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Generate Unlimited Revenue with Online Casino Payment Gateway!

An online casino payment gateway is not just an entity to process online payments. It is far more than that. There are reasons online casino merchants around the globe want to integrate a payment processing channel into the website. Revenue generation for a company plays a crucial role, and a payment gateway eases the process.

There are multiple ways a business can benefit from a payment processing channel. Moreover, there is a consideration of active support from the payment service provider too. This support makes the business quite profound and streamlines the business in payment processing. However, there are multiple lingering questions that reside around the payment gateway.

What is the virtual standpoint that differs a business from other corporations in the same ground? What is the prime benefit of a payment gateway for a business to go online?

The virtual standpoint of a business with a payment gateway

Without a doubt, any business needs a firm standpoint in the virtual market. In other words, their presence and essence need to be around the online marketplace. If a business doesn’t accept online payments, then there is quite a chance that they lack operability.

Therefore, a payment gateway ensures a better payment infrastructure for a business. In addition, the online market craves casino business as they are one of the most variedly played online games. The excitement to make money while doing the favorite thing makes a player happy.

Hence, the services take special consideration of a business and work according to the market’s needs. The online casino payment gateway works like the manager who accepts payments on your shop. However, this is a more intelligent and varied solution to your business.

Moreover, taking a business online is not it; you need a payment processing channel to accept payments directly on your website.

Simultaneous Payments: Is it the prime benefit of a payment gateway?

A manager, on the one hand, can accept one payment at a time. For a casino, the payments are huge, and cashiers are limited. Or your business might have to establish multiple cash centers. On the other hand, an online casino has a huge stance and advantage over it.

Integrating a payment gateway to the website allows a business to accept multiple payments at once. Everyone who wants to pay and start with the games on your website can seamlessly pay and get into it. There are no waiting times, queues or errors. The payments become hassle-free and easily manageable.

Accepting multiple payments at once allows a business to expand exponentially. The revenue, the interaction and the better involvement of the consumers bring a serious change to the business development. Online Casinos sees a serious change over the next 1-5 years. This change is due to cutting-edge advancements for merchants around the globe.

Why do you Need a Payment Service Provider to Get the Best of Solutions?

Choosing a payment service provider is already a huge task. The high-Risk Factor of the business breaks the business dealings around the globe. However, the question comes up why there the risk factor is quite high for casinos?

The reasons are:

●       The High-Volatile Market

●       Large Monthly and Yearly Volume

●       Fraud and Scams

●       High Chargeback Ratio

Controlling these factors will largely influence a business’s image around the financial market. For example, way back in 2014 to 2015, the casinos saw a surge of players with the thought of making huge income from it. But over time, the surge changed from the physical casinos to the online ones. As a result, the limitations depleted and made a business work harder around the globe.

When an online casino merchant requires a payment gateway and reaches out to the mainstream payment service provider, their business doesn’t comply. Hence, they end up with a frozen merchant account or a hold on the payments.

On the other hand, a high-risk payment service provider offers dedicated services to merchants. eMerchantPro’s expertise will cross all the bars to provide an online casino payment gateway for your business. Therefore, the high-risk businesses seeking merchant and payment services attract eMerchantPro. Hence, getting expert care for payment processing is a must.

What are the active and most profound perks or features of a payment gateway?

The Perks of a Payment Gateway

Getting a payment processing channel that processes payments is not enough for a business. The consumer’s payment experience and feedback will ensure the longevity of your Online Casino Business too.

Therefore, some of the consumer-centric features are a requirement that a payment service provider needs to offer. Here are some of the features that eMerchantPro offers businesses.

Multiple Payment Methods

Modes of payment ensure ease of payment to the consumers. The more the modes of payment, the far-reaching a business becomes. Therefore, connecting to the consumers from varied locations requires a business to offer multiple modes of payment and some universal payment methods.

Card Payments, eWallets, Net Banking, eChecks, ACH, Cryptocurrency, etc., are some of the best payment methods that a merchant can offer the consumers. By adding to the convenience, a business gets to establish a better experience for the consumers.

Multiple Currencies Support

The multiple-currency support processes the payments at the convenience of the consumer’s local currency. Thus, it ensures frictionless payments and removes the hard times for consumers to change and get the estimated price.

Supporting all the major currencies like USD, AED, JPY, GBP etc., makes it super easy for the consumers to pay. A person’s local currency gives them a sense of happiness and ease. So, it is best for them too.

Card on File

It is another convenient feature for consumers around the globe. The surveys suggest that if a person has to enter the payment details, then a business might be abandoned by them regarding low payment experience. Therefore, eMerchantPro’s payment processing channel is equipped with a card on file feature.

This feature saves transaction details on the payment gateway and allows the consumer to pay securely the next time they come to the payment gateway. A secure channel that accepts payments online and provides smoothness to the consumers.

Easy Checkout

Payment redirects not only annoy everyone but makes the process more complicated. Hence, the easy checkout feature resolves the problem quite easily. This feature processes the entire payment over a window without redirects.

Therefore, it makes the transactions easy as due to the easy checkout option, the card on file feature can be seamlessly integrated and operated. Furthermore, single-window payment processing saves time and makes the process efficient for consumers.


Attaining high-security payment processing is a massive step ahead. Therefore, It is always recommended to choose security over cost. A cheap payment gateway might resolve your problem, but it will not save you if there is a problem with compliance.

eMerchantPro’s Online Casino Payment Gateway is PCI Compliant, 3D or Non-3D Secure and has all the state-of-the-art solutions. Some of them are Tokenization, P2PE, etc. These security perks keep all the payments secure and safe. The payments smoothly work their way into your merchant account.

Large Value Payment System

Another profitable part of the payment gateway from a high-risk service provider is the dedicated solutions for the business. This feature allows the Online Casino Payment Gateway to process big transactions quite easily. In other words, large-value payments are smooth and secured.

There is no strict limitation for the payment size, and the tickets can be easily changed according to the merchant’s needs and requirements.

Why Choose eMerchantPro’s expert services?

The expertise in the high-risk businesses makes the solutions to be precisely made for the merchants. Furthermore, there are added benefits to the merchants, especially when they get Online Casino Payment Gateway.

Fraud Prevention Tools

One of the major solutions for the merchants is the fraud prevention systems. Some of the tools are integrated into the payment gateway to work for the payment processing actively. On the other hand, there are passively working tools as well that drives itself to offer the best prevention against fraud.

eMerchantPro uses state-of-the-art solutions such as Address Verification System, Multi-Factor Authentication, CVV Checker, Device Identification, Geolocation Tracking, and Fraud Scoring. All of these tools initiate the best possible support against scammers and identity thieves.

Chargeback Protection

Chargebacks are quite high in High-Risk businesses. Therefore, getting an online casino payment gateway brings chargeback protection services from the payment service provider. In addition, there are chargeback management systems that many PSPs offer the merchants.

However, eMerchantPro covers the total cost of the chargeback and ensures a merchant gets a smoother experience for the business. To be more precise, a merchant gets complete protection from a chargeback up to the accepted ratio.

Easy Integration Capabilities

As an expert service provider in the online payment business, the integration capabilities of a service provider matters a lot. Hence, eMerchantPro has a range of integration options to meet the requirements of a merchant. The Online Casino Payment gateway can be integrated into the website seamlessly.

The integration takes place through API, HPP, SDK and multiple shopping cart plugins. There are pros and cons of each integration method and depend upon the need of a merchant and their website.

Complete Merchant Assistance

Setting up the payment gateway, completing the documentation, and understanding the merchant’s needs are essential. Hence, our executives are ready to connect with the merchants to share every detail. Complete merchant assistance helps a merchant to tailor the payment gateway according to their whims and fancies.

White-Label Solutions

A simple change in the payment gateway that reflects your business establishes a better brand image. Besides, it gives a new touch to the payment gateway and provides a streamlined payment experience. White-labeling the payment gateway has proven to be profitable for businesses around the world. Reflect the luxurious casino that you have on the digital platform through it.

24 x 7 Support

Last but not least is the after-sales support from a payment service provider. Understandably, payment processing is not your forte; thus, getting an online casino payment gateway gets complete support from the service provider at any point. No matter the hour, the tech team is always ready to perform the duty of correcting the payment processing for your business.

High-Risk Appetite

Online Casinos has multiple regulations and requires utmost care as fraud and scams are prevailing. However, eMerchantPro has a higher risk appetite for businesses around the globe. eMerchantPro accepts Online Casino business irrespective of the geolocations. The higher risk appetite offers a better and personalized solution to merchants.

Closing it in

This brings us to the close of the content piece. Anyway, the online casino payment gateway is a massive step for a business. The online market requires a dedicated payment processing solution. Hence, eMerchantPro offers solutions dedicated to high-risk businesses such as yours. Getting accurate and precise services that complement your business is exactly what eMerchantPro’s expertise looks like.

Lastly, if your business is looking for a shed in the online marketplace, what better than a payment gateway that lets you earn from multiple consumers simultaneously. Therefore, these cutting-edge payment processing system is offered to the merchants ensuring the best possible solutions.

Get in touch with our experts to get a precise solution for your business right away. Request a Callback Today!

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