How to summarize: the guide

How to write a paper for me a good summary? It may seem like a no-brainer, but summarizing is not a task to be underestimated: creating a good the guide summary of a text or book is not as easy as it may seem. The summary,
is an exercise that will accompany you throughout the school years and that will also be useful in the future, perhaps at university.
Not everyone indeed has the gift of synthesis,
but it is also true that to make a good summary it is enough to follow simple rules and indications.
- WHAT IS A SUMMARY When we talk about summary, we are referring to the re-elaboration and synthesis of a larger text, in which to insert all the information that we believe to be fundamental and instead eliminate the superfluous. Writing a summary is one of the tasks that a student has to face since the beginning of his school career, in elementary school, the guide and which accompanies him throughout the cycle of studies, even at university. The reason? The summary has not only the task of testing the student’s ability to understand the text and to synthesize it, but it can offer concrete help in the study: as well as for concept maps, it allows us to report the concepts more important than what we have to memorize and imprint them in our mind in an almost indelible way.
Not everyone,
however, has the gift of synthesis,
and the students who manage to perfectly synthesize the fundamental concepts of a text are not as many as one would expect.
In this guide, we give you the tools to learn how to write a perfect summary, which helps you not only to get a good grade but which teaches you to use a really good study tool.
- HOW TO WRITE A SUMMARY: THE PRELIMINARY OPERATIONS Writing a summary means taking an original text and depriving it of its most superfluous contents, leaving only what can be considered essential. In short, it means writing practically the same things, the guide but more briefly, using about a third of the words. No, this is not something impossible or reserved only for bright minds: every student – even you! – can succeed in this “enterprise”. To do this,
- however,
- you will need to follow some practical advice,
- a kind of itinerary that will help you in writing a perfect summary:
- Read carefully the text in question
This is not a trivial and negligible passage: - carefully reading the passage that
- we must summarize is essential to achieve a good job. Do not limit yourself to a summary reading, but try to fully understand the meaning of what you are reading and, if necessary, read it again several times.
- Emphasize the most important parts of the text
As you read, you must understand what information is needed for understanding the text. To help you, - you can use the so-called English five W rule,
- which is usually used in writing a newspaper article but which can also be useful in this case. What you will have to do then while reading the text, the guide answer these questions: who (who), what (what), when (when), where (where), why (why), and underline the corresponding answers in the text.
- Divide the text into sequences
Once you have read the text, divide it into sequences, that is, - into those minimal narrative units,
- in themselves concluded and autonomous in terms of content,
- which make up the piece in its entirety.
- In the margin of the text,
- try to give a title to each sequence that summarizes its content.
- TIPS FOR MAKING A GOOD SUMMARY Once the preliminary steps are done you will be ready to write your summary. Arm yourself with paper, pen and a little patience and, above all, do not be discouraged: since it is a summary, the guide the text you will have to write should not be that long. The right amplitude is less than 1/3 of that of the starting piece, so the work you have to do won’t take you too much time, nor will it cost you too much effort.
You can also think about making a ladder, which will form the backbone of your summary. In this case,
it will be simpler than usual:
the key concepts of your lineup will be made up, roughly,
of those titles that you previously gave in the division into sequences.
At this point you can transform your lineup into a real summary, developing the various passages (not too broadly, remember that it is always a summary) and trying to give the text its consequentiality. This means that you will have to pay attention to create a speech that follows a logical thread, the guide connecting the different parts of the speech through the use of time markers (at the beginning, before, then, after, later, finally) and connectives(prepositions, conjunctions, and adverbs ) to correctly articulate the speech.
To be able to write a summary correctly, we recommend that you follow these simple rules:
- Eliminate adjectives, examples, incidents, and everything that is not strictly necessary for understanding the text
- Turn direct speeches indirectly
- Speak in the third person
- Make sentences short, not too complicated
- Use simple language, free from difficult to understand terms
- Always use the same tense throughout the summary
- Do not enter your opinion and judgment regarding the text
Once the summary is complete, all you have to do is reread it: your task will be to check that there are no spelling errors and that the speech flows smoothly, the guide with its logical sense and that no passage is missing.
Do you want more tips to make a summary with all the trimmings? Browse the vademecum below!
How To Guide Students On Their Professional Path?
Although in basic education thinking about the career that each of the students will decide to take may seem superfluous,
helping them find options and strengthen their skills from an early age
can be a way to encourage them to continue their education,
the guide prevent them from dropping out of school and commit more to the results.
This does not mean conditioning them from a young age to study something specific, but it may be useful for them to gradually identify that their tastes, interests, and abilities are related to some different professions. How to do my paper this?
Connect knowledge with the real world
Indirectly, the view that everything they do in school has a significant relationship
to the real world will help students understand that their
all of which will have the potential to be useful and paid in a professional career. If your students ever ask you what any of the subjects are for, it is also good to give examples of professionals who use that knowledge to work and contribute to the world in which we live.
Boost your interests and skills
Additionally, the guide we can include tasks with which they can discover and practice those skills or even explore their challenges, to complement what they think they can do or not do. Diversified tasks, exercises outside of notebooks or textbooks help for this.
Feel free to include topics that are close to the interests of your students
even if they are not directly related to what you are watching,
if you explore a little yourself you will see that they can
Self-awareness and exploration
their questions,
and their concerns with the certainty
These spaces have many uses, such as the creation of community or the strengthening of critical thinking, but it will also help them to get to know each other a little more and above all to ask themselves why they think how they think and where their mind could take them.
Meet the professionals
Without a doubt, nothing inspires and helps us to know the careers and jobs better than seeing them first-hand. The parents of your students can be your first guests, but you can always seek the support of friends, acquaintances, or other teachers, the guide the point is that you bring professionals from different fields to your classroom to talk to them about their work, what what are their interests, their passions, and the skills that help them in their daily work. It is not only important to talk about your profession, but about your daily life and your interests so that we do not forget the people behind any job. This will undoubtedly help your students to feel closer to the professions. Do not forget therefore to look for variety in your guests, do not limit yourself to the most obvious races.
All this is not only about taking your students on an academic path or conditioning their interests to a career from an early age, but it can be useful to strengthen, empower and interest them in everything that happens in school, as well as in get better results to set and achieve goals. Share with us if you have ever done an activity aimed at this!
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