Guide For Buying Sports Bras

For all the women out there, the right sports bra is vital to your comfort, regardless of whether you’re running a marathon or flexing those biceps. Women will often go with the first option available when looking for a new sports bra. Studies indicate that about 80% wear the wrong bra size. A normal breast weighs approximately 250 to 300 grams. A plus size sports bra that doesn’t fit properly can cause discomfort, digging straps, tight shoulders, and even restricted breathing. It can cause breast sagging and strain on the breasts. The best sports bra helps reduce strain and breast movement. It is vital to select the right sports bra that fits your body, activity, and size. We have your back. You will find everything you need to find the perfect bra for your workout, including how to get it fitted correctly and industry terminology.
How Do You Fit Your Sports Bra?
Finding the right sports bra for you is not an easy task. Before we discuss how to find the right bra for you, let’s take a look at bra sizing. While bra sizing is more well-known these days, most people struggle to find the perfect size bra.
The Correct Bra Size: Bra sizes change throughout life. You can have a different size breast depending on your age, your weight, and hormone changes. It doesn’t mean you have to consult a professional every single time. A tape measure is all that’s required to determine your bra size.
Ribcage Measurement. Simply wrap the tape measure around your ribs at the bottom of your bra. Your body should be in contact with the tape and it should wrap around the circumference of your body.
Breast Measurement
It will only take a few minutes to complete the whole process. Once you have confirmed that the measurement was accurate, use the chart below for your overall bra size.
Now that your bra size is set, it’s important to understand how your sports bra should feel. Your sports bra should not be too close to your skin. Your sports bra should fit more snugly than your regular bra but should not restrict breathing. As a general rule, the band should not extend beyond your chest. It shouldn’t be too tight or too loose.
Cups should completely cover your breasts. You can grab the cup at its top and bottom. The more it holds on to the cup, the more control it provides. It should be free from wrinkles. Additionally, your breasts should not show through the bra. The cup should not touch your breast, and there should be plenty of space between them for you to breathe.
Strap: A little flexible The fit should allow you to slide two fingers between strap and shoulder (Two Finger Rule).
Selecting An Appropriate Bra For Different Activities
It is important to choose the right fit. The type of sport you do will also play a role in choosing the right bra. If you want to do all kinds of exercises and sports, you will need a bra each for them. But, if one sport is your main focus, it’s possible to find a sports bra that fits. Keep in mind that your bust size can also affect the impact level. A bra that offers high support will work best for you if your bust is bigger.
Caring For Your Sports Bras
You’re scratching your heads? You don’t need to look further if you have a burning problem regarding sports bra wash. This label will tell you everything you need to know for your sports bras to last longer. Follow the instructions exactly. Avoid bleaching and softeners.
Time To Buy A New Bra
Your sports bra is just like other gear. It has a shelf lifespan. Your sports bra will wear out over time and may not fit you as snugly as it did the first time you bought it. The quality of the bra and how often it is worn will affect how much you wear it. Your bra should be replaced at least once every year.