How Threat Intelligence Can Benefit Your Business
Have you implemented threat intelligence in your business?
If not, it may be time to. There are a number of key benefits you can take advantage of when you collect information on the various threats your business faces.
While it’s true that threat intelligence isn’t necessarily a sure thing. It does help you monitor your network and various devices.
It helps you find problems that currently exist and, using the information gathered from those problems, it also helps you plan for the future.
Some people see threat intelligence as trying to see into the future, and that is somewhat accurate. However, the fact is that any time you have more information on your side, you’re in a much better position.
Threat intelligence has become a necessary part of protecting your business from cyber-attacks.
By being able to know what’s happening at any given time in your network, you can collect data and analyze it, making it an actionable set of information rather than just a large amount of data collected and dumped somewhere.
If you’re not sold on why threat intelligence is necessary, here are some of its key benefits that may help you see why it’s so valuable.
Know What’s Beyond Your Network Walls
Do you know what lurks outside your own security perimeter? If you don’t, it could leave you open to attack by some unknown threat.
That’s why sharing threat intelligence is important. If you and other businesses and organizations share information, you’ll be in a much better position to defend against threats.
Threats that have hit others but haven’t targeted you yet.
Companies such as AT&T have created resource centers and insight services that help share information and provide an analysis of that information to those who might be targeted next by malware and other attacks.
Paying attention to the threat intelligence shared by others is important Also, it’s just as important to share your own information.
You may have been attacked by a cyber threat that will later target others. Sharing what you know may help them protect against these malicious dangers.
Hoarding information does no one any good. When sharing information, you keep abreast of new threats, are able to be proactive, and can share threat mitigation plans. It helps everyone.
Collaborative Threat Intelligence & Insight
By sharing information, you’ll gain the cyber threat intelligence necessary to gain insight into the various threats out there.
When you work with a central information hub such as the AT&T Security Resource Center, you’ll be able to routinely gather new information on threats.
This, in turn, means you’ll constantly have new insights into the various cyber threats that could harm your business. Here are some of the key features that this insight may give you.
You will learn what new threats are being used by hackers to infect business systems.
It is also beneficial to stay up-to-date on IT news to see what systems have vulnerabilities or are exposed so you can take the appropriate action to rectify the issue.
Threat Intelligence
You’ll be able to receive information from businesses and organizations around the world, often in real-time.
This will show you what the leading threats are and what new threats are emerging.
Using this information, you’ll be able to choose effective free and open-source threat intelligence tools that are the most effective and efficient for you.
There are many tools out there, but some of them simply aren’t going to be right for your business.
By learning about the current threats, evaluating your own network, and closely looking at these different tools, you’ll be able to integrate the ones that are most useful to you into your security system.
These tools will enable you to protect your network from the viruses, malware, and phishing attacks that are most likely to target you.
By carefully determining what your needs are and what threats you face, you’ll be able to make use of the tools that most make sense for you.
Be A Part Of The Community
Working with a resource center gives you the chance to be a voice in the community.
You can discuss your security needs with others, ask questions about threats you may face, and provide your unique point of view to the discussion.
The professionals who are a part of this community are dedicated to sharing information and collaborating on security issues so that everyone benefits.
The more people who share information, the stronger the community will become.
Information sharing is a crucial part of threat intelligence and by becoming part of a community that is focused on cybersecurity, you can better protect your business from cyber-attacks.
Take in all the information you can and share information with others to help them protect their business, this is how the community thrives!
View Personalized Content
The amount of information stored in a resource center is likely to be overwhelming. Threat intelligence by definition means collecting huge amounts of information.
It’s impossible to sift through it all, even when you filter, analyze, and distill it into useful data sets. That means you need to know exactly what content you need to look for.
By personalizing your resource feeds, you’ll be able to better learn about the threats that you face. Also, the solutions you’re most likely to need to implement to protect yourself.
While it certainly never hurts to learn about threats that don’t directly affect you. You do want to focus first and foremost on the dangers your business faces.
By creating your own information lists and following those experts who address problems similar to your own, you’ll be able to better prepare yourself and your company for upcoming dangers.
Make Use Of Mobile Apps
Many resource centers, including the one created by AT&T, have mobile apps that you can use to quickly learn about the latest threat intelligence news and happenings without being tied to your computer.
This is very helpful if something happens related to threats your business is facing. You can quickly call your IT team and get moving on a solution to a new threat right away.
The faster you implement protective measures, the less likely you are to deal with data breaches and other successful attacks.
Threat intelligence may seem like another buzzword fad that will be fade over time. However, it’s actually a vital part of any business in today’s modern world.
No one is safe from hackers, viruses, and malware, no matter how large or small you are. By sharing information about various threats, we all become a little stronger and a little more capable of stopping attacks before they occur.
It’s a saying that every company is a tech company now. Your data and IT infrastructure are some of the most important aspects of your business.
While most business owners focus on profits and customer acquisitions, threat intelligence definitely shouldn’t be overlooked or tossed to the side.
You need to protect your customers’, employees’, and companies’ data. Hackers can steal it, lock it with ransomware, infect it with malware, etc…
Cybersecurity is a growing field and it’s not a surprise that most large companies focus heavily on making sure their IT infrastructure is secure.
If you haven’t focused on threat intelligence for your business yet then now is the time to do so!