How to interest and fall in love with a girl in correspondence?

Many guys and girls prefer to meet over the Internet. Basically, guys take the initiative and write to the first girls. But even with such activity, the guy does not always manage to fall in love with the girl, or at least win over him. As a result, she does not want to go on a date with him and generally communicate. Therefore, it is necessary to try to fall in love with a girl by correspondence so that communication on the Internet smoothly flows into a date and subsequent relationship. But how can this be achieved?
5 tips to help you fall in love with your penpal girl.
1. Be different from other guys
A guy’s messages should be different from other guys that a girl might receive every day. You can get a little cocky with a girl and relaxed by correspondence. Such behavior should at least hook the girl, and as a maximum fall in love with the guy.
2. Humor
In your messages, you need to try to add at least a little humor. So that the girl can laugh and have fun communicating with you. At the same time, during communication with you, she will experience only positive emotions, which will lead to rapprochement.
3. Self-confidence
Confident men command respect from women, they like them and it is pleasant to communicate with them. Therefore, try to show the girl self-confidence so that she understands that you are serious, you can build relationships and a family with you.
4. Don’t text her too often.
If you have already struck up some kind of communication, then you do not need to write to her too often and too much. Take breaks and make her bored so she looks forward to new correspondence with you. This approach will help to conquer the girl and she will want something more than just correspondence.
5. Let her know that she is special
When communicating with a girl, let her know that she is not like everyone else. You have to tell her that other girls don’t compare to her. Communication with them did not give you so much pleasure. If a girl feels special and meaningful to you, then she will have a lot of sympathy for you and even feelings.
3 important rules for getting a pen girl interested
Online dating is a hallmark of our time. Mobility of movement is being replaced by mobility of communication and virtual communication. In the course of the development of this process, certain rituals and rules have been developed, often boring and commonplace.
1. Unique approach
All girls like interesting people, they are drawn to original men who avoid templates – including in communication and correspondence. Where does any message begin? From the appeal. You shouldn’t say “girl” – this is the most commonplace.
But the petting diminutive words “bunny”, “fish” and others are also undesirable – this is familiarity, and girls do not like this from strangers. Begin your appeal “madam”.
She will be surprised and flattered at the same time. And there are many such approaches, you just need to carefully choose your words, avoiding platitudes and vulgarity. Saying hello, we can say: it got cold today and it has been raining since morning, are you not wet? The girl will be fascinated by the care.
2. Studying interests and applying them in practice
It is enough to go over her pages in social networks to determine the circle of her interests. When it becomes clear what the girl likes, what her hobby is, you will have to spend some time to grasp the essence of the subject.
But what a surprise it will be if in the correspondence a young man says that he also once had a dog, and of the same breed, and he can tell a lot about the German Shepherd – by the way, and agree on a joint walk to the training ground.
And when it turns out that a man understands cooking and is ready to share his family recipes, this is no longer a surprise, but amazement.
The main thing is that later, at a meeting, one could prepare for the chosen one not a sandwich with doctor’s sausage, but even an omelet – but special and beautifully decorated.
By the way, on a note: during correspondence, 90% of girls tell what they are correct when it comes to nutrition. But in fact, almost everyone loves to eat deliciously.
3. Lack of obsession
The worst thing you can think of is incessant messages sent at the smallest interval. Moreover, when it comes to meaningless messages – emoticons, flowers, hearts, and so on. When a young man begins to “bomb” a girl with such posts, you can immediately put an end to any relationship.
Slightly better than endless messages “how are you?”, “What are you doing now?” etc. If she did not answer the first message, you need to take a break: it is quite possible that she is busy. And it would be nice to know that it is not a priority for girls to answer all messages – especially if there are a lot of them and they are repeated.
In order for the girl to think about you all the time:
1. Your first messages should be bold, a little cocky, and challenging.
It will help you stand out from the hundreds of other guys who are texting her.
You will hook her, arouse interest, and even if she starts to be indignant, this is better than complete indifference and ignorance.
Plus, your cocky behavior relieves her tension.
She no longer needs to pretend to be a good girl and can safely respond in the same manner.
2. A gentle message.
It can be sent after meeting, when you have found a common language.
Write her a text that will evoke warm feelings in her.
It can be a sincere compliment, a funny story, an admission that you thought about it.
Just don’t cross the line and become a sugary hypocrite, don’t overdo it.
3. Add some humor to your posts.
When communicating with you, a girl should experience only positive emotions.
Witty humor is your key to bonding and building trust.
According to the girls, a guy with a good sense of humor cannot be bad.
4. Tell her your intentions.
Be clear about your desires and expectations.
It is much easier for a girl to follow a confident man who knows what he wants than to be confused with an immature boy.
Invite her to meet in the evening and have a snack.
Say that you have already bought cinema tickets and at 6 pm you are waiting for her outside the cinema.
A strong, strong-willed man is always sexy.
5. No need to bombard her with messages.
In your quest to win the girl you like, you can overdo it, she will be afraid of your onslaught and move away.
Create a communication deficit for her so that she looks forward to your messages.
And most importantly, what you need to pay attention to is to indicate your sexual interest, and not just friendly communication.
Flirt, flirt, compliment, hint that she turns you on.
From the very first day, start creating sexual tension between you, this is a direct path to falling in love.