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How to Create Your B2B Growth Podcasts In 2021

B2B Growth Podcasts

Generally, the podcast is an audible piece (can be visual as well) of information targeted towards a certain audience by the marketer or podcaster. Unlike radio broadcasting restricted to limited regions, podcasting has no restrictions or limitations when it comes to the size of information and its ‘casting.’ Marketing podcasts present different information that depends on the organization type. For manufacturing organizations, the digital marketers work upon parameters leading to deliver top B2B growth podcasts.

Now, that you have a pretty clear picture of what is a podcast, let’s dig into details to understand how you can be benefited from this groundbreaking intervention.

How To Create A Successful Top B2B Marketing Podcasts?

Findings of a study conducted by Edison Research in 2014 reports that Americans spend nearly 1.7% of their time listing to audio podcasts.

Consider an example of Oldford–a young Canadian entrepreneur. He launched two podcasts in 2014, Limitless Business Podcast and Executive Minute. These podcasts quickly gained attention from masses with 41,000 downloads within a month from the launch date, having #1 hit on the Canadian iTunes business podcasts chart.

Oldford mentions that every time he interacts with someone following his podcasts, he encounters a fantastic relationship that is challenging to get through any other medium.

“Recording and sharing the conversation with people allows him to deliver value to them. It helps in turning people to winners”, he adds. His entire philosophy of success revolves around this idea that he becomes a winner by default if he can make people around him winners in business.

Podcasts provide you with an opportunity to discuss topics of your niche’s interest, and for many entrepreneurs, podcasts turn into labors of love. By combining right and plan with time and efforts, podcasts can truly take off and monetize quite well.

So, are you now well-aware of the background? It’s time to proceed with learning the steps required for creating valuable B2B podcasts this year.

1.      Start with a Mission – B2B Marketing Podcasts

While deciding the mission, it’s important to keep one thing in mind.

Plan a show that you’d want to listen to. If you’re feeling it, others will feel it too. In this regard, Oldford adds that setting a theme or planning a mission is all about building value to build your influence. This way, you can talk to people who need to interact with you.

Think wisely; you can go broad and cover a wide variety of topics or go specific and focus on your target audience only.

Either way, the more passionate and knowledgeable you are, the more fun you and your audience will have. In a way or another, top B2B marketing podcasts are proved to be most effective. These aim to share success stories and proven growth ideas with a dash of entertaining elements.

2.      Craft a Clever Name

The name acts as the face of your podcast. You should brainstorm all the possible names revolving around the mission and choose the right one.

To know which one is the most suitable, consider two things–Must grab the audience’s attention and should be according to what the show is about.

An ironic or witty title caters to the flavor and personality of the B2B podcast. For reference, you can also check out some amazing work of the B2B marketers on the Online B2B Marketplace Japan

3.      Secure Interesting Interviews

This step might be quite challenging for a B2B startup podcast, but interesting interviews with a relevant and compelling interviewee can attract maximum listeners.

To do so, tap into acquaintance and professional networks. Ask them for a favor that involves helping you to interact with a most eminent personality that’s also relevant to your niche. Securing interviews with big-name B2B professionals or start-ups can make your show a center of attention.

Try to opt for in-person interviews than those conducted over the internet. Face-to-face interview improves the audio quality and lead to a healthy discussion. It helps the interviewee to feel more comfortable and engaged and personable in the conversation.

In the end, the most recommended practice is to share the edited interview with the interviewee and ask them for feedback or suggestions. This way, the guest is also involved in the creation process. It makes them want to express everything that they’ve preferred to work on.

You get organic reaches and subscribers without getting help from paid media when influential interviewees share the podcast with their followers on different social media platforms.

4.      Script

It’s better to have a scripted document to maintain consistency and stick to the plot or theme of the interview. It doesn’t mean you can’t go off the cuff.

Improvise the conversation as you like during the interview. The script is meant to provide a general idea. During the interview, you’ll know how helpful it is to keep yourself on track, especially when your show has multiple segments.

With a well-crafted script, you can easily make transitions between segments, keeping the natural and elegant feel maintained.

5.      Highlights in the Beginning

Just like a trailer, create a montage containing the best clips of the interview and put them at the very beginning of the B2B podcasts.

It works really well to hook listeners in the first 30 seconds. Make sure the clips are not revealing the core points but making the listeners curious to listen to the podcast till the end.

6.      Take Care of High-Quality Audio

For maximizing credibility, it’s important to get featured on the noteworthy iTunes podcast list.

Getting your top B2B marketing podcast will help you get most downloads and more recognition. But, this is certainly not possible with poor quality audio.

Along with valuable and engaging content in the B2B marketing podcast, technical aspects are required to be top-notch as well as high-quality audio.

7.      Attract Sponsors

Sponsorship and affiliate links bring a great deal of revenue.

Considering Odford’s example, his podcasts focused on generating marketing leads for his digital marketing business. He said that before launching the podcast, he received three direct business deals from unfamiliar people.

Once the podcast is launched and recognized, it gets rolling with active listeners and downloads. Then podcasters look forward to monetizing the show to help it grow even more.

When your B2B podcast gains popularity among listeners, corporate sponsorships come in handy. It allows the B2B marketer to get for earning profits and bringing in more listeners.

Top B2B marketing podcasts with strong following attract sponsors to advertise their products and services. Sponsors usually ask for a small talk associated with their services, in the beginning, middle, or end of the show. The more sponsors you get better will be the earnings and promotions.

8.      Start Strong

Olford’s podcasts hit #1 on the Canadian iTunes business podcast chard just right after the launch.

According to him, a strong start is essential. You need to have a pre-planned strategy. He said that he reached out to his friends and colleagues and asked them to download the show, subscribe, share, and write reviews. This instantly created a lot of momentum upfront and helped the podcasts to hit #1 on the podcast chart.

9.      Increase your Frequency

Even after the launch, a lot of work is required to help your B2B podcast gain more recognition.

There is no in-between. Do it right or go home. Speaking of Oldford, he doubled the frequency twice a week by posting a 3-4 minute podcast nugget daily at 6 a.m. As a result, the average reaches, and the number of downloads increased immediately.

Wrap Up

You can think of podcasts as ‘Internet Radio on-demand.’ Each podcast available on the internet typically has a website where you can listen to show episodes or download them for future listening. Businesses listed on a leading Germany B2B Marketplace can benefit from such marketing.

It is easy to carry downloaded media with a portable digital media player. You can find some popular podcasts distribution points, such as iTunes, Sticher Radio, and Podcatcher. Also, these are easier to subscribe to within a single click on the subscription button.

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