Forgotten, mistake… what if you made a mistake in your tax return?
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Income Tax: What You May Be Losing By Forgetting Some Reductions
If the introduction of the deduction at source and the automatic declaration was supposed to make it possible to erase certain errors. The tax declaration is always conducive to making mistakes. Especially since the declaration sent to the taxpayer is sometimes pre-filled with erroneous information, which the declarant does not necessarily think of correcting. As a result, the tax authorities always provide for several procedures to correct their declaration depending on the situation and Tax Consultancy.
A need to react quickl
The total omission of declaration as well as an error or an omission in the income declared generates a reduction of taxes. Or the increase of a tax advantage subjects the taxpayer to sanctions. The latter in fact risks the payment of an increase of 10% of the additional rights or the undue debt. And interest amounting to 0.20% per month of delay in the event of non-regularization. It is therefore important to regularize the situation as soon as possible.
When the taxpayer has been alerted to an oversight or an error by the tax authorities via an amicable reminder, he must respond within 30 days. But he may also have realized it on his own. In this case, there are two different situations when a declaration is completely forgotten. If the taxpayer is not eligible for the automatic declaration, he must file his tax return as soon as possible. Accompanied if he wishes by a request for a free remission of the various penalties provided for (surcharge and interest).
If he has been the subject of an automatic declaration (which is the case for all taxpayers taxed only on pre-filled income the previous year). His declaration does indeed exist, because it is pre-filled by the tax authorities, and you just have to modify it. It is up to the taxpayers concerned to make their corrective declaration. This procedure is also to be used for all errors and omissions noted in the declarations made by the taxable person.
Make your corrective statement
The tax authorities allow taxpayers to make as many corrective declarations as they wish up to the filing deadline, including after signature. To do this, he only has to go to his particular online space on the tax site , then click on “Access the online declaration” and “Correct”. This procedure remains open after the filing deadline, but after this deadline, the rectification will generate a new tax notice.
If the introduction of the deduction at source and the automatic declaration was supposed to make it possible to erase certain errors. The tax declaration is always conducive to making mistakes. Especially since the declaration sent to the taxpayer is sometimes pre-filled with erroneous information. Which the declarant does not necessarily think of correcting. As a result, the tax authorities always provide for several procedures to correct their declaration depending on the situation.
A need to react quickly
The total omission of declaration as well as an error or an omission in the income declared generates a reduction in taxes. Or the increase of a tax advantage subjects the taxpayer to sanctions. The latter in fact risks the payment of an increase of 10% of the additional rights or the undue debt. And interest amounting to 0.20% per month of delay in the event of non-regularization. It is therefore important to regularize the situation as soon as possible.
When the taxpayer has been alerted to an oversight or an error by the tax authorities via an amicable reminder, he must respond within 30 days. But he may also have realized it on his own. In this case, there are two different situations when a declaration is completely forgotten. If the taxpayer is not eligible for the automatic declaration. He must file his tax return as soon as possible. Accompanied if he wishes by a request for a fee remission of the various penalties provided for (surcharge and interest).
If he has been the subject of an automatic declaration (which is the case for all taxpayers taxed only on pre-filled income the previous year). His declaration does indeed exist. Because it is pre-filled by the tax authorities, and you just have to modify it. It is up to the taxpayers concerned to make their corrective declaration. This procedure is also to be used for all errors and omissions noted in the declarations made by the taxable person.Make your corrective statement
The tax authorities allow taxpayers to make as many corrective declarations as they wish up to the filing deadline, including after signature. To do this, he only has to go to his particular online space on the tax site , then click on “Access the online declaration” and “Correct”. This procedure remains open after the filing deadline, but after this deadline, the rectification will generate a new tax notice.
It is also possible that the taxpayer will only notice errors or omissions when he receives his tax notice at the end of July. Here again, it is possible for him to make a corrective declaration in his private space, this time thanks to the online correction service. Note that for the 2020 tax return, this service is available from August 4, 2021, until mid-December of this year. After this period, there is one last resort for the taxpayer to correct his declaration: that of filing a complaint. The latter can be made online from the “I report an error in the calculation of my tax” section of the secure messaging system present in the private space. Or by mail to the public finance center (personal tax department).
Special cases (paper declaration, declaration of a change in family situation, etc.)
When correcting their declaration, the taxpayer can modify their income and expenses. But also their tax credits and reductions, their dependents, their contribution to public broadcasting, and their possible wealth tax. Real estate (IFI). He can also add or delete additional declarations. On the other hand, changes in family status (for example notification of a divorce). Those relating to marital status, as well as the address of residence or the sending of tax notices must be subject to a paper correction. It is then necessary to make a tax return on paper. And accompany it with a letter explaining that it cancels and replaces the online declaration.
This declaration must be sent to your public finance center. As is the case for all corrections concerning tax declarations made on paper. These must be modified by means of a new and complete paper declaration with the words. “Corrective declaration, cancels and replaces” on the first page.
Tax return: the boxes to check to avoid making mistakes
Since Thursday, April 7, you can file your tax return. To do this, you have a longer or shorter period depending on your department of residence. Until May 24 for zone 1 (departments 01 to 19), May 31 for zone 2 (from 20 to 54). And finally until June 8 for the inhabitants of zone 3 (from 55 to 976).
Unless you do not have access to the Internet, this procedure must be carried out online. On the tax administration website Since most of the information about you is already pre-filled, you must above all check it. The errors are however marginal, these data is transmitted directly to the tax authorities by your employer, your pension fund, your bank…
But depending on your personal situation (single parent, single, etc.). Your status (apprentice, student, etc.), your income (overtime, interest or dividends, land income), and certain corrections or additions are necessary. Because in case of omission or inaccuracy on your part is favorable to you. An increase in your income tax may be inflicted on you, as well as interest on late payments. Conversely, an omission leading to an increase in your tax bill will be highly detrimental to you. Such as the one exempting you from contributing to public broadcasting (CAP) or the cells allowing you to benefit from an additional half tax share.
Taxes 2022: online declaration suspended “at least for the weekend”
In this case, it will then be appropriate to correct your declaration “later” . For this, “all the information will be given to you as soon as the site reopens” , still provide the services of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. The deadline for finalizing the online declaration remains unchanged at June 8.
Finally, note that these pre-filling differences will have “no impact on the amount of tax, nor on the withholding tax” for the taxpayers concerned.
The online income declaration service was suspended on Friday due to pre-filling errors in certain declarations. Was restored on the morning of Monday, April 11, assured the general directorate of public finances (DGFiP).
The analysis carried out by the tax administration made it possible. To establish that the error had concerned “approximately 1 million taxpayers” , all public officials. They had noticed a discrepancy between their actual income and that of their pre-filled declaration. Said a spokesperson for the DGFiP.
A message will be sent to them individually explaining. How to correct their declaration. And the administration will then verify that the changes have been made, the spokesperson added.
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