of 18
- You are above the age of 65
- You are immunocompromised or have one or more pre-existing diagnoses and health conditions that can make you more vulnerable
There are numerous classic signs of the flu to watch out for, starting with fever-related symptoms. These can range from mild and hardly noticeable to intense and painful with a sudden onset. Consider contacting your doctor if you notice symptoms such as:
- A moderate or high fever
- Cold sweats and pale skin
- Overwhelming fatigue
- Dizziness and fainting
- Body pains and muscle aches
Sore Throat & Runny Nose
Before you can purchase the right over the counter flu medicine to treat your symptoms, it’s important to take note of all the signs you’re experiencing. In addition to fever-related signs, there are a few other potential flu symptoms you might notice. As with fevers, these symptoms could be mild or severe. For example, it’s relatively common for patients sick with the flu to experience:
- A dry, itchy, or sore throat, as well as a hoarser voice than usual
- A stuffy and/or runny nose
- Puffiness and congestion
- Coughing and sneezing
- Vomiting and nausea, especially for younger patients
- Post-nasal drip
If you find yourself in the middle of flu season with a runny nose and a slight fever, you may wonder whether you have the flu or another illness. Although you may not be certain without visiting your doctor, you can perform a preliminary self-check by running through this checklist. From cold sweats and fatigue to a sore throat and congestion, there are several common signs and symptoms that you may have the flu. Run through this list and consider contacting your healthcare professional immediately.