How To Ensure Your Drain Remains Flowing?

Problems relating to plumbing, such as Blocked Drains Rostrevor, which also ends up in leakage, are best advised to leave in the hands of a professional. But it’s always recommended to be prepared when this problem strikes. In Australia, drains clogged or blocked are the most common problem. Therefore we should know a few ways to ensure the drains at our house remain flowing.
1) Boiling water
Pouring down boiling water into the drain is the most familiar method to get rid of any blockage caused due to food particles or oil or grease. This method helps to loosen the matter stuck in the pipes.
In the case of PVC pipes, do not pour boiling water, instead, pour warm water since boiling water ends up losing the joints in PVC pipes. This method is not applicable for removing solid blockages, but it is effective for oil, food or grease build-up.
2) Plunger
Plunger always comes to the rescue for any blockages in toilets or drains. To ensure drain flow, simply put the plunger on top and make sure to seal any overflow spouts before starting to plunge with an up and down pressure. This method is most useful in the case of solid build-ups but might not be effective in the case of oil, mineral, or grease deposits.
3) Hydro-Jet
Hydro-Jet is often an option that could be considered a solution to a clogged drain. A Hydro- Jet is a tool that forces a powerful water stream through pipes. The hydro-jet creates pressure which forces out the build-up that has resulted in Blocked Drains Rostrevor through pipes.
This will lead to the smooth flow of water once again. This technique is generally used to remove grease or oil. It might not be effective for solid build-up. This method could be done on our own, but it is always recommended to leave this sort of task in the hands of a plumber who has enough knowledge and experience to solve such problems.
4) Excavation
It might be a better option to call a plumber if the problem persists even after trying all the above-mentioned methods. The plumber might have to do a full excavation. The plumber shall be able to identify the exact problem and where the problem is occurring.
He shall excavate after locating the problem by digging out the earth around the pipe facing the issue. Later, the earth is filled back in after repairing or replacing the defective pipe with a new one. This type of work could be time-consuming and complicated. Hence, it is best to directly call a plumber instead of trying to solve the problem on your own.
Final Overview
A clogged drain always seems to occur in the worst situation. It is always better to keep the number of a plumbing company right by your side, and if you are residing in Adelaide, Fawcett Group is just one call away from you. Do not hesitate to give them a call and learn more about the services provided by the company. In any case, they will be more than happy to be at your service.